362 research outputs found

    Globalised management and local labour: the case of the white-goods industry in Turkey

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    This paper is concerned with the situation where goods are produced by workers in underdeveloped countries, in this case, consumer durables, under the direction of managements which have access to modern management techniques. In particular, it considers the significance of new management methods, especially Total Quality Management, for workers employed in white-goods manufacture in Turkey

    Labour in a global world: management strategy and worker response in the Turkish whitegoods industry

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    This paper is concerned with the situation where goods are produced by workers in underdeveloped countries, in this case, consumer durables, under the direction of managements which have access to modern management techniques. In particular, it considers the significance of new management methods, especially Total Quality Management, for workers employed in whitegoods manufacture in Turkey. It uses interviews and survey data from three plants in the Turkish whitegoods industry. Where possible comparative data from the British WERS 98 survey is introduced in order to help avoid false judgements about what is exceptional or different. The paper considers how and what managers know of new management techniques. It examines the nature of their implementation with respect to local conditions, especially with reference to ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ versions of TQM; and it seeks to show how workers’ evaluation of such workplaces is itself grounded in the particularities of their broader locally based expectations and opportunities

    The production and reproduction of trade union autocracy in the Turkish metalworking industry

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    The ability of developing countries to export to more developed parts of the world is often associated with cheap labour. But such very obvious economic advantage is not always the end of the story. A fuller account needs to consider the wider institutional context. In some instances trade unionism can be an important part of this. This paper addresses trade unionism with specific reference to workers employed in large firms in Turkey that are significant exporters of consumer goods to the European market. The union examined is the largest union in the metal industry, an industry that is a driving force in the Turkish economy, and a major centre of trade unionism with over half a million of Turkey’s 3 million trade unionists. The particular – autocratic – character of this union is critically examined and located with reference to wider forces of political economy and the specific constraints and difficulties to which its members are subject. Finally, the significance of this sort of trade unionism for economic – and socio-political – development is discussed

    Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional kinetic Blume-Capel model in a quenched random crystal field

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    We investigate by means of Monte Carlo simulations the dynamic phase transition of the two-dimensional kinetic Blume-Capel model under a periodically oscillating magnetic field in the presence of a quenched random crystal-field coupling. We analyze the universality principles of this dynamic transition for various values of the crystal-field coupling at the originally second-order regime of the corresponding equilibrium phase diagram of the model. A detailed finite-size scaling analysis indicates that the observed nonequilibrium phase transition belongs to the universality class of the equilibrium Ising ferromagnet with additional logarithmic corrections in the scaling behavior of the heat capacity. Our results are in agreement with earlier works on kinetic Ising models.Comment: 25 pages (APS preprint style), 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Investigation of wear behavior of aged and non-aged SiC-reinforced AlSi7Mg2 metal matrix composites in dry sliding conditions

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    Metal matrix composites (MMCs) with their splendid mechanical properties have been specifically designed for use in fields such as aerospace and aviation. The presence of hard ceramic particles in MMC increases the hardness of the matrix product and decreases its coefficient of friction. Therefore, the wear resistance is improved. Moreover, the mechanical properties of these composite materials can be improved by applying heat treatments. In this study, AlSi7Mg2 MMCs with 15 wt% SiC reinforcement were produced by squeeze casting technique. Some of the composites were aged by heat treatment. Hardness values of aged and non- aged composites were compared. In addition, abrasive wear behaviors of these composites were investigated on pin-on-disk device, depending on the load (7, 12 and 17 N), the sliding speed (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 m/s) and the sliding distance (700, 1000 and 1300 m). Worn surfaces were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As a result of the analyses, it was determined that both the hardness values and the wear resistance were higher in the composites subjected to aging treatment. Furthermore, it was observed that the increase in the applied load led up to the weight loss. The increase in the sliding distance increased both friction coefficient and weight loss. The increase in sliding speed also made way for the friction coefficient but ensured less weight loss. When SEM images were examined, it was ascertained that deformation and tribo-surface formation had a significant effect on weight losses

    Ising universality in the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model with quenched random crystal field

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    Using high-precision Monte-Carlo simulations based on a parallel version of the Wang-Landau algorithm and finite-size scaling techniques we study the effect of quenched disorder in the crystal-field coupling of the Blume-Capel model on the square lattice. We mainly focus on the part of the phase diagram where the pure model undergoes a continuous transition, known to fall into the universality class of the pure Ising ferromagnet. A dedicated scaling analysis reveals concrete evidence in favor of the strong universality hypothesis with the presence of additional logarithmic corrections in the scaling of the specific heat. Our results are in agreement with an early real-space renormalization-group study of the model as well as a very recent numerical work where quenched randomness was introduced in the energy exchange coupling. Finally, by properly fine tuning the control parameters of the randomness distribution we also qualitatively investigate the part of the phase diagram where the pure model undergoes a first-order phase transition. For this region, preliminary evidence indicate a smoothening of the transition to second-order with the presence of strong scaling corrections.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, minor correction to references appearing in Fig. 1, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Lisans Programının Tercih Edilme Nedenlerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu araştırma, psikolojik danışman adaylarının ve psikolojik danışmanların lisans eğitimi için Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik (PDR) programını tercih etme nedenlerinin sıralaması ve PDR programından mezun olduktan sonra çalışmak için tercih ettikleri kurumların sıralamasının belirlenmeyi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda ele alınan birinci çalışma grubu 371 PDR lisans öğrencisinden oluşmakta, ikincisi çalışma grubu ise 120 psikolojik danışmandan oluşmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak iki adet sıralama çizelgesi kullanılmıştır. Birincisi psikolojik danışman adaylarının ve psikolojik danışmanların lisans eğitimi için PDR programını tercih etme nedenlerinin sıralamasını belirlemeye yönelik bir sıralama çizelgesi olup, ikincisi PDR programından mezun olduktan sonra çalışmak için tercih ettikleri kurumların sıralamasını belirlenmeye yönelik sıralama çizelgesidir. Veriler sıralama yargılarına dayalı ölçekleme yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; PDR programını tercih etme nedenlerinin sıralaması ve mezun olduktan sonra çalışmak için tercih ettikleri kurumların sıralaması psikolojik danışman adayları ve psikolojik danışmanlar için farklılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur

    Kamu ?ktisadi Te?ebbüslerinin Aktiflerinde Yer Alan Maddi Duran Varl?klar?n Envanter ve De?erleme Ara?t?rmas? Elektrik Üretim Anonim ?irketi Genel Müdürlü?ü Hirfanl? Hidroelektrik Santrali ??letmesi Örne?i

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    Bu ara?t?rmada, kamu iktisadi te?ekkülü olarak faaliyet gösteren Elektrik Üretim Anonim ?irketi (EÜA?) Genel Müdürlü?ü Hirfanl? Hidroelektrik Santrali (HES) ??letmesi’nin aktifinde kay?tl? maddi duran varl?klar?n?n gerçe?e uygun de?erleri ile envanter kay?tlar?nda yer alan tarihi (net) de?erleri kar??la?t?r?lm??t?r. Ara?t?rmada varl?k de?erleme çal??mas?nda; bilimsel esaslar, uluslararas? standartlar ve mevzuat?n amir hükümlerine göre gerçekle?tirilmi? ve i?letmenin varl?klar?n de?erlenmesinde piyasa de?eri (emsal de?er, ikame de?eri), maliyet yönetimi ve di?er de?erleme ölçütlerinden faydalan?lm??t?r. ??letmenin mevcut mali kay?tlar?na göre maddi duran varl?klar?n?n 2016 y?l?n?n fiyatlar? üzerinden toplam de?erinin (8.872.054,07 TL), söz konusu varl?klar?n güncel de?erinden (54.342.356,11 TL) yakla??k 6 kat daha dü?ük oldu?u ve do?al olarak i?letmenin varl?k de?erinin oldu?undan çok daha dü?ük olarak kay?tlara yans?t?ld??? dikkati çekmektedir. Ara?t?rma sonuçlar?na göre i?letmenin maddi duran varl?klar?n envanter ve de?erleme çal??malar?n?n, gerçek varl?k de?erlerinin analiz edilmesi ve ç?kan sonuçlar?n finansal yönden yorumlamas? bak?m?ndan anlaml? oldu?u ortaya konulmu?tur

    Emphysematous pyelonephritis with left renal vein thrombosis-case report successfully treated by conservative methods

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    Presently emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare but life-threatening disease, mostly seen in patients with urinary tract obstr uc- tion and diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by the production of gas and necrosis in the renal parenchyma, collecting systems, and perinephritic tissue. Radiologically, the Huang and Tseng classification is used to categorize the severity of the disease. Our case was 49 years old female pre- senting with unconsciousness, fever and bilateral Grade 3 lower extremity eodema one week after left percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedure because of urinary tract stone. Abdominal computerized tomography scan showed renal parenchymal and perinephritic tissue necrosis with the production of gas and renal vein thrombosis which was in accordance with Huang and Tseng classification Grade 3A. We treated our patient with the appropriate antibiotic, enoxaparin sodium, strict glycemic control, and supportive treatment without any surgical intervention or nephrectomy

    The production and reproduction of trade union autocracy in the Turkish metalworking industry

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    The ability of developing countries to export to more developed parts of the world is often associated with cheap labour. But such very obvious economic advantage is not always the end of the story. A fuller account needs to consider the wider institutional context. In some instances trade unionism can be an important part of this. This paper addresses trade unionism with specific reference to workers employed in large firms in Turkey that are significant exporters of consumer goods to the European market. The union examined is the largest union in the metal industry, an industry that is a driving force in the Turkish economy, and a major centre of trade unionism with over half a million of Turkey’s 3 million trade unionists. The particular – autocratic – character of this union is critically examined and located with reference to wider forces of political economy and the specific constraints and difficulties to which its members are subject. Finally, the significance of this sort of trade unionism for economic – and socio-political – development is discussed