1,377 research outputs found

    Shedding Light on Diatom Photonics by means of Digital Holography

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    Diatoms are among the dominant phytoplankters in the worl's ocean, and their external silica investments, resembling artificial photonics crystal, are expected to play an active role in light manipulation. Digital holography allowed studying the interaction with light of Coscinodiscus wailesii cell wall reconstructing the light confinement inside the cell cytoplasm, condition that is hardly accessible via standard microscopy. The full characterization of the propagated beam, in terms of quantitative phase and intensity, removed a long-standing ambiguity about the origin of the light. The data were discussed in the light of living cell behavior in response to their environment

    Migrant workers and psychological health: A systematic review

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    Migrant workers show an increase in the incidence of serious, psychotic, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders due to a series of socio-environmental variables, such as loss of social status, discrimination, and separations from the family. The purpose is to elaborate a systematic review and highlight the prevailing psychological pathologies of these workers and categories most at risk. Our research included articles published from 2009 to 2019 on the major databases (Pub Med, Cochrane Library, and Scopus) using a combination of some keywords. The online search indicated 1.228 references. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyzed 127 articles, in particular 12 reviews and 115 original articles. Principal emerging disorders from the research are depressive syndrome (poor concentration at work, feeling down, or anger and somatization), anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, and poor sleep quality. This causes low life conditions, which is also due to marginalization from the social context and strenuous work; in fact, migrant workers may suffer verbal or physical abuse, and they are often employed in dangerous, unhealthy jobs. It is therefore essential to increase the role of occupational medicine and promote wellbeing for this vulnerable job categor

    The ligand-receptor interactions based on silicon technology

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    We explored the use of porous silicon (pSi) technology for the construction of a biotechnological device, in which the ligand-receptor interactions are revealed by means of laser optical measurements. Here we report the settling of chemical procedures for the functionalization of the silicon wafers and for the subsequent anchoring of biological molecules such as a purified murine monoclonal antibody (UN1 mAb), an antibody anti-P8 protein of M13 phage and an antibody anti-A20 murine lymphoma cell line. The optical analysis of the interaction on the biochips between the bound biomolecules and their corresponding ligands indicated that the pSi is suitable for thi

    Multipoint temperature monitoring of microwave thermal ablation in bones through fiber bragg grating sensor arrays

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    Bones are a frequent site of metastases that cause intolerable cancer-related pain in 90% of patients, making their quality of life poor. In this scenario, being able to treat bone oncology patients by means of minimally invasive techniques can be crucial to avoid surgery-related risks and decrease hospitalization times. The use of microwave ablation (MWA) is gaining broad clinical acceptance to treat bone tumors. It is worth investigating temperature variations in bone tissue undergoing MWA because the clinical outcomes can be inferred from this parameter. Several feasibility studies have been performed, but an experimental analysis of the temperature trends reached into the bone during the MWA has not yet been assessed. In this work, a multi-point temperature study along the bone structure during such treatment is presented. The study has been carried out on ex vivo bovine femur and tibia, subjected to MWA. An overall of 40 measurement points covering a large sensing area was obtained for each configuration. Temperature monitoring was performed by using 40 fiber Bragg grating (FBGs) sensors (four arrays each housing 10 FBGs), inserted into the bones at specific distances to the microwave antenna. As result, the ability of this experimental multi-point monitoring approach in tracking temperature variations within bone tissue during MWA treatments was shown. This study lays the foundations for the design of a novel approach to study the effects of MWA on bone tumors. As consequence, the MWA treatment settings could be optimized in order to maximize the treatment effects of such a promising clinical application, but also customized for the specific tumor and patient

    Frontiers of light manipulation in natural, metallic, and dielectric nanostructures

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    AbstractThe ability to control light at the nanoscale is at the basis of contemporary photonics and plasmonics. In particular, properly engineered periodic nanostructures not only allow the inhibition of propagation of light at specific spectral ranges or its confinement in nanocavities or waveguides, but make also possible field enhancement effects in vibrational, Raman, infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies, paving the way to the development of novel high-performance optical sensors. All these devices find an impressive analogy in nearly-periodic photonic nanostructures present in several plants, animals and algae, which can represent a source of inspiration in the development and optimization of new artificial nano-optical systems. Here we present the main properties and applications of cutting-edge nanostructures starting from several examples of natural photonic architectures, up to the most recent technologies based on metallic and dielectric metasurfaces

    Data collection and advanced statistical analysis in phytotoxic activity of aerial parts exudates of Salvia spp

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    In order to define the phytotoxic potential of Salvia species a database was developed for fast and efficient data collection in screening studies of the inhibitory activity of Salvia exudates on the germination of Papaver rhoeas L. and Avena sativa L.. The structure of the database is associated with the use of algorithms for calculating the usual germination indices reported in the literature, plus the newly defined indices (Weighted Average Damage, Differential Weighted Average Damage, Germination Weighted Average Velocity) and other variables usually recorded in experiments of phytotoxicity (LC50, LC90). Furthermore, other algorithms were designed to calculate the one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan's multiple range test to highlight automatically significant differences between the species. The database model was designed in order to be suitable also for the development of further analysis based on the artificial neural network approach, using Self-Organising Maps (SOM)

    Modeling VRALA, The Next-Generation Actuator For High-Density, Tick Secondary Mirrors For Astronomy

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    The next-generation of Extremely Large Telescopes adaptive optics systems require high-order, long-stroke, quite large deformable mirrors. Higher forces and greater actuator densities than the ones provided by the current technology are needed, still maintaining the severe accuracy and bandwidth requests. Based on a very simple magnetic circuit, providing a compact device, the VRALA actuator accomplishes this very demanding goal. With an efficiency of about 7 N/W and an overall radius that allows actuator separations as low as 25 mm, the deformable mirror can be actuated with large forces on small spatial scales, with a little thermal impact, and/or its thickness can be increased, in order to simplify the manufacturing

    Phytotoxic activity of Salvia x jamensis.

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    A study has been carried out on the surface exudate of Salvia x jamensis, which showed a significant phytotoxic activity against Papaver rhoeas L. and Avena sativa L.. Bioguided separation of the exudate yielded active fractions from which 3β-hydroxy-isopimaric acid (1), hautriwaic acid (2), betulinic acid (3), 7,8β-dihydrosalviacoccin (4), isopimaric acid (5), 14α-hydroxy-isopimaric acid (7), 15,16-epoxy-7α,10β-dihydroxy-clerod-3,13(16),14-trien-17,12;18,19-diolide (8), cirsiliol (5,3′,4′-trihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavone, 9) and two new neoclerodane diterpenes (6 and 10) were isolated. The structures of 6 and 10 were identified as 15,16-epoxy-10β-hydroxy-clerod-3,13(16),14-trien-17,12;18,19-diolide and 15,16-epoxy-7α,10-dihydroxy-clerod-2,13(16),14-trien-17,12;18,19-diolide respectively on the basis of spectroscopic data analysis. All compounds, but 7, 8 and 10, were active in inhibiting the germination of the tested species

    Micromechanical model for protein materials: From macromolecules to macroscopic fibers

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    We propose a model for the mechanical behavior of protein materials. Based on a limited number of experimental macromolecular parameters (persistence and contour lengths, rate of unfolding dissipation) we obtain the macroscopic behavior of keratin fibers (human, cow, and rabbit hair), taking into account the damage and residual stretches effects which are fundamental in many functions of life. We support our theoretical results by showing that our model is robust and able to reproduce with high quantitive accuracy the cyclic experimental behavior of different keratinous protein materials we tested. We also show the capability of describing, even if with lower precision, the dissipation and permanent strain effects in spider silks

    Observation of resonant states in negative refractive photonic crystals

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    In this paper, experimental evidences about the resonance phenomena in a negative 2D photonic crystal are shown. Localized plasmon-like modes and guided mode resonances are detected in the reflectivity spectrum of a photonic crystal slab irradiated with out-of-plane incident radiation. The strong confinement of the radiation, in addition to the field enhancement, make photonic crystals a very appealing alternative to plasmonic substrates, avoiding the limits of absorption losses in metals
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