86 research outputs found

    On surfaces in P^4 and 3-folds in P^5

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    This is a survey on the classification of smooth surfaces in P^4 and smooth 3-folds in P^5. We recall the corresponding results arising from adjunction theory and explain how to construct examples via syzygies. We discuss some examples in detail and list all families of smooth non-general type surfaces in P^4 and 3-folds in P^5 known to us.Comment: 24 pages, AMS-TeX 2.

    Local analysis of Grauert-Remmert-type normalization algorithms

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    Normalization is a fundamental ring-theoretic operation; geometrically it resolves singularities in codimension one. Existing algorithmic methods for computing the normalization rely on a common recipe: successively enlarge the given ring in form an endomorphism ring of a certain (fractional) ideal until the process becomes stationary. While Vasconcelos' method uses the dual Jacobian ideal, Grauert-Remmert-type algorithms rely on so-called test ideals. For algebraic varieties, one can apply such normalization algorithms globally, locally, or formal analytically at all points of the variety. In this paper, we relate the number of iterations for global Grauert-Remmert-type normalization algorithms to that of its local descendants. We complement our results by an explicit study of ADE singularities. This includes the description of the normalization process in terms of value semigroups of curves. It turns out that the intermediate steps produce only ADE singularities and simple space curve singularities from the list of Fruehbis-Krueger.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Gr\"obner Bases over Algebraic Number Fields

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    Although Buchberger's algorithm, in theory, allows us to compute Gr\"obner bases over any field, in practice, however, the computational efficiency depends on the arithmetic of the ground field. Consider a field K=Q(α)K = \mathbb{Q}(\alpha), a simple extension of Q\mathbb{Q}, where α\alpha is an algebraic number, and let f∈Q[t]f \in \mathbb{Q}[t] be the minimal polynomial of α\alpha. In this paper we present a new efficient method to compute Gr\"obner bases in polynomial rings over the algebraic number field KK. Starting from the ideas of Noro [Noro, 2006], we proceed by joining ff to the ideal to be considered, adding tt as an extra variable. But instead of avoiding superfluous S-pair reductions by inverting algebraic numbers, we achieve the same goal by applying modular methods as in [Arnold, 2003; B\"ohm et al., 2015; Idrees et al., 2011], that is, by inferring information in characteristic zero from information in characteristic p>0p > 0. For suitable primes pp, the minimal polynomial ff is reducible over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. This allows us to apply modular methods once again, on a second level, with respect to the factors of ff. The algorithm thus resembles a divide and conquer strategy and is in particular easily parallelizable. At current state, the algorithm is probabilistic in the sense that, as for other modular Gr\"obner basis computations, an effective final verification test is only known for homogeneous ideals or for local monomial orderings. The presented timings show that for most examples, our algorithm, which has been implemented in SINGULAR, outperforms other known methods by far.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Syzygies of Abelian and Bielliptic Surfaces in P^4

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    So far only six families of smooth irregular surfaces are known to exist in P^4 (up to pullbacks by suitable finite covers of P^4). These are the elliptic quintic scrolls, the minimal abelian and bielliptic surfaces (of degree 10), two different families of non-minimal abelian surfaces of degree 15, and one family of non-minimal bielliptic surfaces of degree 15. The main purpose of the paper is to describe the structure of the Hartshorne-Rao modules and the syzygies for each of these smooth irregular surfaces in P^4, providing at the same time a unified construction method (via syzygies) for these families of surfaces.Comment: 64 pages, author-supplied DVI file available at http://oscar.math.brandeis.edu/~popescu/dvi/bielliptics2.dvi AmS-TeX v. 2.

    Parallel algorithms for normalization

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    Given a reduced affine algebra A over a perfect field K, we present parallel algorithms to compute the normalization \bar{A} of A. Our starting point is the algorithm of Greuel, Laplagne, and Seelisch, which is an improvement of de Jong's algorithm. First, we propose to stratify the singular locus Sing(A) in a way which is compatible with normalization, apply a local version of the normalization algorithm at each stratum, and find \bar{A} by putting the local results together. Second, in the case where K = Q is the field of rationals, we propose modular versions of the global and local-to-global algorithms. We have implemented our algorithms in the computer algebra system SINGULAR and compare their performance with that of the algorithm of Greuel, Laplagne, and Seelisch. In the case where K = Q, we also discuss the use of modular computations of Groebner bases, radicals, and primary decompositions. We point out that in most examples, the new algorithms outperform the algorithm of Greuel, Laplagne, and Seelisch by far, even if we do not run them in parallel.Comment: 19 page
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