17 research outputs found

    Formation of High-quality Aluminum Oxide under Ion Beam Irradiation

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    In this work we used the radiation–induced technique of selective association of atoms (SAA) to create the aluminum oxide layer on the surface of metallic Al under oxygen ion beam irradiation. Optimal conditions for carrying out the radiation-induced aluminum oxidation process were established to minimize the target sputtering. An aluminum oxide layer of 20 nm thickness was obtained after irradiation of aluminum target with oxygen ions with 0.2 keV energy up to a dose of ∼2.6 ⋅ 1018 ions/cm2 at room temperature. HRTEM and EELS techniques were used to characterize the chemical compositional changes after irradiation. It was found that aluminum oxide layer after irradiation contained an excessive amount (∼10 at.%) of implanted oxygen. Keywords: ion beam irradiation, aluminum thin films, EELS, HRTE

    Possibilities of navigation surgery in rehabilitation of dental patients (literature review)

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    With the advent of imaging technologies and CAD/CAM technologies, the possibility of digital surgery has become of wide interest among implantologists. The article discusses the methods of rehabilitation of a dental patient by implantation according to a surgical template. The advantages and disadvantages of the digital protocol in comparison with the traditional operation of dental implantation are highlighted

    Quantitative analysis of NbN thin films by EELS technique in STEM mode

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    Количественная информация об электрофизических свойствах ультратонких (5 нм) сверхпроводящих пленок NbN до и после облучения ионами с энергией (0.1-1 кэВ) исследуется методом спектроскопии энергетических потерь электронов в режиме сходящегося пучка электронов.Quantitative information about electrical properties of superconductive NbN ultrathin (0.5 nm) films before and after irradiation by ions with energies (0.1-1 keV) were investigated by Electron energy loss spectroscopy in STEM mode