680 research outputs found
Ă la croisĂ©e de lâingĂ©nierie didactique et de lâingĂ©nierie de formation : analyse de lâactivitĂ© dâenseignants belges du cycle 2 (5-8 ans) lors de lâutilisation des outils du programme P.A.R.L.E.R.
Lâapprentissage de la lecture se rĂ©vĂšle parfois difficile pour certains Ă©lĂšves, et ce, particuliĂšrement en FĂ©dĂ©ration Wallonie-Bruxelles oĂč les enquĂȘtes internationales rĂ©vĂšlent des rĂ©sultats en deçà de la moyenne de lâOCDE tant au niveau fondamental (Schillings et al., 2016) quâau niveau secondaire (Lafontaine et al., 2017). ParallĂšlement, un nombre considĂ©rable de recherches se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es Ă la maniĂšre dâenseigner le plus efficacement possible la lecture aux Ă©lĂšves ; on retrouve, Ă des degrĂ©s divers, un relatif consensus autour des composantes de son enseignement (avec, entre autres, lâenseignement dâau moins cinq piliers cognitifs), de certains principes fondamentaux ou gestes pĂ©dagogiques. De ces diffĂ©rentes recherches sont nĂ©s plusieurs programmes dâintervention visant Ă concrĂ©tiser ces « recommandations » de la recherche, dont notamment le programme P.A.R.L.E.R. BasĂ© sur une sĂ©rie de rĂ©sultats de ces recherches plus ou moins solides et destinĂ© aux enseignants du cycle 2 (5-8 ans), ce programme propose des ateliers autour des habiletĂ©s piliers de la lecture. La recherche initiale menĂ©e par Zorman (2015) ainsi que ses « variants » partiels ont abouti Ă des rĂ©sultats peu convergents (DEPP, 2014 ; Ecalle et al., 2015, 2019 ; Gentaz et al., 2013 ; Dejaegher et al., acceptĂ© ; Leyh et al., 2022). Ces rĂ©sultats montrent quâil ne suffit pas de diffuser des outils basĂ©s sur des recommandations de la recherche pour parvenir Ă franchir avec succĂšs le passage Ă lâĂ©chelle.
Le projet de thĂšse sâest construit autour dâun double objectif afin de mieux soutenir les enseignants qui souhaitent mettre en Ćuvre ce programme : amĂ©liorer les outils du programme P.A.R.L.E.R. (objectif 1) et concevoir un dispositif de formation (objectif 2). ParallĂšlement, il vise Ă rĂ©pondre Ă trois questions :
- comment soutenir lâappropriation dâun outil didactique innovant tel que P.A.R.L.E.R., et surtout, quelles sont les conditions de rĂ©ussite de ce passage Ă lâĂ©chelle ?
- comment adapter la dĂ©marche de conception continuĂ©e dans lâusage pour quâelle devienne une dĂ©marche de reconception ?
- comment opĂ©rationnaliser davantage la dĂ©marche de conception dâun dispositif de formation telle que thĂ©orisĂ©e et prĂ©conisĂ©e par la didactique professionnelle ?
Afin dâatteindre nos deux objectifs et de rĂ©pondre Ă nos questions de recherche, trois Ă©tudes empiriques ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es.
La premiĂšre Ă©tude empirique permet de rendre compte de lâanalyse du travail prescrit par les concepteurs du programme P.A.R.L.E.R. et du travail rĂ©el mis en Ćuvre par des enseignants « chevronnĂ©s dans leur utilisation des outils du programme ».
La seconde Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence la maniĂšre dont les enseignants qui dĂ©butent le programme P.A.R.L.E.R. rencontrent des difficultĂ©s qui peuvent ou non ĂȘtre source dâun dĂ©veloppement professionnel. Elle met Ă©galement en Ă©vidence les habitudes du mĂ©tier et donne Ă voir la maniĂšre dont les rĂ©sultats de la premiĂšre Ă©tape qualitative pourraient ĂȘtre retrouvĂ©s auprĂšs dâun plus large public.
La troisiĂšme Ă©tude empirique relate le processus itĂ©ratif de conception mis en Ćuvre pour atteindre les deux objectifs de la thĂšse : dâune part, la reconception des outils du programme et, dâautre part, la conception dâun dispositif de formation.
Nous concluons ce travail de recherche, Ă la croisĂ©e de lâingĂ©nierie didactique et de lâingĂ©nierie de formation, en mettant en Ă©vidence la maniĂšre dont les rĂ©sultats peuvent faire Ă©cho afin de soutenir la mise en Ćuvre dâoutils didactiques innovants tels que P.A.R.L.E.R
What are the conditions for an effective implementation of the french early literacy program âPARLERâ ?
According to PIRLS results, only 25 percent of Belgian grade 4 students master the reading skills that predict school achievement and allow the participation in civic and cultural life (Schillings & Lafontaine, 2013). These results argue for the introduction of effective programs in terms of prevention of reading difficulties for all students and especially those stemming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Indeed, it seems wiser to introduce a program that reduced the gaps between students before they start learning to read rather than trying to remedy their difficulties.
Thus, the French compensatory program âPARLERâ â Discussing, learning, thinking, reading together to succeed - seems to be a useful approach to prevent reading difficulties (Zorman, 2015), because it focus on teaching the oral language skills which are considered to predict reading proficiency. The relevance of this program is based on the joint development of skills related to two main components of reading: the code related skills and the comprehension skills (Bianco, 2015). In addition, the cognitive process and strategies are made explicit to the students who are taught in ability groups in order to allow a better differentiation in terms of quality and quantity (Meirieu, 1999). These groups sessions are short, intensive, regular, structured and planned from 3rd kindergarten until grade 2. Indeed, it is showed that this type of interventions is efficient. (Barnett & Masse, 2007).
The data were collected among nine teachers who introduced this program âPARLERâ in 3rd kindergarten in five French Belgium experimental schools in September 2017. Relying on the analysis of the teachersâ activity and their reflexive stance during debriefings, the main didactic obstacles as well as some examples of effective practices that allowed to overcome these obstacles were identified. The very first results showing the impact of these literacy practices on studentsâ learning will be also presented
Conceptualisation de lâaccompagnement des maitres de stage et analyse de ses effets chez les stagiaires
Cette Ă©tude sâancre dans le champ de la didactique professionnelle (PastrĂ©, Mayen, & Vergnaud 2006). Elle vise dâune part lâanalyse du modĂšle opĂ©ratif de maitres de stage impliquĂ©s dans la formation initiale des instituteurs primaires et, dâautre part, lâĂ©tude des bĂ©nĂ©fices retirĂ©s de lâaccompagnement par leurs stagiaires respectifs. Lâarticle dĂ©crit la maniĂšre dont deux enseignantes endossent cette fonction dans le contexte de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Wallonie-Bruxelles, oĂč la fonction de maitre de stage manque de prescrits et de clartĂ© dans la dĂ©finition des tĂąches qui sây rĂ©fĂšrent. Le cadre de la didactique professionnelle, qui vise la comprĂ©hension de lâactivitĂ© dâun professionnel en situation, a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des Ă©lĂ©ments qui guident lâactivitĂ© des maitres de stage. Par ailleurs, grĂące Ă lâobservation de leur activitĂ© pendant les dĂ©briefings et Ă la description et lâanalyse de ce que les maitres de stage en disent a posteriori lors des entretiens dâexplicitation (Vermersch, 1994), des concepts organisateurs de leur action ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©tablis. Ces rĂ©sultats sont ensuite confrontĂ©s aux donnĂ©es recueillies auprĂšs des stagiaires concernant les bĂ©nĂ©fices perçus de lâaccompagnement. Si les rĂ©sultats pointent chez les deux maitres de stage des prĂ©occupations communes ciblĂ©es Ă la fois sur le dĂ©veloppement Ă©motionnel et cognitif de leur stagiaire, celles-ci se traduisent toutefois par des postures dâaccompagnement diffĂ©rentes. Par ailleurs, des Ă©carts entre le discours des maitres de stage et leur action en situation ont pu ĂȘtre pointĂ©s.This study is anchored in the field of professional didactics (PastrĂ©, Mayen, & Vergnaud 2006). It aims, on the one hand, to analyze the operative model of two supervisors involved in the initial training of elementary school teachers and, on the other hand, to study the pre-service teachersâ perceptions of the benefits of the support provided. This study describes how two teachers take on this supervisory role in the context of French-speaking Belgian education, where neither the supervisory function nor the associated professional tasks are defined. The theoretical framework of the professional didactics, which is based on the reflexive stance that professionals adopt to revisit their activity, allowed me to highlight the conceptual elements that guide the activity of supervising. Moreover, through the observation of their activity during the debriefings with the trainees and through the analysis of what those supervisors said after the debriefing (using clarificatory interview techniques; Vermersch, 1994), a certain number of organizing concepts of their activity have been established. These results were then compared with the data collected from the trainees regarding the perceived benefits of the support received during their placement. The results reveal that the supervisors share concerns about the emotional and cognitive development of their trainee. However, these concerns translated into different postures of support. Furthermore, I identified some gaps between the way these professionals describe their activity and their actual activity
Dynamic stroma reorganization drives blood vessel dysmorphia during glioma growth
Glioma growth and progression are characterized by abundant development of blood vessels that are highly aberrant and poorly functional, with detrimental consequences for drug delivery efficacy. The mechanisms driving this vessel dysmorphia during tumor progression are poorly understood. Using longitudinal intravital imaging in a mouse glioma model, we identify that dynamic sprouting and functional morphogenesis of a highly branched vessel network characterize the initial tumor growth, dramatically changing to vessel expansion, leakage, and loss of branching complexity in the later stages. This vascular phenotype transition was accompanied by recruitment of predominantly pro-inflammatory M1-like macrophages in the early stages, followed by in situ repolarization to M2-like macrophages, which produced VEGF-A and relocate to perivascular areas. A similar enrichment and perivascular accumulation of M2 versus M1 macrophages correlated with vessel dilation and malignancy in human glioma samples of different WHO malignancy grade. Targeting macrophages using anti-CSF1 treatment restored normal blood vessel patterning and function. Combination treatment with chemotherapy showed survival benefit, suggesting that targeting macrophages as the key driver of blood vessel dysmorphia in glioma progression presents opportunities to improve efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. We propose that vessel dysfunction is not simply a general feature of tumor vessel formation, but rather an emergent property resulting from a dynamic and functional reorganization of the tumor stroma and its angiogenic influences
Some factors that can lead to poor peak shape in hydrophilic interaction chromatography, and possibilities for their remediation
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. Some factors which present difficulties for obtaining good peak shape in hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) were studied. The effect of injection solvent composition and volume was systematically investigated using a selection of weak and stronger basic compounds on a hybrid bare silica phase. Increasing the mismatch between the injection solvent (range 95-0% ACN v/v) and the mobile phase (maintained at 95% ACN v/v) gave increasing deterioration in peak shape. With the 2.1 mm ID columns used, injections in the mobile phase of increasing volume (1-20 ΌL) gave poorer peak shape, but the magnitude of the effect was considerably smaller than that of solvent mismatch over this range. Some solute structural features such as galloyl (trihydroxy benzene), catechol (benzene diol) and phosphate (in nucleotides) gave serious peak tailing, attributed to interactions with metals in the stationary phase or the chromatographic hardware. These undesirable effects can be moderated by including complexing agents in the mobile phase, by changing the stationary phase chemistry, or by altering the mobile phase pH
Effect of surgical experience and spine subspecialty on the reliability of the {AO} Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System
The objective of this paper was to determine the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility of the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System based on surgeon experience (< 5 years, 5â10 years, 10â20 years, and > 20 years) and surgical subspecialty (orthopedic spine surgery, neurosurgery, and "other" surgery).
A total of 11,601 assessments of upper cervical spine injuries were evaluated based on the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System. Reliability and reproducibility scores were obtained twice, with a 3-week time interval. Descriptive statistics were utilized to examine the percentage of accurately classified injuries, and Pearsonâs chi-square or Fisherâs exact test was used to screen for potentially relevant differences between study participants. Kappa coefficients (Îș) determined the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility.
The intraobserver reproducibility was substantial for surgeon experience level (< 5 years: 0.74 vs 5â10 years: 0.69 vs 10â20 years: 0.69 vs > 20 years: 0.70) and surgical subspecialty (orthopedic spine: 0.71 vs neurosurgery: 0.69 vs other: 0.68). Furthermore, the interobserver reliability was substantial for all surgical experience groups on assessment 1 (< 5 years: 0.67 vs 5â10 years: 0.62 vs 10â20 years: 0.61 vs > 20 years: 0.62), and only surgeons with > 20 years of experience did not have substantial reliability on assessment 2 (< 5 years: 0.62 vs 5â10 years: 0.61 vs 10â20 years: 0.61 vs > 20 years: 0.59). Orthopedic spine surgeons and neurosurgeons had substantial intraobserver reproducibility on both assessment 1 (0.64 vs 0.63) and assessment 2 (0.62 vs 0.63), while other surgeons had moderate reliability on assessment 1 (0.43) and fair reliability on assessment 2 (0.36).
The international reliability and reproducibility scores for the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System demonstrated substantial intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver reliability regardless of surgical experience and spine subspecialty. These results support the global application of this classification system
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