224 research outputs found

    Організація фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп

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    Актуальність дослідження зумовлена невизначеністю системи організації фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп. Завдання дослідження – узагальнити досвід теорії й практики з проблеми організації та методики проведення уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальних медичних груп. Найбільш ефек-тивний вплив на покращання здоров’я дітей можна здійснювати, проводячи заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, які проводяться окремою підгрупою за розкладом уроків основної медичної групи, та заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, що проводяться в позаурочний час. Отже, на сьогодні не розв’язаною залишається проблема організації уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальної медичної групи. Наявні підходи до проведення таких занять мають переваги та недоліки об’єктивного й суб’єктивного характеру. The research actuality is caused by the vagueness of the system of organization of physical education of schoolchildren in special medical groups. Research task: to generalize the experience of theory and practice of organization and methodology of conducting lesson of physical culture with students of special medical groups. The most effective influence on improvement of children health can made by organizing physical culture lessons for schoolchildren in special medical groups which are conducted to a separate group on the lessons curriculum of basic medical group and the lessons for students of the special medical groups which are organized in after-school time. It is consequently that nowadays a problem of organization of physical culture lessons with the students of. special medical groups stays unsolved Existent methods of organization of such lessons have advantages and disadvantages of objective and subjective character


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    In Ukraine large undertakings and the individual business entitiesdefined by main accounting law have experience of preparing financialreports by IFRS. However accounting reformation declared in The Strategy of IFRS application applies to all business entities including smallbusinesses. Thus it’s necessary to define differentiated approaches to therequirements of the preparation of Ukrainian businesses financial reportsaccording to Ukrainian or International standards. In Ukraine, a newbusinesses classification into micro, small, medium and large businesseswas introduced. Micro and small enterprises may independently determine the appropriateness of information disclosure in the financial statements: simplified financial statements or a complete set. Domestic small businesses may also prepare financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standard for small and medium-sized entities (IFRS for SMEs). These are companies that are required to apply IFRS in accordance with the law, and those companies that have made such a decision voluntarily. However, in Ukraine small and micro undertakings financial statements are focused primarily on the fiscal services needs. While in European countries a small business reporting is aimed at meeting the information needs of investors, creditors, owners.According to the EU Directive, micro, small and medium-sizedbusinesses should compile a condensed balance sheet and a condensedincome statement, notes. Generally there are no significant differences inthe information structure disclosed in the Statement of Financial Positionand Income Statement in Ukraine and EU countries. However, the financial statements formation methodology is different. We consider the national legislation should be harmonized with IFRS for small and medium-sized entities. Its not only contains provisions on the financial statements presentation, but also explains important aspects of accounting for small and medium businesses.В статье рассмотрены подходы к финансовой отчетности малых исредних предприятий на мировом и национальном уровнях. Данырекомендации использования в Украине Международных стандартовфинансовой отчетности (МСФО) для малых и средних предприятий.Указаны особенности раскрития финансовой информации в отчетностисубъектов малого бизнеса стран ЭС. Для улучшения качественныххарактеристик финансовой отчетности малых предприятий предлагаютсяизменения их структуры и содержания.У статті розглянуто підходи до фінансової звітності малих підприємств на світовому і національному рівнях. Надано рекомендації використання в Україні Міжнародних стандартів фінансової звітності (МСФЗ) для малих і середніх підприємств. Вказано особливості розкриття фінансової інформації у звітності суб’єктів малого бізнесу країн ЄС. Для покращення якісних характеристик фінансової звітності малих підприємств пропонуються зміни до їх структури та складу

    Agroecological and agroeconomic aspects of the grain and grain legumes (pulses) yield dynamic within the Dnipropetrovsk region (period 1966–2016)

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    This paper reveals the spatial and temporal patterns of grain and leguminous crops yield dynamics in Dnipropetrovsk region and evaluates the role of agro-environmental and agro-economic factors in their formation. Crop data were obtained from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The data of the grain and grain legumes (pulses) yield during 1966–2016 on average per year in the administrative districts of Dnipropetrovsk region was analysed. The obtained data indicate that average yields of cereals and leguminous crops within Dnipropetrovsk region varies from 24.3 to 33.4 CWT/ha. The smallest interannual variability in yield is typical for Vasylkivskyi district (CV = 9.9%), and the largest is typical for Yurivskyi district (CV = 27.7%). As a result of the principal component analysis of the cereals and leguminous crops yields variability, three principal components were extracted which together explain 81.2% of the overall yield variability. Principal component 1 explains 69.4% of the total variability. It indicates the total synchronous yields variation within the area investigated as all examined variables have high loading values on principal component 1. The administrative districts that form a belt located in the direction from the north east to the south west of the region have the most coordinated variance, which is reflected by principal component 1. Principal component 2 explains 6.8% of the yield variability. This principal component is sensitive to opposite yield dynamics of central and south-western districts on the one hand and the eastern and northern districts – on the other. Principal component 3 explains 4.9% of the yield variability. This principal component reveals the opposite dynamics of productivity of the central districts on the one hand and the northern and south-eastern districts on the other. The cluster analysis of administrative districts was conducted based on the dynamics of the yield of grain and leguminous as a result of which four clusters were identified. The clusters are geographically defined administrative districts, together forming spatially connected areas. The similar temporal yield dynamics of grain and leguminous crops as a result of interaction between endogenous and exogenous ecological factors is the main principle for revealling such ecologically homogeneous territories. Spatial distribution of principal components indicates a continual pattern, but their overlapping allows one to extract spatially discrete units, which we identified as agroecological zones. Each zone is characterized by a certain character and dynamics of production capacity and has an invariant pattern of response to varying climatic, environmental, and agroeconomic factors

    Above-ground phytomass dynamics in autogenic succession of an ecosystem

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    It was found that a regular growth in the above-ground phytomass occurs during autogenic succession, which is approximated by logarithmic dependence with high reliability indices. External, including anthropogenic, effects on the process of succession lead to a decrease in the rate of phytomass growth. Besides, the rate of phytomass changes is influenced by endo-ecogenesis caused by various plant species, entering the ecosystem at certain stages of succession. The above-ground phytomass portioning behaviour makes it possible to use it to create a unified indicator of dynamics. Each plant species can be only within certain indicators of the phytomass of their plant communities. At the same time, there is a normal distribution of the projective cover value. This allows us to work out synphytoindication methods for determining the dynamics indicato

    Agroecological and agroeconomic aspects of the grain and grain legumes (pulses) yield dynamic within the Dnipropetrovsk region (period 1966–2016)

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    This paper reveals the spatial and temporal patterns of grain and leguminous crops yield dynamics in Dnipropetrovsk region and evaluates the role of agro-environmental and agro-economic factors in their formation. Crop data were obtained from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The data of the grain and grain legumes (pulses) yield during 1966–2016 on average per year in the administrative districts of Dnipropetrovsk region was analysed. The obtained data indicate that average yields of cereals and leguminous crops within Dnipropetrovsk region varies from 24.3 to 33.4 CWT/ha. The smallest interannual variability in yield is typical for Vasylkivskyi district (CV = 9.9%), and the largest is typical for Yurivskyi district (CV = 27.7%). As a result of the principal component analysis of the cereals and leguminous crops yields variability, three principal components were extracted which together explain 81.2% of the overall yield variability. Principal component 1 explains 69.4% of the total variability. It indicates the total synchronous yields variation within the area investigated as all examined variables have high loading values on principal component 1. The administrative districts that form a belt located in the direction from the north east to the south west of the region have the most coordinated variance, which is reflected by principal component 1. Principal component 2 explains 6.8% of the yield variability. This principal component is sensitive to opposite yield dynamics of central and south-western districts on the one hand and the eastern and northern districts – on the other. Principal component 3 explains 4.9% of the yield variability. This principal component reveals the opposite dynamics of productivity of the central districts on the one hand and the northern and south-eastern districts on the other. The cluster analysis of administrative districts was conducted based on the dynamics of the yield of grain and leguminous as a result of which four clusters were identified. The clusters are geographically defined administrative districts, together forming spatially connected areas. The similar temporal yield dynamics of grain and leguminous crops as a result of interaction between endogenous and exogenous ecological factors is the main principle for revealling such ecologically homogeneous territories. Spatial distribution of principal components indicates a continual pattern, but their overlapping allows one to extract spatially discrete units, which we identified as agroecological zones. Each zone is characterized by a certain character and dynamics of production capacity and has an invariant pattern of response to varying climatic, environmental, and agroeconomic factors. Keywords: agroecological factors; yield; grain; leguminous crops; spatial and temporal variability; principal components analysi

    Temperature effect on the temporal dynamic of terrestrial invertebrates in technosols formed after reclamation at a post-mining site in Ukrainian steppe drylands

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    The research was carried out at the Research Centre of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University in Pokrov city. Sampling was carried out in 2013–2015 on a variant of artificial soil (technosols) formed on loess-like loam, red-brown clay, green-grey clay, technological mixture of rocks, and also formed on loess-like loam with a humus-rich 70 cm top soil layer. To investigate the spatiotemporal variation in the abundance, species richness and species composition of invertebrate assemblages within the experimental polygon, the animals were sampled using pitfall traps. In total, 60 pitfall traps were operated simultaneously during each sampling period. Each year the pitfalls were emptied 26 times every 7–9 days. Invertebrates (Arthropoda and Mollusca) of 6 classes, 13 orders, 50 families and 202 species or parataxonomic units were recorded. Diplopoda was most abundant taxonomic group, though it was represented by only one species Rossiulus kessleri (Lohmander, 1927). Coleoptera and Araneae were the most numerous taxonomic groups. Readily available water for plants, precipitation, wind speed, atmospheric temperature (daily minimum, daily maximum, daily mean), atmospheric humidity and atmospheric pressure were used as environmental predictors. Two dimension geographic coordinates of the sampling locations were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based spatial variables. Time series of sampling dates were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based temporal variables. The moisture content in the technosols was revealed to be the most important factor determining the temporal dynamics of the terrestrial invertebrate community in conditions of semi-arid climate and the ecosystem which formed as a result of the reclamation process. Following soil moisture, the factor most strongly affecting invertebrates in the technosols was temperature. From the total set of the invertebrates, two relatively homogeneous species groups in terms of thermal preferences were extracted: the microtemperature and mesotemperature groups. The microtemperature species are more tolerant to the thermal factor, and the mesotemperature species are more sensitive. The Huisman-Olff-Fresco approach expanded by Jansen-Oksanen provides a wide set of ecologically relevant models which are able to explain species response. The species response to temperature is affected by a complex of other environmental, temporal and spatial factors. The effect of other factors on the species response must be previously extracted to find real estimations of the species temperature optima and tolerance. The approaches to solving this problem may be the object of future investigation

    A connection between inclusive semileptonic decays of bound and free heavy quarks

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    A relativistic constituent quark model, formulated on the light-front, is used to derive a new parton approximation for the inclusive semileptonic decay width of the B-meson. A simple connection between the decay rate of a free heavy-quark and the one of a heavy-quark bound in a meson or in a baryon is established. The main features of the new approach are the treatment of the b-quark as an on-mass-shell particle and the inclusion of the effects arising from the b-quark transverse motion in the B-meson. In a way conceptually similar to the deep-inelastic scattering case, the B-meson inclusive width is expressed as the integral of the free b-quark partial width multiplied by a bound-state factor related to the b-quark distribution function in the B-meson. The non-perturbative meson structure is described through various quark-model wave functions, constructed via the Hamiltonian light-front formalism using as input both relativized and non-relativistic potential models. A link between spectroscopic quark models and the B-meson decay physics is obtained in this way. Our predictions for the B -> X_c l nu_l and B -> X_u l nu_l decays are used to extract the CKM parameters |V_cb| and |V_ub| from available inclusive data. After averaging over the various quark models adopted and including leading-order perturbative QCD corrections, we obtain |V_cb| = (43.0 +/- 0.7_exp +/- 1.8_th) 10^-3 and |V_ub| = (3.83 +/- 0.48_exp +/- 0.14_th) 10^-3, implying |V_ub / V_cb| = 0.089 +/- 0.011_exp +/- 0.005_th, in nice agreement with existing predictions.Comment: revised version with pQCD corrections included, to appear in Physical Review

    Non-Leptonic Decays of B Mesons and Strong Coupling Constants

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    Non-leptonic decays of B mesons into two mesons or meson resonances are studied on the basis of two versions of simple pole-dominance models involving scalar, vector, pseudoscalar and axial-vector poles. The results are compared with those obtained from the usual factorization model and used to obtain information on strong coupling constants between B meson and one light or one charmed meson, respectively. These coupling constants are compared to results from various QCD sum rule calculations.Comment: Latex file 35 pages, including 3 figure