9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggilingan Terhadap Penetrasi Cream Asiklovir

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh penggilingan pada asiklovir terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan penetrasi dari cream asiklovir. Penggilingan asiklovir menggunakan alat ball mill dengan variasi lama penggilingan 1, 3 dan 6 jam. Asiklovir kemudian diformulasikan menjadi cream dan dilakukan evaluasi sifat fisikokimia dan penetrasinya. Sebagai pembanding digunakan basis cream tanpa zat aktif dan cream asiklovir yang sudah beredar. Uji pelepasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan sel difusi Franz jenis horizontal dan kadar asiklovir yang terpenetrasi diukur menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan panjang gelombang serapan maksimum 254 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sediaan cream yang dihasilkan homogen, dengan pH antara 7-7,5, type cream M/A, Sediaan cream mudah tercuci dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi. Proses penggilingan 1 dan 3 jam menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan ukuran partikel sehingga meningkatkan jumlah asiklovir yang terpenetrasi, sedangkan penggilingan 6 jam menyebabkan terbentuknya agregat dengan ukuran partikel lebih besar, sehingga menyebabkan jumlah asiklovir yang terpenetrasi lebih rendah dibandingkan cream asiklovir tanpa penggilingan. Proses penggilingan terhadap asiklovir tidak mempengaruhi sifat dari cream tapi semakin lama proses penggilingan menyebabkan penurunan jumlah zat yang terpenetras

    Mikroenkapsulasi Metformin Hidroklorida dengan Penyalut Etilsellulosa Menggunakan Metoda Penguapan Pelarut

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    Metformin hydrochloride is a biguanide class of oral antidiabetic drugs that have a half-life 1.5 to 3 hours, and it administration was repeated. In order to support the treatment of diabetic disease, metformin hydrochloride was made into microcapsules as a maintenance dose using solvent evaporation method using ethyl cellulose as a coated. The comparison between metformin hydrochloride and ethyl cellulose were 1: 0.75; 1: 1 and 1: 1.25. Microencapsulation evaluated by microscopic photograph, assay and dissolution test. At the microscopic picture shows metformin hydrochloride veiled by a layer of ethyl cellulose. The amount of metformin hydrochloride in F1 is 20.73%, 15.40% at FII and FIII is 10.11%. The biggest drug release inhibiton was achieved in formula 3 (1; 1.25) with dissolution efficiency was 0.170

    Solid dispersion of usnic acid prepared by a freeze drying technique using poloxamer 188 as the polymer

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kelarutan dari asam usnat yang memiliki kelarutan rendah di dalam air dengan menggunakan metode solid dispersi. Metode solid dispersi yang digunakan adalah teknik freeze drying dengan menggunakan poloxamer 188 sebagai polimer. Karakteristik dispersi padat yang terbentuk dilakukan dengan analisis difraksi sinar-X (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Lebih lanjut, penetapan kadar, uji kelarutan dan profil disolusi dilakukan dengan menggunakan asam usnat murni dan campuran fisik sebagai pembanding. Dari hasil XRD dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa asam usnat terdispersi dalam poloxamer dalam bentuk amorf.  Hasil FTIR menunjukkan asam usnat membentuk ikatan hidrogen dengan poloxamer 188. Hasil uji kelarutan menunjukkan kelarutan dispersi padat 1:1; 1:2; 2:1 (5,80 µg/ml; 6,94 µg/ml; 4,88 µg/ml) lebih tinggi dibandingkan campuran fisik 1:1 (0,39 µg/ml) dan asam usnat murni memiliki kelarutan yang paling rendah (0,34 µg/ml). Kesimpulannya dispersi padat dengan menggunakan poloxamer 188 dengan menggunakan teknik freeze drying dapat meningkatkan kelarutan dari asam usnat.This study aimed to improve the solution of usnic acid, a poorly soluble drug using solid dispersions (SDs). The SDs were prepared by a freeze-drying technique with poloxamer 188 as a polymer. The physicochemical properties of the SDs were characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),. In addition, drug content, solution test and dissolution profile  was evaluated by using usnic acid (pure drug) and physical mixture as a reference. The results from  XRD and SEM showed that usnic acid was molecularly dispersed in the SDs as an amorphous form. The FT-IR results suggested that intermolecular hydrogen bonding had formed between usnic acid and its carriers. The result of solubility test showed that solubility of solid dispersions 1:1; 1:2; 2:1 (5.80 µg/ml; 6.94 µg/ml ; 4.88 µg/ml) were higher than the physical mixture 1:1 ( 0.39 µg/mL) and pure asam usnat have the lowest solubility (0.34 µg/mL). In conclusion, SDs prepared by a freeze-drying technique used poloxamer as a polymer can be used to enhance solubility of usnic aci

    Honey gel and film for burn wound

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    Honey has been used to treat infected wounds since ancient times. Antibacterial properties of honey are derived from the high sugar content which inhibits bacteria. The natural acidity of honey will inhibit many pathogens. Honey also containing glucose oxidase enzyme that produced hydrogen peroxide when diluted. But honey is still used directly to treat the wound. In this study, we try to formulate the honey to form gel and film. Polymers used are natrium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC), Aqupec 505 HV, hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), gelatine and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Selected polymer was formulated into honey film. Polymers should be combined with plasticizer to improve their properties. Plasticizers studied are polyethylene glycol 400, glycerin and propylene glycol. Evaluations for gel including general appearance, homogeneity, pH and spreadability test, washed test and skin irritation test. Film evaluations are thickness, tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus and water vapour permeability. Based on general appearance and physical properties of gel and film, formula that used PVA as polymer and glycerin as plasticizer is the best formula in this study

    Solubilization of Parasetamol With Ryoto® Sugar Ester and Propylenglikol

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    Parasetamol merupakan obat yang agak sukar larut dalam air. Absorbsi obat sukar larut atau agak sukar larut dalam air dipengaruhi oleh laju pelarutan. Solubilisasi merupakan alternatif untuk meningkatkan kelarutan obat dalam air dengan penambahan surfaktan. Penambahan surfaktan Ryoto® sugar ester dan kosolven propilen glikol dilakukan untuk menentukan konsentrasi Ryoto® sugar ester dan prolilen glikol yang dapat meningkatan kelarutan dan stabilitas sediaan. Solubilisasi parasetamol dengan penambahan Ryoto®  sugar ester tanpa propilen glikol dan kombinasi penambahan Ryoto® sugar ester dan propilen glikol pada konsentrasi dibawah titik CMC (Critical Micell Concentration), pada titik CMC, dan diatas titik CMC berturut-turut adalah 0,005 mg/ml, 0,006 mg/ml, dan 0,007 mg/ml dengan 10% propilen glikol. Kelarutan parasetamol tertinggi dicapai pada formula 7 dengan kombinasi penambahan Ryoto® sugar ester (0,007 mg/ml) dan propilen glikol (10%) yaitu dengan persentase perolehan kembali 99,6 %, serta pada kombinasi ini juga diperoleh stabilitas sediaan yang paling bagus yaitu tidak terjadinya perubahan warna pada sediaan selama penyimpanan pada suhu kamar dan ditempat yang terlindung dari cahaya matahari langsung selama satu bulan. Penambahan surfaktan Ryoto® sugar ester dan propilen glikol dapat meningkatkan kelarutan dan stabilitas sediaan solubilisasi parasetamol.Paracetamol was an active ingredient, which is poorly soluble in water. Absorption of poorly soluble or slightly soluble in water is influenced by the rate of dissolution. Solubilization is an alternative to improve drug solubility in water with the addition of surfactant. The addition of Ryoto® sugar ester surfactant and propylene glycol cosolvent conducted to determine the concentration of Ryoto® sugar ester and prophylene glycol that increase the solubility and stability of the dosage form. Solubilization of Paracetamol with the addition of Ryoto® sugar ester without propylene glycol and combinations Ryoto® sugar ester and propylene glycol at a concentration below the CMC point (Critical Micell Concentration), at the point of CMC, and above the CMC points in a row is 0.005 mg/ml, 0.006 mg/ml, and 0.007 mg/ml with 10% propylene glycol. The highest solubility of Paracetamol achieved in the formula 7 with a combination of the addition Ryoto® sugar ester (0.007 mg/ml) and propylene glycol (10%) by the recovery percentage of 99.6%, and the combination is also obtained the best preparation stability which is not occur the color change in the preparations during storage at room temperature and place protected from direct sunlight for a month. The addition of Ryoto® sugar ester surfactant and propylene glycol increase the solubility and stability of the solubilization of Paracetamol preparations


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    Objective: A simple, straightforward, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) with a fluorescence detector method was developed and validated to determine xanthorrhizol in rat plasma. This method was successfully applied to an oral pharmacokinetic study. Methods: Xanthorrhizol was separated using a C18 column in an isocratic mode using a mobile phase of acetonitrile: water (85:15 v/v) at a 0.4 ml/min flow rate. The fluorescence detector was set at 230 nm excitation and 320 nm emission wavelengths. The method was then applied in the pharmacokinetic study involving 12 Sprague-Dawley rats. Results: The developed bioanalytical methods were found to be linear in the range of 0.078–5 mg/ml with a correlation coefficient of r2=0.999. The percentage recovery of xanthorrhizol was more than 95%, and the relative standard deviation was less than 2. These results indicate that the method is accurate and precise. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of the technique were 0.123 µg/ml and 0.373 µg/ml, respectively. Furthermore, the stability studies demonstrated that xanthorrhizol is stable under various analytical conditions. The pharmacokinetic study revealed that the area under the curve (AUC) was 27.23±19.65 (µg. h/ml), the half-life (t 1/2) was 7.71±2.89 h, the mean residence time (MRT) was 13.86±4.06 h while the maximum concentration (Cmax) was 1.58±0.62 µg/ml, and the time to reach the maximum concentration (Tmax) was 1.33±0.20 h. Conclusion: The developed bioanalytical method was reliable and successfully met all validation criteria, making it a robust choice for quantifying xanthorrhizol. Therefore, it may be effectively utilized to determine xanthorrhizol in rat plasma following a pharmacokinetic study