1,467 research outputs found

    La Combinazione dolo-colpa nella preterintenzione: contro il regresso al <i>dolus indirectus</i>

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    The combination malice-negligence with reference to different elements of the same type of offence represents a framework which is becoming more frequent in the Italian criminal justice system. This combination should be valid also in the interpretation of unpremeditated offences, where the recent jurisprudence, differently, enhances a form of liability which is very close to dolus indirectus theorized by Carpzov and which covered the consequences usually deriving from a specific action. Affirming that in the malice of blows and injuries there is always the risk for the more serious event means to render unnoticeable the unpremeditation from dolus eventualis and accept an hidden objective liability. The principle of culpability imposes the scrutiny of a real negligence, even if it is discussed if it is realised in the same way in which it comes from licit activities. La combinazione dolo-colpa con riferimento a elementi diversi della stessa fattispecie rappresenta uno schema che si sta sempre più affermando nel sistema penale italiano. Tale combinazione deve valere in via interpretativa anche per la preterintenzione, dove invece la recente giurisprudenza valorizza una forma di imputazione che si avvicina al dolus indirectus teorizzato da Carpzov e che copriva le conseguenze che derivano abitualmente da una determinata azione. Affermare che nel dolo di percosse e lesioni sta sempre il rischio per l'evento più grave significa rendere indistinguibile la preterintenzione dal dolo eventuale e accettare una responsabilità oggettiva occulta. Il principio di colpevolezza impone invece l'accertamento di una vera colpa, anche se è discusso se essa si concretizzi nello stesso modo in cui scaturisce da attività lecite

    Alle origini del concetto di dolo: dall'etica di Aristotele al diritto penale romano

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    Lo studio delle origini del dolo è tema di indagine intersettoriale. Innanzitutto coinvolge non solo il diritto penale sostanziale ma anche quello processuale. Il dolo poi non è mai descritto in una formula legislativa generale e astratta ma è concetto etico che trova espressione sostanziale e processuale nella punizione dei delitti di sangue. In quanto concetto etico, lo studio delle origini del dolo non può procedere disgiunto dalla considerazione filosofica. Unica forma di responsabilità  colpevole, il dolo coincide con la forma tipica dell'agire umano, la volontarietà  cioè della condotta. L'identificazione del male, storicamente precaria, è in origine semplice. Il male è rappresentato dalle aggressioni alla persona e al patrimonio e pertanto etica, religione e diritto penale non hanno problemi di convivenza, ma anzi coincidono. Nel guardare con gli occhi di oggi all'elemento soggettivo e in particolare al dolo nelle civiltà  greca e romana, è necessario tenere presente che la natura delle fonti, spesso non giuridiche ma letterarie, e la mancanza di una disciplina generale e astratta delle forme dell'atteggiamento psicologico, rendono possibile la ricerca di modi di sentire piuttosto che di compiuti concetti. Punto di estrapolazione di questi modi di sentire è solitamente la repressione dell'omicidio e in genere dei delitti di sangue, innanzitutto perché generalmente perseguiti e poi perché soprattutto con riferimento a questi rilevava l'esistenza, la diversità  e la intensità  dell'atteggiamento psicologico. Lo schema classico di studio del dolo - struttura, oggetto e accertamento - è frutto della scienza penalistica moderna, così come la ricchezza di contenuti di ogni singola fase di studio

    Keeping Internet Pirates At Bay: Ransomware Negotiation In The Healthcare Industry

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    The law plays a significant role in all negotiations, regardless of the contex

    “Optical Patch-clamping”: Single-channel Recording by Imaging Ca2+ Flux through Individual Muscle Acetylcholine Receptor Channels

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    We describe an optical technique using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy to obtain simultaneous and independent recordings from numerous ion channels via imaging of single-channel Ca2+ flux. Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors made up of αβγδ subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and single channel Ca2+ fluorescence transients (SCCaFTs) were imaged using a fast (500 fps) electron-multiplied c.c.d. camera with fluo-4 as the indicator. Consistent with their arising through openings of individual nicotinic channels, SCCaFTs were seen only when a nicotinic agonist was present in the bathing solution, were blocked by curare, and increased in frequency as roughly the second power of [ACh]. Their fluorescence amplitudes varied linearly with membrane potential and extrapolated to zero at about +60 mV. The rise and fall times of fluorescence were as fast as 2 ms, providing a kinetic resolution adequate to characterize channel gating kinetics; which showed mean open times of 7.9 and 15.8 ms when activated, respectively, by ACh or suberyldicholine. Simultaneous records were obtained from >400 channels in the imaging field, and we devised a novel “channel chip” representation to depict the resultant large dataset as a single image. The positions of SCCaFTs remained fixed (<100 nm displacement) over tens of seconds, indicating that the nicotinic receptor/channels are anchored in the oocyte membrane; and the spatial distribution of channels appeared random without evidence of clustering. Our results extend single-channel TIRFM imaging to ligand-gated channels that display only partial permeability to Ca2+, and demonstrate an order-of-magnitude improvement in kinetic resolution. We believe that functional single-channel imaging opens a new approach to ion channel study, having particular advantages over patch-clamp recording in that it is massively parallel, and provides high-resolution spatial information that is inaccessible by electrophysiological techniques

    Colorado Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey Statistical Report: A Comprehensive Survey of Arts Education in the Colorado Schools

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    Approximately 25% of Colorado Public Schools provided a detailed description of the size and scope of their formal and informal (extra-curricular) arts education programs via a voluntary survey in January of 2008. Sixty-six percent of the school districts had at least one school participate in the study. The objective of the study was to quantify the level, type and scope of arts education offered and delivered to Colorado public school students

    Safety-oriented Testing for High-speed Rail Onboard Equipment Using Petri Nets

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    With its ability to operate at high speeds and capacity, high-speed rail offers a fast, dependable, and ecofriendly urban transportation option. Safety-critical systems such as high-speed rail signaling systems must be tested regularly to assess compliance with specifications and ensure reliable performance. Given that the onboard equipment is the core component of the signaling system, conducting safety testing on this equipment is of utmost importance. Current methods of analyzing test requirements mainly rely on human interpretation of specifications. However, the official technical specifications usually only outline standard operational scenarios, which could result in an inefficient and unclear safety analysis. This paper focuses on safety-oriented testing for onboard equipment. In particular, we propose a Petri net based approach to generate test cases for diverse operational scenarios. This approach improves both the efficiency and reliability of the testing process while ensuring compliance with safety requirements