302 research outputs found

    Influencia del refuerzo social de deportistas y del ejercicio anaeróbico en la deshabituación tabáquica con entrenadores

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    En este estudio se evalúa la aplicación de reforzamiento social de los jugadores y de una rutina de ejercicio anaeróbico en un programa multicomponente de terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) y terapia sustitutiva de nicotina (TSN) de deshabituación tabáquica con un entrenador de tenis. Los resultados muestran que la rutina de ejercicio anaeróbico fue una estrategia eficaz en el afrontamiento del deseo de fumar y de los síntomas del síndrome de abstinencia a partir del día "D" (momento en el que el entrenador adquiere el compromiso de consumo cero de cigarrillos). Asimismo, el refuerzo social de los jugadores estuvo asociado con la motivación a largo plazo del entrenador por conseguir dejar de fumar durante los seis meses siguientes al día "D". Finalmente, se discute la utilidad de esta adaptación de los programas TCC y TSN para la prevención del consumo de tabaco en deportistas y entrenadores.In this study the application of social reinforcement of players and anaerobic exercise routine in a multicomponent cognitive-behavioral therapy and nicotine replacement therapy program for smoking cessation with a tennis coach, is evaluated. The results show that routine anaerobic exercise was an effective strategy in coping with craving and withdrawal symptoms from the day "D" (time when the coach makes a commitment to zero consumption of cigarettes ). In addition, the social reinforcement of the players was associated with the interest of the coach to get quit within six months of the day "D". Finally, the usefulness of this smoke cessation programs adaptation to prevent tobacco consumption in athletes and coaches is discussed.Neste estudo é avaliada a aplicação de reforço social dos jogadores e rotina de exercício anaeróbico em um programa de terapia comportamental cognitiva multicomponente (TCC) e terapia de reposição de nicotina (NRT) para parar de fumar com um treinador de tênis. Os resultados mostram que o exercício anaeróbico rotina era uma estratégia eficaz para lidar com ânsias e sintomas de retirada de "D" (momento em que o treinador faz um compromisso a zero o consumo de cigarros ). Além disso, o reforço social dos jogadores foi associado com o treinador motivação de longo prazo para conseguir sair dentro de seis meses do dia "D". Finalmente, a utilidade desta adaptação de programas de prevenção de TCC e TSN rapé consumo em atletas e treinadores discutidos

    SSDOnt: an Ontology for representing Single-Subject Design Studies

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    Background: Single-Subject Design is used in several areas such as education and biomedicine. However, no suited formal vocabulary exists for annotating the detailed configuration and the results of this type of research studies with the appropriate granularity for looking for information about them. Therefore, the search for those study designs relies heavily on a syntactical search on the abstract, keywords or full text of the publications about the study, which entails some limitations. Objective: To present SSDOnt, a specific purpose ontology for describing and annotating single-subject design studies, so that complex questions can be asked about them afterwards. Methods: The ontology was developed following the NeOn methodology. Once the requirements of the ontology were defined, a formal model was described in a Description Logic and later implemented in the ontology language OWL 2 DL. Results: We show how the ontology provides a reference model with a suitable terminology for the annotation and searching of single-subject design studies and their main components, such as the phases, the intervention types, the outcomes and the results. Some mappings with terms of related ontologies have been established. We show as proof-of-concept that classes in the ontology can be easily extended to annotate more precise information about specific interventions and outcomes such as those related to autism. Moreover, we provide examples of some types of queries that can be posed to the ontology. Conclusions: SSDOnt has achieved the purpose of covering the descriptions of the domain of single-subject research studies.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEDER/TIN2013-46238-C4-1-R and FEDER/TIN2016-78011-C4-2-

    Binding SNOMED-CT Terms to Archetype Elements: Establishing a Baseline of Results

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    Introduction: This article is part of the Focus Theme of METHODS of Information in Medicine on "Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems". Background: The proliferation of archetypes as a means to represent information of Electronic Health Records has raised the need of binding terminological codes - such as SNOMED CT codes - to their elements, in order to identify them univocally. However, the large size of the terminologies makes it difficult to perform this task manually. Objectives: To establish a baseline of results for the aforementioned problem by using off-the-shelf string comparison-based techniques against which results from more complex techniques could be evaluated. Methods: Nine Typed Comparison METHODS were evaluated for binding using a set of 487 archetype elements. Their recall was calculated and Friedman and Nemenyi tests were applied in order to assess whether any of the methods outperformed the others. Results: Using the qGrams method along with the 'Text' information piece of archetype elements outperforms the other methods if a level of confidence of 90% is considered. A recall of 25.26% is obtained if just one SNOMED CT term is retrieved for each archetype element. This recall rises to 50.51% and 75.56% if 10 and 100 elements are retrieved respectively, that being a reduction of more than 99.99% on the SNOMED CT code set. Conclusions: The baseline has been established following the above-mentioned results. Moreover, it has been observed that although string comparison-based methods do not outperform more sophisticated techniques, they still can be an alternative for providing a reduced set of candidate terms for each archetype element from which the ultimate term can be chosen later in the more-than-likely manual supervision task

    Toward Semantic Interoperability of Electronic Health Records

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    Although the goal of achieving semantic interoperability of electronic health records (EHRs) is pursued by many researchers, it has not been accomplished yet. In this paper, we present a proposal that smoothes out the way toward the achievement of that goal. In particular, our study focuses on medical diagnoses statements. In summary, the main contributions of our ontology-based proposal are the following: first, it includes a canonical ontology whose EHR-related terms focus on semantic aspects. As a result, their descriptions are independent of languages and technology aspects used in different organizations to represent EHRs. Moreover, those terms are related to their corresponding codes in well-known medical terminologies. Second, it deals with modules that allow obtaining rich ontological representations of EHR information managed by proprietary models of health information systems. The features of one specific module are shown as reference. Third, it considers the necessary mapping axioms between ontological terms enhanced with so-called path mappings. This feature smoothes out structural differences between heterogeneous EHR representations, allowing proper alignment of information.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Project TIN2010-21387-C02-01. The work of I. Berges was supported by a grant of the Basque Government (Programa de Formacion de Investigadores del Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación

    euskadiMoving: sistema de seguimiento de transporte público

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    El tema abordado por este proyecto es la información disponible acerca de los horarios del transporte público en las ciudades, concretamente centrado en la ciudad de Donostia - San Sebastián. En esta ciudad, la información ofrecida a los usuarios está centrada en: Tiempo que falta para que lleguen los autobuses. Únicamente accesible en las marque- sinas. Horarios con la primera hora de salida y la frecuencia de la línea. Estos métodos de información se pueden mejorar mediante un sistema de información en tiempo real, el cual informe de la posición actual de cada autobús de cada línea a petición del usuario. Asimismo, siendo esta información accesible a través de un servicio web, se evita el tener que desplazarse a las marquesinas para informarse. Por tanto, estos son los objetivos que se consideran para el proyecto. La realización de un servicio web que muestre a petición del usuario las líneas de transporte público disponibles y este pueda seleccionar cuales visualizar, de manera que al seleccionar una línea se muestren todos los vehículos de dicha línea y su posición actual

    Energy and materials in architecture

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    Nowadays it is well know that urban systems require a huge material and energy input for its function. Previous studies have noticed that most of this energy demand is produced by construction. This ambit absorbs the energy consumed by electricity and gas, but also the energy embodied in the construction materials, which it is defined by the origin of the resources utilized, its posterior industrial manipulation and transport. The role of architecture inside energy balance and masses fluxes inside the urban system has an important relevance. In order to this, architects require new design and construction strategies that allow a better use of materials and efficiency on the energy use of our buildings. This article has the objective of expose the energetic weight of design decisions, looking for an adequate habitability of spaces and also at the technology applications and selection of construction materials. Our principal intention is to approximate life cycle of materials as an architectonic design regulator

    Relación entre orientación futura y estilos de afrontamiento en adolescentes de 14 a 18 años en Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación existente entre la Orientación Futura y los Estilos de Afrontamiento en adolescentes de 14 a 18 años en Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 153 adolescentes en Lima. Los instrumentos que se emplearon para medir estas variables son la adaptación psicométrica del Cuestionario de Orientación Futura de Seginer (2009) por Herrera (comunicación personal, Julio 2021), y la adaptación psicométrica de la Escala de Afrontamiento para Adolescentes (ACS) de Frydenberg y Lewis de Canessa (2002). Los resultados del estudio revelaron que hay una relación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre los dominios de vida de la orientación futura con los estilos de afrontamiento dirigido a resolver el problema y referencia a otros. Por otro lado, no se encontraron evidencias de una relación entre los dominios de vida de la orientación futura y el estilo de afrontamiento no productivo.The following research aims to analyze the relationship between Future Orientation and Coping Styles used by adolescents aged from 14 to 18 in Metropolitan Lima. The sample consisted of 153 adolescents, both male and female. The instruments used to measure these variables are the psychometric adaptation of Seginer’s Prospective Life Questionnaire (2009) by Herrera (personal communication, 2019), and the psychometric adaptation of Frydenberg and Lewis’ Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) by Canessa (2002). The findings revealed that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the life domains of future orientation with the coping styles focused on productive coping and reference to others. On the other hand, there was no evidence of a relationship of the life domains of future orientation with the nonproductive coping

    A mechanism for discovering semantic relationships among agent communication protocols

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    One relevant aspect in the development of the Semantic Web framework is the achievement of a real inter-agent communication capability at the semantic level. Agents should be able to communicate with each other freely using different communication protocols, constituted by communication acts. For that scenario, we introduce in this paper an efficient mechanism that presents the following main features: (i) It promotes the description of the communication acts of protocols as classes that belong to a communication actsmontology, and associates to those acts a social commitment semantics formalized through predicates in the Event Calculus. (ii) It is sustained on the idea that different protocols can be compared semantically by looking to the set of fluents associated to each branch of the protocols. Those sets are generated using Semantic Web technology rules. (iii) It discovers the following types of protocol relationships: equivalence, specialization, restriction, prefix, suffix, infix and complement_to_infix.The work of Idoia Berges is supported by a grant of the Basque Government (Programa de Formación de Investigadores del Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación). This work is also supported by the Basque Country Government IT-427-07 and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science TIN2007-68091-C02-01

    On demand translation for querying incompletely aligned datasets

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    More and more users aim at taking advantage of the existing Linked Open Data environment to formulate a query over a dataset and to then try to process the same query over different datasets, one after another, in order to obtain a broader set of answers. However, the heterogeneity of vocabularies used in the datasets on the one side, and the fact that the number of alignments among those datasets is scarce on the other, makes that querying task difficult for them. Considering this scenario we present in this paper a proposal that allows on demand translations of queries formulated over an original dataset, into queries expressed using the vocabulary of a targeted dataset. Our approach relieves users from knowing the vocabulary used in the targeted datasets and even more it considers situations where alignments do not exist or they are not suitable for the formulated query. Therefore, in order to favour the possibility of getting answers, sometimes there is no guarantee of obtaining a semantically equivalent translation. The core component of our proposal is a query rewriting model that considers a set of transformation rules devised from a pragmatic point of view. The feasibility of our scheme has been validated with queries defined in well known benchmarks and SPARQL endpoint logs, as the obtained results confirm
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