1,200 research outputs found

    Two-spin entanglement induced by electron scattering in nanostructures

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    We present a model where two magnetic impurities in a discrete tight-binding ring become entangled because of scattering processes associated to the injection of a conduction electron. We introduce a weak coupling approximation that allows us to solve the problem in a analytical way and compare the theory with the exact numerical results. We obtain the generation of entanglement both in a deterministic way and in a probabilistic one. The first case is intrinsically related to the structure of the two-impurity reduced density matrix, while the second one occurs when a projection on the electron state is performed

    Conditional sign flip via teleportation

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    We present a model to realize a probabilistic conditional sign flip gate using only linear optics. The gate operates in the space of number state qubits and is obtained by a nonconventional use of the teleportation protocol. Both a destructive and a nondestructive version of the gate are presented. In the former case an Hadamard gate on the control qubit is combined with a projective teleportation scheme mixing control and target. The success probability is 1/2. In the latter case we need a quantum encoder realized via the interaction of the control qubit with an ancillary state composed of two maximally entangled photons. The success probability is 1/4

    Mesoscopic continuous and discrete channels for quantum information transfer

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    We study the possibility of realizing perfect quantum state transfer in mesoscopic devices. We discuss the case of the Fano-Anderson model extended to two impurities. For a channel with an infinite number of degrees of freedom, we obtain coherent behavior in the case of strong coupling or in weak coupling off-resonance. For a finite number of degrees of freedom, coherent behavior is associated to weak coupling and resonance conditions

    Double dot chain as a macroscopic quantum bit

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    We consider an array of N quantum dot pairs interacting via Coulomb interaction between adjacent dots and hopping inside each pair. We show that at the first order in the ratio of hopping and interaction amplitudes, the array maps in an effective two level system with energy separation becoming exponentially small in the macroscopic (large N) limit. Decoherence at zero temperature is studied in the limit of weak coupling with phonons. In this case the macroscopic limit is robust with respect to decoherence. Some possible applications in quantum information processing are discussed.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (in press

    Scattering and absorption imaging of a highly fractured fluid-filled seismogenetic volume in a region of slow deformation

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    Regions of slow strain often produce swarm-like sequences, characterized by the lack of a clear mainshock-aftershock pattern. The comprehension of their underlying physical mechanisms is challenging and still debated. We used seismic recordings from the last Pollino swarm (2010–2014) and nearby to separate and map seismic scattering (from P peak-delays) and absorption (from late-time coda-wave attenuation) at different frequencies in the Pollino range and surroundings. High-scattering and high-absorption anomalies are markers of a fluid-filled fracture volume extending from SE to NW (1.5–6 Hz) across the range. With increasing frequency, these anomalies approximately cover the area where the strongest earthquakes occurred from the sixteenth century until 1998. In our interpretation, the NW fracture propagation ends where carbonates of the Lucanian Apennines begin, as marked by a high-scattering and low-absorption area. At the highest frequency (12 Hz) the anomalies widen southward in the middle of the range, consistently marking the faults active during the recent Pollino swarm. Our results suggest that fracture healing has closed small-scale fractures across the SE faults that were active in the past centuries, and that the propagation of fluids may have played a crucial role in triggering the 2010–2014 Pollino swarm. Assuming that the fluid propagation ended at the carbonates barrier in the NW direction, fractures opened new paths to the South, favoring the nucleation of the last Pollino swarm. Indeed, the recently active faults in the middle of the seismogenic volume are marked by a high-scattering and high-absorption footprints. Our work provides evidence that attenuation parameters may track shape and dynamics of fluid-filled fracture networks in fault areas. Keywords: Pollino, Seismic attenuation, Scattering, Fluids, Fractures, Healin

    Distinct modes of neuritic growth in Purkinje neurons at different developmental stages: axonal morphogenesis and cellular regulatory mechanisms

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    BACKGROUND: During development, neurons modify their axon growth mode switching from an elongating phase, in which the main axon stem reaches the target territory through growth cone-driven extension, to an arborising phase, when the terminal arbour is formed to establish synaptic connections. To investigate the relative contribution of cell-autonomous factors and environmental signals in the control of these distinct axon growth patterns, we examined the neuritogenesis of Purkinje neurons in cerebellar cultures prepared at elongating (embryonic day 17) or arborising (postnatal day zero) stages of Purkinje axon maturation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: When placed in vitro, Purkinje cells of both ages undergo an initial phase of neurite elongation followed by the development of terminal ramifications. Nevertheless, elongation of the main axon stem prevails in embryonic Purkinje axons, and many of these neurons are totally unable to form terminal branches. On the contrary, all postnatal neurites switch to arbour growth within a few days in culture and spread extensive terminal trees. Regardless of their elongating or arborising pattern, defined growth features (e.g. growth rate and tree extension) of embryonic Purkinje axons remain distinct from those of postnatal neurites. Thus, Purkinje neurons of different ages are endowed with intrinsic stage-specific competence for neuritic growth. Such competence, however, can be modified by environmental cues. Indeed, while exposure to the postnatal environment stimulates the growth of embryonic axons without modifying their phenotype, contact-mediated signals derived from granule cells specifically induce arborising growth and modulate the dynamics of neuritic elongation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Cultured Purkinje cells recapitulate an intrinsically coded neuritogenic program, involving initial navigation of the axon towards the target field and subsequent expansion of the terminal arborisation. The execution of this program is regulated by environmental signals that modify the growth competence of Purkinje cells, so to adapt their endogenous properties to the different phases of neuritic morphogenesis

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line, CSSi004-A (2962), from a patient diagnosed with Huntington's disease at the presymptomatic stage

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an incurable, autosomal dominant, hereditary neurodegenerative disorder that typically manifests itself in midlife. This pathology is linked to the deregulation of multiple, as yet unknown, cellular processes starting before HD onset. A human iPS cell line was generated from skin fibroblasts of a subject at the presymptomatic life stage, carrying a polyglutamine expansion in HTT gene codifying Huntingtin protein. The iPSC line contained the expected CAG expansion, expressed the expected pluripotency markers, displayed in vivo differentiation potential to the three germ layers and had a normal karyotype

    Disentangling cardiovascular control mechanisms during head-down tilt via joint transfer entropy and self-entropy decompositions

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    A full decomposition of the predictive entropy (PE) of the spontaneous variations of the heart period (HP) given systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and respiration (R) is proposed. The PE of HP is decomposed into the joint transfer entropy (JTE) from SAP and R to HP and self-entropy (SE) of HP. The SE is the sum of three terms quantifying the synergistic/redundant contributions of HP and SAP, when taken individually and jointly, to SE and one term conditioned on HP and SAP denoted as the conditional SE (CSE) of HP given SAP and R. The JTE from SAP and R to HP is the sum of two terms attributable to SAP or R plus an extra term describing the redundant/synergistic contribution to the JTE. All quantities were computed during cardiopulmonary loading induced by -25\uc2\ub0 head-down tilt (HDT) via a multivariate linear regression approach. We found that: (i) the PE of HP decreases during HDT; (ii) the decrease of PE is attributable to a lessening of SE of HP, while the JTE from SAP and R to HP remains constant; (iii) the SE of HP is dominant over the JTE from SAP and R to HP and the CSE of HP given SAP and R is prevailing over the SE of HP due to SAP and R both in supine position and during HDT; (iv) all terms of the decompositions of JTE from SAP and R to HP and SE of HP due to SAP and R were not affected by HDT; (v) the decrease of the SE of HP during HDT was attributed to the reduction of the CSE of HP given SAP and R; (vi) redundancy of SAP and R is prevailing over synergy in the information transferred into HP both in supine position and during HDT, while in the HP information storage synergy and redundancy are more balanced. The approach suggests that the larger complexity of the cardiac control during HDT is unrelated to the baroreflex control and cardiopulmonary reflexes and may be related to central commands and/or modifications of the dynamical properties of the sinus node

    Magnetic Resonance features of pyogenic brain abscesses and differential diagnosis using morphological and functional imaging studies: a pictorial essay.

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment planning and evaluation of therapy effectiveness of pyogenic brain abscesses, through the use of morphological (or conventional) and functional (or advanced) sequences. Conventional MRI study is useful for the identification of lesions, to determine the location and morphology and allows a correct hypothesis of nature in the most typical cases. However, the differential diagnosis from other brain lesions such as non pyogenic abscesses or necrotic tumors (high-grade gliomas and metastases) is often only possible through the use of functional sequences, as the measurement of diffusion with apparent diffusion coefficient (DWI-ADC), proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and perfusion weighted imaging (PWI), which complement the morphological sequences and provide essential information on structural, metabolic and hemodynamic characteristics allowing greater neuroradiological confidence. Modern diagnostic MRI of pyogenic brain abscesses cannot be separated from knowledge, integration and proper use of the morphological and functional sequences
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