37 research outputs found

    Selection of phytotoxin producing rhizobacteria

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    In order to select phytotoxin producing rhizobacteria to control weed plants, twenty five bacterial strains previously isolated from the rhizospheres of various plants were grown in a liquid medium and, after cell removal by centrifugation, the liquid phases were freeze-dried and the products were extracted with ethyl acetate/methanol. The extracts were concentrated to dryness under vacuum and dissolved in water and sucrose solution to be submitted to in vitro assays of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed germination and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) coleoptile growth. Although most samples affected coleoptile growth, only those from four strains reduced lettuce seed germination. Two strains of Bacillus cereus, one strain of B. pumilus and one of Stenotrophoonas altophilia were the most promising microorganisms for producing phytotoxin and, consequently, for the development of new weed control products.Com o objetivo de selecionar rizobactérias produtoras de fitotoxinas para uso no controle de plantas daninhas, vinte e cinco isolados bacterianos previamente obtidos das rizosferas de diferentes plantas foram cultivados em meio líquido e, após remoção das células por centrifugação, as fases líquidas foram liofilizadas e os resíduos obtidos foram submetidos à extração com acetato de etila/metanol. Os extratos foram concentrados sob vácuo até secura e dissolvidos em água e solução de sacarose para serem submetidos a testes in vitro de germinação de sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) e de crescimento de coleóptilos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.). Embora a maior parte das amostras tenha desfavorecido o crescimento dos coleóptilos de trigo, somente as provenientes de quatro isolados reduziram a germinação das sementes de alface. Dois isolados de Bacillus cereus, um isolado de B. pumilus e um de Stenotrophomonas maltophilia foram os microrganismos mais promissores para a produção de fitotoxinas, com possibilidade de uso no desenvolvimento de novos produtos para o controle de plantas daninhas

    Efficient And Expeditious Protocols For The Synthesis Of Racemic And Enantiomerically Pure Endocyclic Enecarbamates From N-acyl Lactams And N-acyl Pyrrolidines.

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    A mild, practical, and straightforward protocol for the construction of endocyclic enecarbamates starting from N-acyl lactams and N-acyl pyrrolidines is presented. Lactams were reduced to the corresponding alpha-hydroxycarbamates in good to excellent yields using DIBAL-H, SuperHydride, or NaBH(4) followed by beta-elimination (dehydration) promoted by trifluoroacetic anhydride in the presence of hindered nitrogenated bases such as 2,6-lutidine, diisopropylethylamine, or triethylamine. Small variations of this protocol permitted the preparation of several endocyclic enecarbamates (12 examples) in good to excellent overall yields (56-96%). The protocol was demonstrated to be applicable to several ring sizes, compatible with different protecting groups, and to be mild enough to prevent racemization of racemization-prone stereocenters. The efficacy of the procedure in the preparation of enantiomerically pure endocyclic enecarbamates was also demonstrated and compared to the commonly used Shono's protocol, which in our hands led to partial racemization of the endocyclic enecarbamate 18c.646646-665

    One‐pot synthesis of anilides, herbicidal activity and molecular docking study

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    In the context of the demand for more efficient herbicides, the aim of the present work was to synthesize anilides via simple methods, and evaluate their herbicidal activities through seed germination assays. In silico studies were carried out to identify the enzyme target sites in plants for the most active anilides. A total of 18 anilides were prepared via one‐pot reaction in yields that varied from 36 to 98% through reactions of anilines with sorbic chloride and hexanoic anhydride. According to seed germination assays in three dicotyledonous and one monocotyledonous plant species, the most active anilides showed root and shoot growth inhibition superior to that of Dual (S‐metolachlor). In silico studies indicated that histone deacetylase was the probable enzyme target site in plants for these substances. The affinities of the most active anilides for the binding sites of this enzyme were equal to or higher than those calculated for its inhibitors. Anilides 4d, 4e, 4 g, and 4 h are promising candidates for the development of novel herbicides. According to in silico studies, they inhibit histone deacetylase in plants, which can be exploited for the development of new weed control methods. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industr


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    To contribute to the development of new products to control the coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella), which is a major pest for coffee plants, this work aimed to select plant species able to produce substances active against this insect and to identify the active substances in the selected plant and their protein targets in the insect. Among the extracts of nineteen plant species, only that from leaves of Merremia tomentosa (Choisy) Hall. f. (Convolvulaceae) reduced the oviposition of L. coffeella on leaves of coffee plants. This extract was submitted to successive fractionation steps to achieve the isolation and identification of two active substances, ursolic acid (UA) and cis-tiliroside (CT). An in silico study showed that UA inhibits glycogen phosphorylases (GP) by binding to their allosteric site, while CT probably inhibits xanthine dehydrogenases (XT). As both GP and XT appear to be essential enzymes for insects, these results suggest that, during evolution, L. coffeella learned to identify plants producing inhibitors of these enzymes to avoid oviposition on such plants. Thus, both UA and CT have potential to be used as lead compounds in the development of new products for the control of the coffee leaf miner

    Rhizobacteria able to produce phytotoxic metabolites Rizobactérias produtoras de substâncias fitotóxicas

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    To contribute for the development of environmental friendly methods for weed control, a selection of rhizobacteria able to produce phytotoxic substances was carried out. Initially, 35 strains previously isolated from plants in the south of Minas Gerais State (Brazil) were grown in tryptic soy broth. After removal of bacterial cells, the resulting liquids were freeze-dried and extracted with methanol/ethyl acetate (1:1). The extracts were concentrated under vacuum and dissolved in water to be submitted to a lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed assay. Metabolites produced by five strains reduced the number of normal seedlings to values statistically bellow the one observed for the negative control, being the most expressive results obtained with Bacillus cereus Frankland and Frankland, isolated from Ricinus communis L., which was able to cause rotted rootlets to 82.4% of seedlings. The bacterium metabolites also avoided germination of 52% Brachiaria decumbens Stapf seeds and the remaining 48% resulted in abnormal seedlings. Metabolites from B. cereus were submitted to a purification process guided by the lettuce seed assay. As a consequence, one substance causing rotted rootlets to all lettuce seedlings during the seed assay at 0.057 g/L was isolated and will be identified in future studies.<br>Com vistas a contribuir para o desenvolvimento de métodos não agressivos ao meio ambiente, para o controle de plantas invasoras, buscou-se selecionar rizobactérias produtoras de substâncias fitotóxicas. Inicialmente, 35 culturas previamente isoladas de plantas da região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil) foram cultivadas em caldo soja tripticaseína. Após remoção das células bacterianas, os líquidos resultantes foram liofilizados e extraídos com metanol/acetato de etila (1:1). Os extratos foram concentrados sob vácuo e submetidos a testes com sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.). Os metabólitos produzidos por cinco isolados bacterianos reduziram o número de plântulas normais para valores estatisticamente inferiores aos observados para o controle negativo, sendo os mais expressivos resultados obtidos com Bacillus cereus Frankland and Frankland, isolado de Ricinus communis L., que causou necroses nas radículas de 82,4% das plântulas. Os metabólitos dessa bactéria também impediram a germinação de 52% das sementes de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf e fizeram com que as 48% restantes dessem origem a plântulas anormais. Os metabólitos de B. cereus foram submetidos a processos de purificação direcionados por testes com sementes de alface. Em decorrência, isolou-se uma substância, que será identificada em estudos futuros. Na concentração de 0,057 g/L, causou necrose nas radículas de todas as plântulas de alface provenientes do teste com sementes