3,539 research outputs found

    Mujeres y deporte: un partido contra la desigualdad

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    El papel de la televisión en el trunfo de Enrique Peña Nieto en las elecciones presidenciales del 2012

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    Se hace un análisis de la influencia de la televición en el trunfo de Enrique Peña Nieto en el proceso electoral 2012, teniendo como fuente principal a los periódicos

    A de novo reference transcriptome for Bolitoglossa vallecula, an Andean mountain salamander in Colombia

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Arenas Gomez, C. M., Woodcock, M. R., Smith, J. J., Voss, S. R., & Delgado, J. P. A de novo reference transcriptome for Bolitoglossa vallecula, an Andean mountain salamander in Colombia. Data in Brief, 29, (2020): 105256, doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.105256.The amphibian order Caudata, contains several important model species for biological research. However, there is need to generate transcriptome data from representative species of the primary salamander families. Here we describe a de novo reference transcriptome for a terrestrial salamander, Bolitoglossa vallecula (Caudata: Plethodontidae). We employed paired-end (PE) illumina RNA sequencing to assemble a de novo reference transcriptome for B. vallecula. Assembled transcripts were compared against sequences from other vertebrate taxa to identify orthologous genes, and compared to the transcriptome of a close plethodontid relative (Bolitoglossa ramosi) to identify commonly expressed genes in the skin. This dataset should be useful to future comparative studies aimed at understanding important biological process, such as immunity, wound healing, and the production of antimicrobial compounds.This work was funded by a research grant from COLCIENCIAS 569 (GRANT 027-2103) and CODI (Programa Sostenibilidad) 2013–2014 of the University of Antioquia. A PhD fellowship to the first author, Claudia Arenas was funded by the COLCIENCIAS 567 Grant. We thank the lab of Juan Fernando Alzate from the University of Antioquia for their help in developing our bioinformatic methodological approach. We thank Andrea Gómez and Melisa Hincapie for their help in animal collection and husbandry

    Criterios jurídicos para determinar el hecho punible para la detención policial en flagrancia delictiva

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    La flagrancia delictiva constituye una condición determinante para ejecutar la medida de coerción personal llamada “detención”, la misma que según el ordenamiento jurídico procesal se encuentra conferida únicamente a la policía nacional del Perú, de conformidad con lo establecido por el literal f) del numeral 24 del artículo 2° de la Constitución, que prescribe “Nadie puede ser detenido sino por mandamiento escrito y motivado del juez o por las autoridades policiales en caso de flagrante delito”. Sin embargo, la falta de criterios claros para la determinación del hecho punible para proceder a la detención en flagrancia delictiva, ha generado una diversidad de actuaciones por parte de la Policía Nacional que se sujetan al carácter subjetivo e interpretación personal de los hechos por parte quienes proceden a la detención. Actualmente, la “flagrancia delictiva” prevista en el art. 259° del Código Procesal Penal viene siendo tratada por la doctrina y la jurisprudencia desde el punto de vista temporal y subjetivo; es decir, en relación al momento en que se produce el hecho punible, además de los elementos que vinculan al autor o participantes de la conducta delictiva. Sin embargo, ha sido escaso el estudio, de cómo debe entenderse al hecho punible, o cuales serían los criterios jurídicos, a fin de que proceda la ejecución de la medida de detención.Criminal flagrancy constitutes a determining condition to execute the measure of personal coercion called ""detention"", the same that according to the procedural legal system is conferred only to the national police of Peru, in accordance with the provisions of literal f) of numeral 24 of article 2 of the Constitution, which prescribes ""No one can be detained except by written and reasoned order of the judge or by the police authorities in case of flagrante delicto"". However, the lack of clear criteria for determining the punishable act to proceed with the arrest in flagrante delicto, has generated a variety of actions by the National Police that are subject to the subjective nature and personal interpretation of the facts by those who proceed to arrest. Currently, the ""criminal flagrance"" provided for in art. 259° of the Criminal Procedure Code has been treated by the doctrine and jurisprudence from the temporary and subjective point of view; that is, in relation to the moment in which the punishable act occurs, in addition to the elements that link the author or participants in the criminal conduct. However, there has been little study of how the punishable act should be understood, or what the legal criteria would be, in order for the execution of the detention measure to proceedTesi

    La excusa absolutoria en los delitos de defraudación tributaria

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    Atendiendo a su labor de control, la Administración Tributaria puede detectar indicios que presuman la configuración del delito de defraudación tributaria durante el procedimiento de fiscalización. El artículo 1° del Decreto Legislativo N° 813, Ley Penal Tributaria, hace referencia a la defraudación tributaria, señalando: “el que, en provecho propio o de un tercero, valiéndose de cualquier artificio, engaño, astucia, ardid u otra forma fraudulenta, deja de pagar en todo o en parte los tributos que establecen las leyes, será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no menor de 5 (cinco) ni mayor de 8 (ocho) años y con 365 (trescientos sesenta y cinco) a 730 (setecientos treinta) días-multa”. Ante esta situación, el funcionario o servidor público del órgano administrador del tributo que, durante el procedimiento de fiscalización, tuviere conocimiento de la presunta comisión de un delito tributario debería de comunicar de manera inmediata al representante del Ministerio Público, para que este último proceda conforme a sus atribuciones y determine si la conducta cometida por el contribuyente merece o no una sanción penal. Sin embargo, sucede una particularidad en estos tipos de ilícitos penales, pues la punibilidad de la conducta presuntamente delictiva puede quedar excluida y el delito impune, en ciertos casos declarados por la ley, bajo la institución legal de las denominadas “excusas absolutorias”. Muestra de ello, lo contemplamos de la revisión del artículo 189° del T.U.O. del Código Tributario que establece “No procede el ejercicio de la acción penal por parte del Ministerio Público, ni la comunicación de indicios de delito tributario por parte del Órgano Administrador del Tributo cuando se regularice la situación tributaria, en relación con las deudas originadas por la realización de algunas de las conductas constitutivas de delito tributario contenidas en la Ley Penal Tributaria, antes de que se inicie la correspondiente investigación dispuesta por el Ministerio Público o a falta de ésta, el Órgano Administrador del Tributo inicie cualquier procedimiento de fiscalización relacionado al tributo y período en que se realizaron las conductas señaladas, de acuerdo a las normas sobre la materia”. Conforme fluye del citado artículo, el ejercicio de la acción penal o la comunicación de indicios acerca de la configuración de delitos tributarios deviene en improcedente cuando el deudor tributario ha regularizado su situación tributaria antes de la correspondiente investigación dispuesta por el Ministerio Público o antes del inicio de cualquier procedimiento de fiscalización por parte de la Administración Tributaria, ocasionando de manera directa que el acto delictivo quede impune. En tal sentido, advertimos que el artículo 189° del T.U.O. del Código Tributario, tal como está redactado, estaría desnaturalizando la institución legal de la excusa absolutoria al no justificar su utilidad pública por incumplir su efecto disuasivo, respaldando de esta manera la impunidad de los deudores tributarios, pues estos suelen llegar a “regularizar su situación tributaria” ante la institución, mucho después de haberse practicado la fiscalización e incluso haya requerimiento del Ministerio Público de por medio.In view of its control work, the Tax Administration can detect indications that presume the configuration of the crime of tax fraud during the inspection procedure. The art. 1 ° of Legislative Decree N ° 813, Criminal Tax Law, refers to tax fraud, stating: "the one who, for his own benefit or that of a third party, using any trickery, deception, trickery, trickery or other fraudulent way, leaves to pay in whole or in part the taxes established by law, shall be punished with imprisonment of not less than 5 (five) nor more than 8 (eight) years and 365 (three hundred and sixty-five) to 730 (seven hundred and thirty) ) days-fine ". Faced with this situation, the official or public servant of the tax administration body who, during the audit procedure, is aware of the alleged commission of a tax offence and should immediately inform the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, to proceed in accordance with its powers and to determine whether the conduct committed by the administrator is punishable under criminal law. However, there is a peculiarity for this type of criminal offence, since the punishability of the alleged criminal conduct may be excluded and the offence goes unpunished, in certain cases declared by law, those which are called "excuses for absolution". Proof of this, we contemplate it of the revision of article 189° of T.U.O. of the Tax Code that establishes "The exercise of criminal action by the Public Prosecutor does not apply, nor the communication of indicia of tax offense by the Tributary Administrator Body when the tax situation is regularized, in relation to the debts originated by the performance of some of the conduct constituting a tax offense contained in the Criminal Tax Law, before the corresponding investigation ordered by the Public Prosecutor's Office or in the absence thereof, the Administrative Body of the Tribute begins any inspection procedure related to the tax and period in which the indicated conducts were carried out, according to the rules on the matter ". As it flows from the aforementioned article, the exercise of criminal action or the communication of indications about the configuration of tax crimes is inadmissible when the tax debtor has regularized its tax situation before the corresponding investigation ordered by the Public Ministry or any control procedure by the Tax Administration, leaving the criminal act unpunished. As a result, in recent years the media have highlighted the most popular cases of tax fraud committed in our country. In this way, we warn that art. 189 ° of the T.U.O. of the Tax Code, as it is worded, would be distorting the legal institution of the acquittal by not justifying its public utility for failing to comply with its dissuasive effect, thus supporting the impunity of the tax debtors, since these usually reach "Regularize their tax situation" before the institution, long after the audit has been carried out and there is even a request from the Public Prosecutor's Office.Tesi

    No es normal. Experiencias en cuarentena. Serie Fotográfica

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    Since March, 2020, there are new weird and unexpectable situations. For thru this, the tecnology was a solution for a new life dimension. Not easy, but the NoNormal was here to stay for a long time; new spaces, outdoor windows, an the new comunications, video calls, are now our now sense of life.Desde Marzo de 2020, ocurren situaciones diferentes, caóticas e inesperadas. La tecnología ha servido para superar estas dificultades y sobrellevar la nueva vida que nos espera. No es nada fácil, pero nos acostumbramos a la No- Normalidad, que vino a nuestras vidas para quedarse. Los nuevos espacios, las ventanas al exterior y la nueva comunicación, hace parte ahora de nuestras vidas

    La violencia contra la mujer en los programas de infoentretenimiento peruanos

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    The article presents journalistic infotainment which is the combination of information and entertainment that gives priority to emotions. In Peru, the recurrent topic on television is violence against women. This type of news is widely presented on the media as the case of a cumbia dancer who was attacked by her partner – a singer. Since the leading roles were two members of the Peruvian showbiz, the matter was widely presented by newscasts and entertainment news programs. However, few weeks later the news was given diminished attention and another story came to fore. In the latter, a young woman was killed by her boyfriend after she participated in a TV show where she had earned money for exposing herpersonal problems. Finally, it is explained that in infotainment people become “popular” on the media, where bloody details are more important than finding a solution to the realproblem. In these situations the broadcast formula is repeated: the image is above other considerations.El artículo se centra en el tema del infoentretenimiento periodístico, mezcla de información y entretenimiento que da prioridad a las emociones. En el Perú, el tema recurrente en la televisión es la violencia contra la mujer, noticia que tiene una gran cobertura mediática; es el caso de una bailarina de cumbia, quien fue golpeada por su pareja, un cantante. Al tener como protagonistas a dos miembros de la farándula peruana, el tema fue ampliamente cubierto por noticieros y programas de espectáculos, sin embargo, a las pocas semanas la noticia se diluyó para dar paso a la historia de otra joven, quien fue asesinada por su enamorado, después de aparecer en un programa de televisión, donde ganó dinero por exponersus problemas personales. Finalmente, se explica que en el infoentretenimiento las personas pasan a ser mediáticas, importando más los detalles cruentos, antes que combatir el verdadero problema de fondo. Así, la fórmula televisiva se repite: la imagen está por sobre otras consideraciones

    Job satisfaction and turnover intention among people with disabilities working in Special Employment Centers: The moderation effect of organizational commitment

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    With the goal of contributing to the growth of research on people with disabilities in employment, in particular in relation to their job satisfaction (JS), organizational commitment (OC) and turnover intention (TI), this study explores the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention among employees with disabilities, and the moderation effect of organizational commitment and its four dimensions on this main relationship. A total of 245 Special Employment Center (SECs) employees in Spain answered a questionnaire. To analyze the results a descriptive analysis with bivariate correlations across the variables was performed, and the moderation model was tested subsequently using macro PROCESS for SPSS by Hayes. For the significant effects, a pick-a-point approximation was used to interpret the results. The results show that organizational commitment and its dimensions have no significant effect on the direct relationship. However, some components of job satisfaction, such as the relationship with co-workers and with supervisors, play a significant role in the relationship with turnover intention when moderated by affective and value commitment. Our results show that it is important that human resources departments create conditions favoring a work environment with positive interpersonal relationships between employees and managers in order to minimize turnover intention at SECs