635 research outputs found


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    Efecto de la inclusión en el pienso de un biosurfactante sobre los resultados productivos y calidad de la canal de cerdos de cebo

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    El objetivo primordial de la utilización de emulsiones en ganadería es, mediante una mejora de los resultados productivos, reducir el coste de alimentación que, como es sabido, supone una fracción importante del coste total de los diversos segmentos productivos de aves y cerdos. Diversos experimentos han observado efectos positivos de la inclusión de emulsionantes en el pienso en pollos (Maertens et al., 2015; Tahir et al., 2016), en lechones recién destetados (Xing et al., 2004; Price et al., 2014) y en cerdos en crecimiento(Dierick y Decuypere, 2004)

    Investigating the impact and reaction pathway of toluene on a SOFC running on syngas

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    The integration of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with gasification systems have theoretically been shown to have a great potential to provide highly efficient distributed generation energy systems that can be fuelled by biomass including municipal solid waste. The syngas produced from the gasification of carbonaceous material is rich in hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane that can fuel SOFCs. However, other constituents such as tar can cause catalyst deactivation, and blockage of the diffusion pathways. This work examines the impact of increasing concentrations of toluene as a model tar in a typical syngas composition fed to a NiO-GDC/TZ3Y/8YSZ/LSM-LSM SOFC membrane electrode assembly operating at 850°C and atmospheric pressure. Results suggest that up to 20 g/Nm3 of toluene and a low fuel utilisation factor (c.a. 17%) does not negatively impact cell performance and rather acts to increase the available hydrogen by undergoing reformation. At these conditions carbon deposition does occur, detected through EDS analysis, but serves to decrease the ASR rather than degrade the cell. Alternatively, the cell operating with 32 g/Nm3 toluene and with a fuel utilisation of 66.7% is dramatically affected through increased ASR which is assumed to be caused by increased carbon deposition. In order to test for the presence of tar products at the anode exhaust samples have been captured using an absorbing filter with results from HS-GC/MS analysis showing the presence of toluene only. © 2014 Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC

    Disc Golf Throwing Robot

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    Disc golf companies need better methods to test disc flight. The scope of this project is to create a disc throwing robot that can throw a disc golf driver 450-500 feet, with control over the speed, spin, and release angle. Research shows that multiple disc-throwing products exist; however, none meet the full requirements of this project. The Cal Poly senior project design team created a proof-of-concept machine. This prototype started as a two-wheel mechanism. Eventually, a third wheel was added, allowing for complete control over disc spin. The three-wheel prototype reached 62 mph when perfectly calibrated. The prototype is accurate, and repeatable; however, the wheels have a short lifespan of 30-40 max distance throws. Many improvements are necessary to increase usability, performance, safety, distance, accuracy, and lifespan. The prototype serves as a tool for creating larger machines capable of the proposed distance 450–500 feet (67-75 mph). A 9-wheel machine was designed, and partially fabricated. This design was halted for re-evaluation by the sponsor

    Simplified Model of the Catastrophe Theory for the Landslides Study Modelo simplificado de la teoría de la catástrofe para estudiar los derrumbes

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    Abstract In many real world problems the symmetries of the system are only an approximation; the parameters involved in those systems generate an imperfection, where different bifurcation types converge, leading to critical situations called catastrophes. In the dynamic model of a bead on a wire in a inclined and suspended position, the system represents a catastrophic, condition that to be studied and analyzed, was necessary to use the bifurcation and catastrophe's theories 1 . The results can be compared with the real world, by the landslide qualitative model, caused by a winter situation. Key words: Bifurcation Theory, Catastrophe Theory, Dynamic Systems, Fixed Points, Non-Linear, Stability. Resumen En muchos problemas del mundo real, las simetrías del sistema son solo una aproximación; los parámetros involucrados en tales sistemas generan una imperfección, en la cual convergen diferentes tipos de bifurcación, conduciendo a situaciones críticas, denominadas catástrofes. En el modelo dinámico de una cuenta sobre un alambre en posición inclinada y suspendida, el sistema representa una condición catastrófica, que para estudiarse y analizarse fue necesario utilizar las teorías de la bifurcación y las catástrofes. Los resultados pueden compararse con el mundo real, mediante el modelo cualitativo del derrumbe, causado por una situación de invierno. Palabras clave: Teoría de la bifurcación, Teoría de la catástrofe, Sistemas dinámicos, Puntos fijos, No lineal, Estabilidad

    Breit Equation with Form Factors in the Hydrogen Atom

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    The Breit equation with two electromagnetic form-factors is studied to obtain a potential with finite size corrections. This potential with proton structure effects includes apart from the standard Coulomb term, the Darwin term, retarded potentials, spin-spin and spin-orbit interactions corresponding to the fine and hyperfine structures in hydrogen atom. Analytical expressions for the hyperfine potential with form factors and the subsequent energy levels including the proton structure corrections are given using the dipole form of the form factors. Numerical results are presented for the finite size corrections in the 1S and 2S hyperfine splittings in the hydrogen atom, the Sternheim observable D21D_{21} and the 2S and 2P hyperfine splittings in muonic hydrogen. Finally, a comparison with some other existing methods in literature is presented.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, extended version, title change