13 research outputs found

    China and India Relations

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    Historically, two important civilizations have historical relations. The roots of the relations between two of the world's oldest civilizations, which put their backs on the accumulation of nearly five thousand years of history, extend to the depths of this great history. China, the world's second-largest economy, and India, the fifth-largest economy, are two major forces that determine regional dynamics in Asia. In the 21th Century, the relations between two great countries were important both in the population and geographically. About 50% of the world lives in these two countries. China and India continual accretion of economic power will likely position them among the top three economies internationally by the year 2050

    Turks in the Changing World Order: The Organization of Turkic States

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    The increasing cooperation of Turkic Speaking States under the umbrella of the Organization of Turkic States attracted attention while the world was on the verge of a global change. The unity of the Turks was evaluated as "Pan Turkism" and "Turan". Some researchers interpreted the rise of Turkism as increasing competition in Eurasia against China and Russia. It is an important discussion topic how the Turk states should understand the development of cooperation. It is necessary to evaluate the geopolitical position of the Turk states in the Belt and Road Initiative and the global balance of power. This study evaluated the rise of Turkism in the 21st century and the role of the organization of Turkic states in the global order

    The Communism and China Perception Created in Turkey during the Korean War

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    The beginning of the Cold War, the Truman Doctrine, and the Marshall Plan have made a radical change in Turkey's foreign policy. In 1946, with the Marshall Aid, sympathy for America and the anti-communism perception were created in Turkey. Within the ideological atmosphere of the Korean War, the China and communism perception began to negatively emerge in the Turkish public opinion. In order to convince the Turkish public opinion with regard to the Korean War, the perception that communism is anti-Turk and anti-Islam, invasive and enemy was imposed by NATO. Turkic, Islamic anti-communist movements were supported by NATO and the Uyghur problem was created in this period to create a China perception. The article explored how the China and communism perception was created through the media and ideological atmosphere in Turkey during the process of Turkey's becoming a member of NATO and the Korean War. In the research, newspapers, publications, and articles covering the Korean War from the period starting with Marshall Plan in 1946 were examined

    Interactions Between Two Republics: The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of China (1923-1949)

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    The years between 1923 and 1949 are a lost period in terms of bilateral relations between Turkey and the Republic of China (中华民国). Research conducted in this area is limited; studies examining Chinese relations of the Atatürk period or general bilateral relations are limited, too. Friendly relations between the two Republics, which had similar revolutions and reforms, were established in 1926, allowing them to influence each other ideologically. Especially in China, many books, newspaper reviews, and articles were published about Atatürk and the Turkish Revolution. Chinese delegations have made various visits to Turkey to study the Turkish Revolution. Even though bilateral relations have been been occasionally interrupted in periods as by the Second World War era, the general trend was toward continuity. This study evaluates the relations between Turkey and the Republic of China by examining the Prime Ministry archives, Presidency Archives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives, and newspaper archives of the period (Cumhuriyet, Ulus, Milliyet, and Akşam), and Chinese sources

    The Effect of the Turkish Revolution on the CPC: An Analysis on Cai Hesen's Türkiye Writings

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    Türkiye and China are two oppressed nations that shared the same fate at the beginning of the 20th century. Both nations wanted to eliminate imperialism’s exploitation and stand up by achieving their democratic revolutions. The victory of Türkiye against imperialism in the War of Independence and the development of friendly relations with the Soviet Union were followed with interest by the leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The successful Turkish Revolution aroused the idea that it could set an example for China among the early CPC leaders. For this reason, communists in China followed the Turkish Revolution closely and tried to apply it to the Chinese Revolution practice. Cai Hesen, the leader and theoretician of the CPC in the founding period, was especially interested in the Turkish Revolution. Cai Hesen published his views on the Turkish Revolution in his articles in the CPC's publication, The Guide Weekly (向导Xiangdao), and influenced the CPC's leadership. In this study, the articles of Cai Hesen, a key theorist in the early stages of the CPC who evaluated the Turkish revolution and its impact on the CPC cadres, are discusse

    Kuşak Ve Yol Girişiminin Yoksulluğun Ortadan Kaldırılmasına Etkisi

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    China's lifting nearly 800 million people out of poverty in 70 years is the most remarkable achievement in human history. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the Belt and Road Initiative, which will revitalize the historic Silk Road and mark the twenty-first century. The Belt and Road Initiative is an initiative that will play a role in reducing poverty by creating new job opportunities through infrastructure work, economic aid and commercial revival. According to the World Bank's Sustainable Development 2030 report, China's Belt and Road Initiative predicts that countries will develop by achieving Global Sustainable Development. Through the Belt and Road Initiative investments, China's successes in fighting poverty are conveyed to poor countries in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East, reducing and eliminating global poverty. This study examines the role that China will play in reducing global poverty based on the investments made by China in the Belt and Road Initiative and the 2030 projections made by various institutions, including the World Bank and United Nations

    Yahudi Devletinin İnşası ve Arap-İsrail Çatışmasının Başlangıcı

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    The Arab-Israeli conflict is the most important unsolvable problem in the Middle East. Muslims and Jews had lived peacefully together in the Middle East without long-term conflict. With the rising anti-Semitism movement in Europe, the Jews were united around the ideology of Zionism, which is the mission of found a Jewish state in the Middle East. After the first World War, when the Palestinian region was came under British rule, the Jews were accelerated to found a Jewish state in Palestine when was supported by the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs, who was not want the found of a Jewish state, has carried out various revolts during the years of the British mandate. In 1948, Britain were withdrew from Palestine with the end of British Mandate rule and Jewish state was declared in line with Israel's historical Zionist goals. The first Arab Israeli war was been in 1948. This article examined on the roots of the Anti-Semitism movement and the Arab-Israeli conflict, which were influential in the found of the Jewish state

    Exploring reverse supply chain management practices in Turkey

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    Aras, Necati/0000-0002-1485-730X; Buyukozkan, Gulcin/0000-0002-2112-3574; Erol, Ismail/0000-0003-3327-7068WOS: 000276120100005Purpose This paper aims to examine the current state of reverse supply chain management (RSCM) initiatives in several Turkish industries. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on an exploratory research regarding RSCM activities of Turkish automotive, white goods, electric/electronics, and furniture industries. The sample consists of all the companies included in the Top-500 Industrial Enterprises List of The Assembly of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO). Findings The research findings show that the RSCM initiatives in the considered industries are still in a very early stage. Companies' involvement in product returns is mostly due to the legislative liabilities, and system inadequacies are emphasized as the most important reason for not being able to implement an efficient RSCM. Research implications/limitations This paper investigates the reverse supply chain practices of selected industries in Turkey and aims to enable researchers to use this study as a building block in understanding these practices and related problems. The limitation of this study is to solely include the medium and large-sized companies in the industries. Practical implications Reverse supply chain operations contribute to the economic sustainability by reducing waste and saving energy and material. In this research, an empirical study in the electronics, white goods, automotive and furniture industries is conducted, and potential research opportunities are discussed to streamline reverse supply chain activities in the industries. Hence, this study can be viewed as an attempt to increase the level of awareness on reverse supply chain issues. Originality/value No field study has been conducted to analyze reverse supply chain activities of the industries in Turkey. This research is a pioneering study and will provide a benchmark for the various research activities on related topics