35 research outputs found
Reasonable potential for GHG savings by anaerobic biomethane in Germany and UK derived from economic and ecological analyses
This study introduces a new approach to estimate biomethane market potential by analysing biogas markets and their relative environmental and economic advantages. This potential is then combined with greenhouse gas emission values for different feedstock shares (farm-fed and waste-fed systems) and different application share to determine the possible contribution of biomethane to national greenhouse gas emission saving goals. Markets that are considered are Germany and the UK being the biggest emitters of CO2eq in the European Union. The current use was compared with the scenarios (i) market projection, derived from literature study and (ii) reasonable potential, derived from environmental and economic calculations. The current market status is presented to show the past market development until the present date and associated greenhouse gas savings. Additionally the potential of biomethane to contribute to greenhouse gas emission savings is extensively described. Results indicate that the share of application in Germany is more environmental beneficial than the one in the UK achieving higher greenhouse gas savings at comparable feed-in level. In contrast, the UK has a higher share of waste-fed systems to produce biomethane. The use of biomethane in CHP plants achieves the highest GHG emission savings and if organic waste is used as feedstock the possible savings are even higher. With an increase of biomethane used in CHP plants and a decrease of biomethane used for direct heating the savings in the UK could increase up to 52%. Current savings of 2446 kt CO2eq (Germany) and 606 kt CO2eq (UK) can be extended to 4483 kt CO2eq (Germany) and 1443 kt CO2eq (UK) respectively. Scenario results were determined based on the environmental and economic advantageousness development of the existing biogas market. In this way positive future market development as well as improved shares of feedstock and application can contribute to further greenhouse gas emission savings of Germany and the UK
Renewable Cooling in Buildings
The study takes up the challenge of the comprehensive question of sustainable cooling. It describes the situation given in the specific context of Vietnam as a dynamic environment in which there are plenty of opportunities for a transition to renewable energies: While solar power (PV) and wind have widespread potential to green energy-sourcing, challenges remain in the transmission and distribution of energy. The urban context poses additional challenges: Specific effects of cities such as urban heat islands and radiation, air pollution, as well as sealing of surfaces increase the need for cooling. Meanwhile, many modern buildings are not suited to decrease the need for cooling and high levels of pollution make it hard for citizens to make use of âfree coolingâ. This already difficult starting position can create a negative momentum of its own: Poor thermal performance of buildings increases the need for active cooling, which at the same time ensures worse initial conditions if, for example, the electricity for air conditioning systems is generated from fossil fuels
Gesund Wohnen durch richtiges Lueften und Heizen
Available from: dena, Berlin (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Modernisierungsratgeber Energie - Kosten sparen - Wohnwert steigern - Umwelt schonen Zukunft Haus: Energie sparen. Wert gewinnen
You are thinking of modernising your house and have a lot of questions? About what building measures to give priority? What technologies and materials to use? How to find a suitable craftsman or architect? What work you can as a DIY person? Where to obtain promotion funds for energy saving measures or innovative solar energy systems? For each of these questions the Energy Modernisation Guide has an answer. It provides you with detailed information and practical hints on everything concerning the modernisation of your house. We explain to you step by step what to look out for most - from planning to soliciting offers down to final acceptance. You will also learn what technical options there are for saving energy and how you can help to protect the climate and your own purse at the same time. We will advise on what work you can do yourself and what things are better left to a trained craftsperson. Last not least, we will provide you with detailed information on the many attractive promotional funds available for the energy refurbishment of buildings.Sie moechten Ihr Haus modernisieren und haben wahrscheinlich viele Fragen: Welche Baumassnahmen muessen vordringlich durchgefuehrt werden? Welche Technik und welche Materiallen sollen verwendet werden? Wie finde ich geeignete Handwerker und Architekten? Welche Arbelten kann ich als <<Heimwerker>> durchfuehren? Und von wem bekomme ich Foerdermittel fuer Energiesparmassnahmen oder innovative Solaranlagen? Auf all diese Fragen gibt Ihnen der Modernisierungsratgeber Energie Antwort. Er bietet Ihnen ausfuehrliche Informationen und praktische Hilfestellungen wenn es um dle Modernisierung Ihres Hauses geht. Wir erlaeutern Ihnen Schritt fuer Schritt, worauf Sie besonders achten muessen - von der Planung ueber die Einholung von Angeboten bis zur Abnahme. Zudem erfahren Sie, welche technischen Moeglichkeiten es gibt, Energie einzusparen und wie Sie so das Klima schuetzen und Ihren Geldbeutel schonen koennen. Wir geben Ihnen Tipps, welche Arbeiten Sie selber durchfuehren koennen und welche Sie besser dem Fachhandwerker ueberlassen sollten. Und nicht zuletzt informieren wir ausfuehrlich ueber die zahlreichen attraktiven Foerdermoeglichkeiten fuer energetische Gebaeudeerneuerung. (orig.)Available from: http://deutsche-energie-agentur.de/page/fileadmin/waermewert/dokumente/SanRat_32 _LR.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman