4,307 research outputs found

    Teacher education for effective technology integration

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    About a decade ago, several researchers used Shulman's (1986) framework about Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) - a body of knowledge that constitutes a special amalgam of content, pedagogy, learners, and context - as a theoretical basis for developing TPCK or TPACK: a framework for guiding teachers' cognition about technology integration in teaching and learning (Angeli, Valanides, & Christodoulou, 2016). Different models of TPCK/TPACK are proposed in the literature, each with a different focus (on practice, instructional design, context, etc.) and with a different theoretical interpretation about the nature and development of the knowledge that teachers need to have to be able to teach with technology (e.g., Angeli & Valanides, 2005, 2009, 2013; Koehler & Mishra, 2008; Niess, 2005).In this direction, research is being carried out to identify TPCK design procedures for initial teacher education. In teaching, when transferring TPCK to design and methodological practices, there is a need to consider a number of factors, especially: the different modes of adopting technologies; the integration of tool affordances, content and pedagogy; the implementation of learning environments; the operationalization of knowledge; and detailed analysis of teaching models and approache

    Statistical Study of the Blue Straggler Properties in Galactic Globular Clusters

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    In this paper we report on the most significant results from a statistical analysis of the main properties of globular cluster blue straggler stars (BSS) extracted from the HST snapshot database of photometrically homogeneous CMDs (Piotto et al. 2002). The BSS relative frequency presents a significant anticorrelation with the collisional rate and with the cluster total absolute luminosity.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., in press in Vol. 296, 200

    The Italo-Chinese silk trade, 1850-1915

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    "Sintesi di allil epossidi derivati da imminoglicali e studio della regio- e stereoselettivita in reazioni di addizione di O-, N-, S-, C-Nucleofili"

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    Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati sintetizzati in maniera stereoselettiva gli allil epossidi di tipo imminoglicale 4.2α-Me e 4.2β-Me. Lo studio della loro reattività in reazioni di addizione di Onucleofili ha portato all’ottenimento di O-glicosidi e disaccaridi secondo un processo 1,4 regio- e stereoselettivo substrato dipendente con l’ottenimento di α-O-glicosidi dall’epossido 4.2α-Me e β- O-glicosidi dall’epossido 4.2β-Me, guidato da un efficace processo di coordinazione tra l’ossigeno ossiranico e il nucleofilo. La sovrapponibilità di questi risultati con quelli ottenuti nelle stesse reazioni con gli allil epossidi CH2OBn sostituiti, 4.2α e 4.2β, ha permesso di escludere ogni ruolo della catena laterale nel dirigere la regio- e stereoselettività del processo di addizione nucleofila. Le reazioni di 4.2α-Me e 4.2β-Me con C-,N- ed S-nucleofili a diversa capacità coordinante hanno portato all’ottenimento di addotti 1,2 anti derivati da un attacco non coordinato e/o addotti 1,4 che in seguito ad un riarrangiamento [3,3] sigmatropico forniscono completamente o in parte i corrispondenti prodotti di isomerizzazione 1,2 sin

    GameTale: Facilitating the Design of Gameful Museum Experiences

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    Digital technologies - games in particular - are offering museums new opportunities to engage the public with active and interactive experiences. Visitors are looking for experiences that are not only educative but also entertaining and more interactive than the traditional passive visit. While museums are pressured into designing experiences that are more interactive and digital, they are yet faithful to the traditional passive experience and are struggling to adapt to the new requirements. Thus, a game jam named GameTale was organized to facilitate museums with the design of new experiences that are emotionally and psychologically similar to games (i.e. gameful experiences). In order to achieve this purpose, participants should be given two main constraints: a short timeframe (i.e. 2 days) and a theme (i.e. develop the game around a specific artefact)

    Chapter Lodovico Nocentini: A Rereader of Modern Italian Travellers to China

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    In 1882, Nocentini published Il primo sinologo: P. Matteo Ricci. The first secular biography of the famous Italian Jesuit to China, it posed important questions about the origins of sinology and the role of Matteo Ricci as an early modern Italian traveller in Sino-western relations. Nocentini’s rereading of Matteo Ricci and travel literature in Italy in the late nineteenth century is examined through theories proposed by Derrida, Barthes and Nabokov. These theories provide an interpretative approach to understand the rereading carried out in Nocentini’s work, as they are intended as a process of interpretation and reinterpretation, as well as appropriation of the original meaning

    GameTale: Facilitating the Design of Gameful Museum Experiences

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    Digital technologies - games in particular - are offering museums new opportunities to engage the public with active and interactive experiences. Visitors are looking for experiences that are not only educative but also entertaining and more interactive than the traditional passive visit. While museums are pressured into designing experiences that are more interactive and digital, they are yet faithful to the traditional passive experience and are struggling to adapt to the new requirements. Thus, a game jam named GameTale was organized to facilitate museums with the design of new experiences that are emotionally and psychologically similar to games (i.e. gameful experiences). In order to achieve this purpose, participants should be given two main constraints: a short timeframe (i.e. 2 days) and a theme (i.e. develop the game around a specific artefact)

    Enhancing the Performance of the MtCNN for the Classification of Cancer Pathology Reports: From Data Annotation to Model Deployment

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    Information contained in electronic health records (EHR) combined with the latest advances in machine learning (ML) have the potential to revolutionize the medical sciences. In particular, information contained in cancer pathology reports is essential to investigate cancer trends across the country. Unfortunately, large parts of information in EHRs are stored in the form of unstructured, free-text which limit their usability and research potential. To overcome this accessibility barrier, cancer registries depend on expert personnel who read, interpret, and extract relevant information. Naturally, as the number of stored pathology reports increases every day, depending on human experts presents scalability challenges. Recently, researchers have attempted to automate the information extraction process from cancer pathology reports using ML techniques commonly found in natural language processing (NLP). However, clinical text is inherently different than other common forms of text, and state-of-the-art NLP approaches often exhibit mediocre performance. In this study, we narrow the literature gap by investigating methods to tackle overfitting and improve the performance of ML models for the classification of cancer pathology reports so that we can reduce the dependency on human expert annotators. We (1) show that using active learning can mitigate extreme class imbalance by increasing the representation of documents belonging to rare cancer types, (2) investigated the feasibility of ensemble learning and a mixture-of-expert variant to boost minority class performance, and (3) demonstrated that ensemble model distillation provides a strategy for quantifying the uncertainty inherent in labeled data, offering an effective low-resource solution that can be easily deployed by cancer registries

    Co-designing for common values:creating hybrid spaces to nurture autonomous cooperation

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    This paper concerns the development of digitally-mediated technologies that value social cooperation as a common good rather than as a source of revenue and accumulation. The paper discusses the activities that shaped a European participatory design project which aims to develop a digital space that promotes and facilitates the ‘Commonfare’, a complementary approach to social welfare. The paper provides and discusses concrete examples of design artifacts to address a key question about the role of co- and participatory design in developing hybrid spaces that nurture sharing and autonomous cooperation: how can co-design practices promote alternatives to the commodification of digitally-mediated cooperation? The paper argues for a need to focus on relational, social, political and ethical values, and highlights the potential power of co- and participatory design processes to achieve this. In summary, the paper proposes that only by re-asserting the centrality of shared values and capacities, rather than individual needs or problems, co-design can reposition itself thereby encouraging autonomous cooperation

    Evolution and Biological Activity of Cycadophyta

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    Worldwide, environment gradients effects on leaf physical and chemical defenses traits, were studied in very phylogenetically heterogeneous plants; leading to results that may be confounding. To address this, in this study, we focused on a single Order, Cycadales. We collected data for 8 key leaf traits from 80 Cycads species around the world (~27% of all cycad species known). The leaf traits included, foliar area, leaf mass area, thickness, leaf density, toughness, water, hinokiflavone and amentoflavone content, all of which are closely related to trade ‘offs between plant defenses and leaf construction. We quantified the relative contributions of environment variables to leaf trait variation for all species comparing results to a recent phylogeny data base. Our results suggest that the climatic adaptation of leaves in this ancient group required a decoupling between traits associated with tissue investment and leaf thickness. Adaptation to more humid, warmer areas required an increase in chemical protection against herbivores, whereas drier environments with high temperature range, selected for thicker leaves better protected against excessive radiation. These findings contribute to the understanding of Cycads evolution characteristics across environmental gradients
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