123 research outputs found

    An empirical evaluation of two-stage species tree inference strategies using a multilocus dataset from North American pines

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    Background As it becomes increasingly possible to obtain DNA sequences of orthologous genes from diverse sets of taxa, species trees are frequently being inferred from multilocus data. However, the behavior of many methods for performing this inference has remained largely unexplored. Some methods have been proven to be consistent given certain evolutionary models, whereas others rely on criteria that, although appropriate for many parameter values, have peculiar zones of the parameter space in which they fail to converge on the correct estimate as data sets increase in size. Results Here, using North American pines, we empirically evaluate the behavior of 24 strategies for species tree inference using three alternative outgroups (72 strategies total). The data consist of 120 individuals sampled in eight ingroup species from subsection Strobus and three outgroup species from subsection Gerardianae, spanning ∌47 kilobases of sequence at 121 loci. Each “strategy” for inferring species trees consists of three features: a species tree construction method, a gene tree inference method, and a choice of outgroup. We use multivariate analysis techniques such as principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering to identify tree characteristics that are robustly observed across strategies, as well as to identify groups of strategies that produce trees with similar features. We find that strategies that construct species trees using only topological information cluster together and that strategies that use additional non-topological information (e.g., branch lengths) also cluster together. Strategies that utilize more than one individual within a species to infer gene trees tend to produce estimates of species trees that contain clades present in trees estimated by other strategies. Strategies that use the minimize-deep-coalescences criterion to construct species trees tend to produce species tree estimates that contain clades that are not present in trees estimated by the Concatenation, RTC, SMRT, STAR, and STEAC methods, and that in general are more balanced than those inferred by these other strategies. Conclusions When constructing a species tree from a multilocus set of sequences, our observations provide a basis for interpreting differences in species tree estimates obtained via different approaches that have a two-stage structure in common, one step for gene tree estimation and a second step for species tree estimation. The methods explored here employ a number of distinct features of the data, and our analysis suggests that recovery of the same results from multiple methods that tend to differ in their patterns of inference can be a valuable tool for obtaining reliable estimates

    Admixture and ancestry inference from ancient and modern samples through measures of population genetic drift

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    Methods that leverage the information about population history contained within the increasingly abundant genetic sequences of extant and extinct Hominid populations are diverse in form and versatile in application. Here, we review key methods recently developed to detect and quantify admixture and ancestry in modern human populations. We begin with an overview of the f- and D-statistics, covering their conceptual principles and important applications, as well as any extensions developed for them. We then cover a combination of more recent and more complex methods for admixture and ancestry inference, discussing tests for direct ancestry between two populations, quantification of admixture in large datasets, and determination of admixture dates. These methods have revolutionized our understanding of human population history and additionally highlighted its complexity. Therefore, we emphasize that current methods may not capture this population history in its entirety, but nonetheless provide a reasonable picture that is supported by data from multiple methods, and from the historical record

    SWEEPFINDER2: Increased sensitivity, robustness, and flexibility

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    SweepFinder is a popular program that implements a powerful likelihood-based method for detecting recent positive selection, or selective sweeps. Here, we present SweepFinder2, an extension of SweepFinder with increased sensitivity and robustness to the confounding effects of mutation rate variation and background selection, as well as increased flexibility that enables the user to examine genomic regions in greater detail and to specify a fixed distance between test sites. Moreover, SweepFinder2 enables the use of invariant sites for sweep detection, increasing both its power and precision relative to SweepFinder

    VolcanoFinder:Genomic scans for adaptive introgression

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    Recent research shows that introgression between closely-related species is an important source of adaptive alleles for a wide range of taxa. Typically, detection of adaptive introgression from genomic data relies on comparative analyses that require sequence data from both the recipient and the donor species. However, in many cases, the donor is unknown or the data is not currently available. Here, we introduce a genome-scan method-VolcanoFinder-to detect recent events of adaptive introgression using polymorphism data from the recipient species only. VolcanoFinder detects adaptive introgression sweeps from the pattern of excess intermediate-frequency polymorphism they produce in the flanking region of the genome, a pattern which appears as a volcano-shape in pairwise genetic diversity. Using coalescent theory, we derive analytical predictions for these patterns. Based on these results, we develop a composite-likelihood test to detect signatures of adaptive introgression relative to the genomic background. Simulation results show that VolcanoFinder has high statistical power to detect these signatures, even for older sweeps and for soft sweeps initiated by multiple migrant haplotypes. Finally, we implement VolcanoFinder to detect archaic introgression in European and sub-Saharan African human populations, and uncovered interesting candidates in both populations, such as TSHR in Europeans and TCHH-RPTN in Africans. We discuss their biological implications and provide guidelines for identifying and circumventing artifactual signals during empirical applications of VolcanoFinder

    Hydrodynamic coupling of two rotating spheres trapped in harmonic potentials

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    We theoretically study in detail the hydrodynamic coupling of two equal-sized colloidal spheres at low Reynolds numbers assuming the particles to be harmonically trapped with respect to both their positions and orientations. By taking into account the rotational motion, we obtain a rich spectrum of collective eigen modes whose properties we determine on the basis of pure symmetry arguments. Extending recent investigations on translational correlations [J.-C. Meiners and S. R. Quake, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2211 (1999)], we derive the complete set of auto- and cross-correlation functions emphasizing the coupling of rotation to translation which we illustrate in a few examples. An important feature of our system is the self-coupling of translation and rotation of one particle mediated by the neighboring particle that is clearly visible in the appropriate auto-correlation function. This coupling is a higher-order effect and therefore not included in the widely used Rotne-Prager approximation for the hydrodynamic mobilities.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A time transect of exomes from a Native American population before and after European contact

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    A major factor for the population decline of Native Americans after European contact has been attributed to infectious disease susceptibility. To investigate whether a pre-existing genetic component contributed to this phenomenon, here we analyse 50 exomes of a continuous population from the Northwest Coast of North America, dating from before and after European contact. We model the population collapse after European contact, inferring a 57% reduction in effective population size. We also identify signatures of positive selection on immune-related genes in the ancient but not the modern group, with the strongest signal deriving from the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) gene HLA-DQA1. The modern individuals show a marked frequency decrease in the same alleles, likely due to the environmental change associated with European colonization, whereby negative selection may have acted on the same gene after contact. The evident shift in selection pressures correlates to the regional European-borne epidemics of the 1800s.Full Tex

    Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans

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    This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science on 2015 August 21; 349(6250), DOI: 10.1126/science.aab3884.How and when the Americas were populated remains contentious. Using ancient and modern genome-wide data, we find that the ancestors of all present-day Native Americans, including Athabascans and Amerindians, entered the Americas as a single migration wave from Siberia no earlier than 23 thousand years ago (KYA), and after no more than 8,000-year isolation period in Beringia. Following their arrival to the Americas, ancestral Native Americans diversified into two basal genetic branches around 13 KYA, one that is now dispersed across North and South America and the other is restricted to North America. Subsequent gene flow resulted in some Native Americans sharing ancestry with present-day East Asians (including Siberians) and, more distantly, Australo-Melanesians. Putative ‘Paleoamerican’ relict populations, including the historical Mexican PericĂșes and South American Fuego-Patagonians, are not directly related to modern Australo-Melanesians as suggested by the Paleoamerican Model

    Ancient and modern genomics of the Ohlone Indigenous population of California

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    Traditional knowledge, along with archaeological and linguistic evidence, documents that California supports cultural and linguistically diverse Indigenous populations. Studies that have included ancient genomes in this region, however, have focused primarily on broad-scale migration history of the North American continent, with relatively little attention to local population dynamics. Here, in a partnership involving researchers and the Muwekma Ohlone tribe, we analyze genomic data from ancient and present-day individuals from the San Francisco Bay Area in California: 12 ancient individuals dated to 1905 to 1826 and 601 to 184 calibrated years before the present (cal BP) from two archaeological sites and eight present-day members of the Muwekma Ohlone tribe, whose ancestral lands include these two sites. We find that when compared to other ancient and modern individuals throughout the Americas, the 12 ancient individuals from the San Francisco Bay Area cluster with ancient individuals from Southern California. At a finer scale of analysis, we find that the 12 ancient individuals from the San Francisco Bay Area have distinct ancestry from the other groups and that this ancestry has a component of continuity over time with the eight present-day Muwekma Ohlone individuals. These results add to our understanding of Indigenous population history in the San Francisco Bay Area, in California, and in western North America more broadly
