4 research outputs found

    Job Satisfaction on Nursing Staff at Hospital: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: summarizes the empirical research on job satisfaction on the nurse with the aim of improving the quality of health services. Method: review the article with a systematic review method that uses PICO method-based article search from four international databases reporting on nurses' job satisfaction. Result: from the search got 15 articles covering about nurse, job satisfaction, and quality of health service. Discussion: nursing work satisfaction can be influenced by work environment, organizational support, working conditions, work engagement, empowerment and commitment. Conclusions: this study provides a broad overview of job satisfaction on nurses focused on nurses working in hospitals


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    Background: Conditions of anxiety and other psychological problems was found in nursing students. Anxiety and stress were received during academic process and professional education, such as stress due to academic load, the demands of clinical experience and other personal issues. Various kinds of interventions are recommended to reduce anxiety in nursing student, but has not been found the appropriate intervention which can be applied to all nursing education settings, neither clinical education nor profession. Purposes: These sistematic review is determined, described and analyzed the previous studies in intervention to reduce anxiety for nursing students. Method: A systematic review was conducted using the PICO searching method. Research articles published were restricted to 2011-2017 and identified from the following database: Sage, Google Scholar, Proquest and Science Direct. Results: Article search obtained 15 articles: 6 articles about mindfullness-based intervention reduction on anxiety. 1 article mentions that anxiety can not be lowered with hatha yoga meditation, while 5 other articles mentions that mindfullness-based stress reduction on anxiety is more effective for decreasing anxiety. Conclusion: interventions that were found effective related to mindfullness-based stress reduction. Those are meditation, hypnosis and others. Meditation is conducted together with internal reinforcement by words repeatedly. Keywords: Anxiety, Nursing Students, Systematic Review

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di RSUD Mataram: Penelitian Case Control

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    The birth weight is the most determinant of the chances of the newborn to survive and experience normal growth and development. Low-birth-weight (LBW) could give a negative effect for the quality of the baby’s life. LBW may be caused by maternal factors, placental factors, fetal factors, and environmental factors. The objective of this study was to analyze factors correlated with the presence of LBW babies in Mataram Hospital. This study used case control design. The population was all mothers in Mataram Hospital who has delivery a baby at January-April 2008. Samples consisted of 50 LBW babies as case group and 50 babies with normal weight birth as control group. The independent variable were mother age, mother’s hemoglobin values at last trimester, maternal disease, parity, the previous pregnancy, and altitude. The dependent variable was LBW babies. Data were collected from the medical record of the mother and analyzed using chi-square test with level significant of p≤0.05. The result showed that mother age, parity, the previous pregnancy, and altitude have no correlation with the presence of LBW babies with significance level p=1.000, p=0.537, p=0.703, and p=0.674. And there were correlation between mother’s hemoglobin values at last trimester (p=0.000, OR=9.796), and maternal disease with the presence of LBW babies (p=0.020, OR=10.756). This study conclude LBW has relations with pregnant women who has hemoglobin values <11g% (anemia) especially at last trimester, and pregnant women who has medical disease. Therefore, it is necessary to have control the hemoglobin values during pregnancy and take the tablets of Fe during pregnancy

    Efektivitas Intervensi Pengurangan Tingkat Stres dengan Pendekatan Mindfulness terhadap Burnout Syndrome pada Perawat di Rumah Sakit

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    Pendahuluan: Perawat merupakan populasi yang rentan mengalami stres dan burnout. Penyebab stres pada perawat sebagian besar berasal dari pekerjaan yang terkait dengan profesi perawat, antara lain jam kerja yang panjang, menghadapi rasa sakit, kehilangan dan perasaan menderita dari pasien, merawat pasien yang sekarat dan memberikan dukungan kepada keluarga pasien. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa bukti penelitian dalam bentuk artikel yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas intervensi pengurangan tingkat stress dengan pendekatan mindfulness terhadap burnout syndrome pada perawat di rumah sakit. Metode: Pencarian literatur yang digunakan pada systematic review ini dilakukan pada Januari 2021 menggunakan lima database internasional (Scopus, Science Direct, CINAHL, PubMed, and ProQuest) dan satu database nasional (Garuda). Literatur yang digunakan merupakan artikel penelitian cross-sectional, quasi-experimental and randomized control and trial design. The Center for Review and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline digunakan untuk menganalisa kualitas artikel yang digunakan dan PRISMA checklist sebagai panduan untuk mengevaluasi artikel yang digunakan. Judul, abstrak, teks lengkap dan metodologi dinilai untuk kelayakan studi, dan sintesis hasil dianalisis menggunakan naratif untuk setiap tema. Hasil: Penilaian resiko bias dilakukan untuk menentukan arikel yang digunakan. Ditemukan dua puluh lima artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dalam systematic review ini. Penyajian hasil ditentukan berdasarkan tujuh tema besar, yaitu: 1) Menurunkan gejala stres, cemas, depresi dan burnout; 2) Meningkatkan resiliensi terhadap stress dan burnout; 3) Meningkatkan suasana hati dan kepuasan ; 4) Meningkatkan efisiensi kinerja; 5) Meningkatkan persepsi positif pada stress; 6) Meningkatkan konsentrasi; dan 7) Meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis perawat. Kesimpulan: Efektifitas mindfulness adalah menurunkan gejala stress, depresi, burnout syndrome, meningkatkan konsentrasi, pemikiran positif, resiliensi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis. Penerapan intervensi yang diberikan tergantung kondisi dari individu yang akan menerima intervensi