4 research outputs found

    "Emergent förÀndring" : (En undersökning av potentialen i digital design inomrenovering och projektutveckling)

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    ABSTRACT (DESIGN HYPOTHESIS AND COLLABORATION OBJECTIVES) This research proposes the renovation of a case study project - a cluster of residential buildings in Södermalm, Stockholm - based on the integration of energy simulation and climate engineering to introduce the idea of adaptive resuse[MJ1] . The focus has been on solar analysis and daylight utilization with the goal to improve both the living quality of the interior and solar harvesting on the exterior for an optimal generation utilization of energy. The research, therefore, has been conducted in collaboration between students of architecture and energy engineering, and Teknikmarknad, a practice-oriented entity at KTH, for support regarding technical issues. Stockholmshem, the property owner, has also been directly involved for specific information on the future plans and proposals. Another informative collaborator has been the Critical Design Studio at the school, who has conducted a thorough research on the social aspects of the neighborhood and conducted many interviews with the residents on the new proposal plans of the change and how they see it. This investigation has also enabled the possibility of further investment and research on a smart envelope; envisioning a kinetic design, solar tracking system, for a higher efficiency in solar gains and a sustainable approach to indoor climatic conditions.  The envelope design has been tested through analyzing tools and energy calculations, prototyping and scaled-models. A key aspect in the project has been the evaluation of an interdisciplinary approach from the early stages of the design to envision and formulate a design strategy that clarifies the technical aspects and design opportunities on both ends which could be transferable to similar developments and future practice.Den hÀr undersökningen ger ett förslag till en renovering i en fallstudie, ett bostadskomplex pÄ Södermalm i Stockholm, baserad pÄ integrering av energisimulering och klimatteknik för att introducera idén om ett anpassat Äterbruk. Fokus har legat pÄ solanalyser och ÄteranvÀndandet av dagsljus för att förbÀttra inomhusmiljön och soltillgÄngen utomhus för en optimal alstring och utnyttjande av energi. Undersökningen har dÀrför utförts i samarbete med arkitektstudenter och energiingenjörsstudenter samt Teknikmarknad, en praktikerorienterad avdelning pÄ KTH, för stöd gÀllande tekniska frÄgor. Stockholmshem, Àgaren av bostadskomplexet, har ocksÄ varit direkt inblandad med specifik information om framtida planer och förslag. En annan informativ samarbetspartner har varit Critical Design Studio pÄ arkitekturskolan som har genomfört en gedigen undersökning av de sociala aspekterna i omrÄdet, samt gjort mÄnga intervjuer med de boende om de nya planerna och hur de ser pÄ detta. Denna undersökning har ocksÄ skapat möjligheter för vidare investering och forskning av en smart fasadlösning av ett variabelt solspÄrsystem för en bÀttre effektivitet av solförtjÀnster och ett hÄllbart tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för inomhusmiljön. Fasadösningen har testats genom analysverktyg och energiutrÀkningar, prototyper och skalmodeller. En nyckelaspekt i projektet har varit utvÀrderingen av ett tvÀrvetenskapligt förhÄllningssÀtt frÄn ett tidigt stadie av designen till förslag och formulering av en designstrategi som klargör de tekniska aspekterna och designmöjligheterna, vilket kan överföras till liknande bebyggelse och framtida anvÀndning

    Inhabiting the architectural envelope : a design-based research on redefining the climatic and atmospheric performances of architectural envelope

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    Contemporary facades commonly emphasize the separation of architecture from its local context by positioning them as support zones for various optimization demands or technical requirements. This dissertation rethinks the position of the façade as an inhabitable in-between space; a threshold that can be experienced; redefining it as the building envelope. The context-specific spatial potentials and qualities of the building envelope is thus discussed as a dynamic interface between the building, the climate, and the inhabitant. By providing an overview of the primary concepts and theories on of the building envelopes, overlooked atmospheric potentials and characteristics, and proposing a potential design approach, the research offers a comprehensive understanding of building envelopes that links the architectural thinking to its practice. The research’s taxonomy of envelopes and the mapping of specific concepts contributes to the field of research on location-specific buildings by facilitating the identification of various design problems and how they can be approached

    Envelopes and exteriority: Local specificity and extended exterior as design criteria for architectural envelopes

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    This article discusses the relationship of architecture to its surrounding environment. The objective of the article is i) to reposition the relationship of architecture and its surrounding exterior by expanding the understanding of architectural envelopes, and ii) to systematically define exterior space as design input. The notion of the envelope encompasses a spatial recognition defined by interactions between interior and exterior environments that affects an inhabitant’s experience of architectural space. This research is organised in three sections: a) a literature review to systematically examine the terminologies of this research, b) selected case studies that consider exteriority as a design criterion, and c) research through design inquiry to combine a systematic approach with design thinking. The study applies both conceptual and method-oriented approaches to develop an integrated design approach focused on the climatic and atmospheric performances of architectural envelopes