5,533 research outputs found

    A new species of Habeas (Eupulmonata, Urocoptidae) from Canarana region, Bahia, Brazil

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    A new species of the recently described genus Habeas is described. The genus is the single urocoptid representant in Brazil. The new species is named as Habeas centroris, occurring in Paz de Salobro, Canarana, Bahia, Brazil. It is mainly characterized by its dense, delicate sculpture, peristome slightly centrally positioned. Its anatomy is similar to what is currently known, differing mainly by small pallial gland, short stomach, presence of anterior duct to digestive gland, vas deferens very posteriorly originated, prostate lying further the vas deferens origin, and visceral ganglia connected directly to pleural ganglia. The new species is another example of how weak the knowledge on the land mollusks in central Brazilian semi-dry region is, a biome that deserves protection. https://zoobank.org/0DD6D7B5-60C4-42F4-BA72-A4A229D8C92E

    Anatomy of two species of Megalobulimus (Strophocheilidae, Megalobuliminae) from South-Central Bahia, Brazil

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    An anatomical and taxonomic study of Megalobulimus oblongus (Müller, 1774) and M. conicus (Bequaert, 1948) (Strophocheilidae, Megalobuliminae) is carried out, based mainly on samples from the south-central region of Bahia, Brazil. It revealed interesting anatomical differences in several structures, mainly in the pallial cavity, with greater ramification of vessels in the respiratory region of M. oblongus when compared to M. conicus; and in the genital system of M. conicus, which has a more elongated prostate, and the folds of the penis are more spaced. A taxonomical discussion is presented, including several characters confirmed as typical of the genus and subfamily, such as buccal flange, prerectal valve and pulmonary septum

    Morphological description of Cyrtopleura costata (Bivalvia: Pholadidae) from southern Brazil

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    The aim of the study is to describe in detail, for the first time, the internal and external anatomy of Cyrtopleura costata, which displays ellipsoid and elongated valves with beige periostracum, the anterior adductor muscle unites the valves in the pre-umbonal region, with abduction capacity in its dorsal half, sparing the ligament. Two accessory valves are identified: the mesoplax (calcified) located in the umbonal region; and the protoplax (corneus) above the anterior adductor muscle. Internally there is a pair of well-developed apophysis that supports the labial palps and the pedal muscles, and support part of the gills. The posterior half of mantle ventral edge is fused and richly muscular, working as auxiliary adductor muscle. The siphons are completely united with each other, the incurrent being larger than the excurrent. The foot is small (about ⅛ the size of the animal). The kidneys extend laterally on the dorsal surface, solid, presenting a brown/reddish color. The style sac is well developed and entirely detached from the adjacent intestine. The intestine has numerous loops and curves within the visceral mass. The fecal pellets are coin-shaped. The present study certainly may be used as comparative scenario for specimens from other regions of the species range

    A new species of the micro snail genus Heleobia (Caenogastropoda, Cochliopidae) from Bahia, Brazil

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    The prey of a recent described characid fish, so far endemic of the small lake Pratinha (Iraquara, Bahia, Brazil), a small (~2.5 mm) lentic gastropod, revealed to be a new (possible endemic) species. It is herein formally described as Heleobia brucutu sp. nov. The description includes anatomical features, revealing interesting idiosyncrasies such as egg laying attached to shell, and penis lacking glands, but with terminal papilla. The new species appears to be endemic of that small lake as much as its fish predator. As the species is now formally described and named, protective efforts must be implemented

    Two new species of deep water south Brazilian turriforms (Neogastropoda, Conoidea, Turridae and Cochlespiridae)

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    Two deep water new species of turriforms are described from south Brazilian coast. One of them is the turrid Polystira tupan sp. nov., one of the largest species of the genus (~80 mm), with proper sculpture, shallow anal notch, collected off Santa Catarina, 350 m. The other is a cochlespirid that has been confused with Cochlespira elegans, a north Atlantic species; as it has different sculpture, shape, peripheric spines, etc., a new species, Cochlespira notomaris sp. nov., is introduced, occurring so far from off Santa Catarina to Rio Grande do Sul, 200‑1,000 m. For comparative purposes, the holotype of C. elegans is also illustrated

    A new species of Arene (Vetigastropoda, Areneidae) from Canopus Bank, off NE Brazil

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    Arene lychee sp. nov. is described from Canopus Bank, a seamount located ~190 km off Fortaleza, Ceará, NE Brazil (02°14’25”S, 38°22’50”W), based on shell morphology. The species is characterized by a large, trochiform shell; color ranging from intense reddish to white (darker on spiral cords, lighter at base) with a yellow apex; sculpture of 3‑8 wide spiral cords with large scale-like spines; cords separated by deep interspaces with similar width, and interspaces sculptured by closely-packed, thin axial growth lines.Arene lychee sp. nov. is described from Canopus Bank, a seamount located ~190 km off Fortaleza, Ceará, NE Brazil (02°14’25”S, 38°22’50”W), based on shell morphology. The species is characterized by a large, trochiform shell; color ranging from intense reddish to white (darker on spiral cords, lighter at base) with a yellow apex; sculpture of 3‑8 wide spiral cords with large scale-like spines; cords separated by deep interspaces with similar width, and interspaces sculptured by closely-packed, thin axial growth lines

    Observatório de Conflitos Urbanos de Curitiba: metodologia e categorias de análise

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    Urban conflicts, as an expression of social conflict, are significant phenomena and represent a prominent object for reflection on social dynamics and relations. The aim of this paper is to present categories and methodology that help to broaden knowledge on urban social struggles and their insertion into the most general range of social conflict based on the experience of building research instruments and theoretical contributions that contribute to the Curitiba Observatory of Urban Conflict. The global analysis of the 707 documented protests delivers elements with which to assess the theoretical-methodological potential of the proposal, thereby indicating that the protests, in different ways, have triggered demands for the qualification (improvements in infrastructure and services), appropriation (recognition of uses) and transformation (modification in production processes) of urban spaces.Os conflitos urbanos, como expressão da conflitualidade social, são fenômenos importantes e objeto destacado para a reflexão sobre as dinâmicas e relações sociais. A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar categorias e metodologia que contribuam para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as lutas sociais urbanas e sua inserção na dinâmica mais geral da conflitualidade social, com base na experiência de construção de instrumentos de pesquisa e aportes teóricos que subsidiam o Observatório de Conflitos Urbanos de Curitiba. A análise global dos 707 protestos registrados traz elementos para avaliação do potencial teórico-metodológico da proposta, evidenciando que os protestos acionam, de diferentes maneiras, demandas pela qualificação (melhorias em infraestrutura e serviços), apropriação (reconhecimento de usos) e transformação (modificação dos processos de produção) dos espaços urbanos

    First record of the exotic Indothais lacera (Gastropoda, Muricidae) in Brazil

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    Bioinvasions are one of the main causes of the decline of native biodiversity. Indothais lacera (Born, 1778) is a carnivorous gastropod, native to the Indo-Pacific. We present the first records of I. lacera on the Brazilian coast and the first record of this invasive species in the Western Atlantic. The specimens were found in two locations in the Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia state, northeast of Brazil. Live specimens were collected in the Itapagipe Peninsula, in Ribeira, Salvador, and dry samples (empty shells) were collected in the extreme north of Itaparica Island. Molecular analyses indicate that there was more than one event of introduction of I. lacera in the bay and alert to the potential impacts that this species can have on the benthic community in the region. We suspect that this exotic species is affecting a native population of Thaisella, which was previously locally abundant but has since become rare

    Megalobulimus dryades, a new species from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil, and redescription of Megalobulimus gummatus (Gastropoda: Strophocheilidae)

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    Megalobulimus dryades sp. nov. is described from the Atlantic Forest in the Vale do Ribeira region, in the states of Paraná and São Paulo, S-SE Brazil, based on morphology. Representatives of the new species with white peristome and glossy periostracum have been misidentified as Megalobulimus gummatus (Hidalgo, 1870) since the 19th Century. The true M. gummatus is revised and redescribed, and its distribution is here restricted to Rio de Janeiro state. Externally, the new species differs from M. gummatus in having distinct protoconch color and sculpture, teleoconch sculpture marked by strong anastomosing rugosities and malleations, and lighter colored white-greyish head-foot. Internally, it presents distinct jaw and radular features, a talon, and a long convoluted penis bearing two flagella. Additional comparisons with other Brazilian congeneric species are also provided

    New records of Helicina schereri (Gastropoda: Helicinidae) from the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    New records for Helicina schereri Baker, 1913, are reported. It was a species previously restricted to the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Alagoas and Tocantins in Northeastern Brazil, and State of Santa Catarina, much further south. The new occurrences reported herein fill distribution gaps and also significantly expand the range of the species ca. 970 km westwards. The new records are from the following locations: Bahia State (Ituaçu and Itaquara municipalities) in Northeast Brazil; Mato Grosso do Sul State (Bonito Municipality) in the Midwest; and Minas Gerais (Lagoa Santa municipality) in the Southeast