29 research outputs found

    A newly isolated probiotic Enterococcus faecalis strain from vagina microbiota enhances apoptosis of human cancer cells

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    Aims: This study aimed to describe probiotic properties and bio-therapeutic effects of newly isolated Enterococcus faecalis from the human vaginal tract. Methods and Results: The Enterococcus faecalis strain was originally isolated from the vaginal microbiota of Iranian women and was molecularly identified using 16SrDNA gene sequencing. Some biochemical methodologies were preliminarily used to characterize the probiotic potential of Ent. faecalis, including antibiotic susceptibility, antimicrobial activity, as well as acid and bile resistance. The bio-therapeutic effects of this strain's secreted metabolites on four human cancer cell lines (AGS, HeLa, MCF-7 and HT-29) and one normal cell line (HUVEC) were evaluated by cytotoxicity assay and apoptosis scrutiny. The characterization results demonstrated into the isolated bacteria strain revealed probiotic properties, such as antibiotic susceptibility, antimicrobial activity and resistance under conditions similar to those in the gastrointestinal tract. Results of bio-therapeutic efficacy assessments illustrated acceptable apoptotic effects on four human cancer cell lines and negligible side effects on assayed normal cell line. Our findings revealed that the apoptotic effect of secreted metabolites mainly depended on proteins secreted by Ent. faecalis on different cancer cells. These proteins can induce the apoptosis of cancer cells. Conclusion: The metabolites produced by this vaginal Ent. faecalis strain can be used as alternative pharmaceutical compounds with promising therapeutic indices because they are not cytotoxic to normal mammalian cells. Accordingly, the physicochemical, structural and functional properties of the secreted anticancer substances should be further investigated before using them as anticancer therapeutics. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study aim to screen total bacterial secreted metabolites as a wealthy source to find the new active compounds to introduce as anticancer therapeutics in the future

    Kepentingan elemen beat dalam babak dua filem J Revolusi (2017)

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    Skrip merupakan asas dalam pembentukan sesebuah filem. Beberapa pengkaji terdahulu telah merungkaikan secara terperinci permasalahan dalam penghasilan skrip di Malaysia. Namun sepanjang penyelidikan yang telah dilakukan, tiada pengkaji yang menyentuh tentang kepentingan dan pembentukan elemen beat dalam babak dua secara khususnya. Justeru kajian ini merungkai kepentingan elemen beat dalam babak dua menerusi filem aksi J Revolusi (2017). Ia juga mengkaji tahap intensiti yang bersesuaian dengan durasi dalam adegan aksi bagi menimbulkan kesan keterujaan dan cemas pada audien. Analisis beat dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan struktur tiga babak Blake Snyder (2005) yang memfokuskan elemen beat babak kedua dalam filem aksi terpilih. Elemen beat tersebut terdiri daripada break into two, b story, fun & games, mid point, bad guys close in, all is lost, dark night of the soul dan break into three. Kutipan data juga dilakukan melalui temubual bersama pengarah dan penulis skrip filem aksi tersebut. Kajian ini mendapati elemen beat yang diperkenalkan oleh Blake Snyder penting bagi menjadikan aliran penceritaan sesebuah filem aksi itu lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan audien. Didapati tahap intensiti dan durasi adegan juga penting bagi memastikan kekuatan beat sesebuah adegan filem. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mendapati elemen naratif seperti watak perwatakan dan konflik memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan beat sesebuah penceritaan. Kajian ini mampu memberikan faedah kepada penulis skrip dalam menghasilkan sebuah skrip filem aksi yang baik. Ia memberi panduan kepada mereka untuk menyusun elemen naratif bagi memastikan adegan pembentukan beat bagi sesebuah adegan dapat dilakukan dengan berkesan

    In-situ ultrasonic cleaning of crossflow sintered tube microfiltration: effect of sonication cycle time

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    Membrane separation in general and microfiltration in particular is frequently employed in the dairy, pharmaceutical, food, fermentation and biotechnology, and chemical industries

    Different effects of two newly-isolated probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 15HN and Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis 44Lac strains from traditional dairy products on cancer cell lines

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    Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains isolated from food products can be introduced as probiotics because of their health-promoting characteristics and non-pathogenic nature. This study aims to perform the isolation, molecular identification, and probiotic characterization of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains from traditional Iranian dairy products. Primary probiotic assessments indicated high tolerance to low pH and high bile salt conditions, high anti-pathogenic activities, and susceptibility to high consumption antibiotics, thus proving that both strains possess probiotic potential. Cytotoxicity assessments were used to analyze the effects of the secreted metabolite on different cancer cell lines, including HT29, AGS, MCF-7, and HeLa, as well as a normal human cell line (HUVEC). Results showed acceptable cytotoxic properties for secreted metabolites (40 μg/ml dry weight) of Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis 44Lac. Such performance was similar to that of Taxol against all of the treated cancer cell lines; however, the strain exhibited no toxicity on the normal cell line. Cytotoxic assessments through flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy demonstrated that apoptosis is the main cytotoxic mechanism for secreted metabolites of L. lactis subsp. Lactis 44Lac. By contrast, the effects of protease-treated metabolites on the AGS cell line verified the protein nature of anti-cancer metabolites. However, precise characterizations and in vitro/in vivo investigations on purified proteins should be conducted before these metabolites are introduced as potential anti-cancer therapeutics

    Kepentingan elemen beat sheet dalam struktur naratif filem aksi

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    Kajian ini akan merungkaikan kepentingan elemen beat sheet dalam sesebuah filem aksi. Penggunaan beat sheet adalah bertujuan untuk mengetahui elemen dan struktur naratif dalam sesebuah adegan yang seterusnya menyokong dalam membangunkan sesebuah filem genre aksi. Kaedah kualitatif yang digunakan adalah untuk menentukan elemen beat sheet dalam sesebuah cerita. Black Snyder’s (2010) menyarankan bahawa elemen-elemen skrip yang juga dipanggil sebagai beat sheet perlu dihasilkan dengan lebih tersusun dan sempurna untuk memastikan penghasilan sesebuah skrip filem yang berkualiti dan seterusnya mampu menjadikan sesebuah filem itu mencapai kutipan box office semasa tayangannya. Stail adalah melihat kepada bahasa filem yang digunakan dalam sesebuah adegan yang merangkumi audio, shot, penyuntingan dan aspek mise en scene yang lain. Namun elemen beat sheet harus dititikberatkan oleh penulis skrip dalam penghasilan sesebuah filem. Penulis skrip harus peka dan tahu susunan elemen beat sheet dalam sesebuah filem agar penceritaan sesebuah filem mencapai matlamat yang diinginkan. Pelbagai kajian telah dibuat berhubung dengan penghasilan skrip filem di Malaysia. Namun tiada penekanan pada elemen beat dalam sesebuah filem. Justeru, artikel ini akan memfokuskan kepada kepentingan elemen beat sheet dan struktur naratif dalam sesebuah skrip filem aksi. Analisis dilakukan dengan membincangkan secara lebih terperinci berdasarkan kepada kaedah analisis menerusi penontonan berterusan dengan melihat secara stop motion iaitu meneliti frame by frame gambar dalam setiap adegan di dalam beberapa buah filem aksi luar Negara

    Probiotic or antibiotic: future challenges in medicine

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    Genetic and environmental factors can affect the intestinal microbiome and microbial metabolome. Among these environmental factors, the consumption of antibiotics can significantly change the intestinal microbiome of individuals and consequently affect the corresponding metagenome. The term 'probiotics' is related to preventive medicine rather than therapeutic procedures and is, thus, considered the opposite of antibiotics. This review discusses the challenges between these opposing treatments in terms of the following points: (i) antibiotic resistance, the relationship between antibiotic consumption and microbiome diversity reduction, antibiotic effect on the metagenome, and disease associated with antibiotics; and (ii) probiotics as living drugs, probiotic effect on epigenetic alterations, and gut microbiome relevance to hygiene indulgence. The intestinal microbiome is more specific for individuals and may be affected by environmental alterations and the occurrence of diseases

    Unimas holds virtual exchange with Japanese students

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    AN intercountry partnership continues to flourish despite the Covid-19 pandemic. In February, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) and Utsunomiya University (UU) in Japan managed to conduct a student mobility programme for the fourth time since 2018. The first fully online edition of its kind, the week-long e-EduTour2021 saw the participation of 22 UU and 10 Unimas students from various faculties. Officiating the programme were Unimas deputy vice chancellor academic and international Prof Dr Ahmad Hata Rasit and UU executive and vice president of research and global strategy Prof Dr Natsuaki Tomohide. During the programme, aimed at enhancing the undergraduates’ learning experience, the participants attended English language lessons focusing on several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The classes were conducted by instructors from the Faculty of Language and Communication at Unimas, while undergraduates from the university served as teaching assistants in the breakout sessions. Through videos produced by Unimas participants, their UU counterparts were able to visit the Unimas campus, as well as explore the heart of Kuching City and its major attractions. The participants also had the opportunity to teach and learn English, Bahasa Malaysia and Japanese, and exchange information about their unique cultures, traditions, cuisines, songs and dances through the activities. Two speakers invited to talk to the participants were Unimas alumnus Jonathan Dason and SMK Batu Lintang principal Bahtiar Afandi. Dason, who was the Chancellor Award recipient in 2018 and is currently a strategist at a leading telecommunications company, shared insights into his undergraduate life and advice on how to thrive in the working world, as well as contribute to community development. Bahtiar offered the participants a glimpse into life in a Malaysian school during the live interactions. At the closing ceremony, the participants gave musical performances and poetry recitations, showcasing their English proficiency and appreciation of each other’s cultures. Present as guests of honour were Unimas vice chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Kadim Suaidi and Tomohide. The idea for a student mobility programme was first mooted by Unimas Assoc Prof Dr Souba Rethinasamy and UU Prof Dr Tatsuhiro Ohkubo. It was then developed by team members from both universities. The EduTour programme was conducted at the Unimas campus in 2018,2019 and 2020. The partnership was made possible following the signing of the memorandum of agreement between the two universities in May 2017

    Unimas, Jepun bertukar maklumat

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    OTA SAMARAHAN: Pandemik Covid-19 tidak menghalang usaha sama Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) dan Universiti Utsunomiya, Jepun (UU) meneruskan program EduTour 2021 secara norma baharu dalam talian. Diadakan pada 12 hingga 20 Februari lalu, program satu minggu itu untuk kali keempat penganjuran menggunakan platform dalam talian, melibatkan 32 penyertaan terdiri 22 pelajar UU dan 10 pelajar Unimas. Sebelum ini, program dianjurkan pada 2018, 2019 dan 2020 di kampus Unimas sebagai tanda penghargaan persahabatan baik antara Unimas dan UU selepas menandatangani memorandum perjanjian pada 11 Mei 2017. Ia merupakan program mobiliti pelajar yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar dan idea berkenaan dicetuskan oleh Profesor Madya Dr. Souba Rethinasamy dari Unimas dan Prof Dr Tatsuhiro Ohkubo dari UU yang kemudian berkembang menjadi program komprehensif. Dalam tempoh tersebut, semua peserta berpeluang mempelajari bahasa Inggeris dalam pelbagai tema yang tertumpu kepada Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (SDGs) iaitu pendidikan berkualiti, bandar lestari, perubahan iklim, pendidikan berkualiti dan perkongsian matlamat. Pelajar Unimas turut berkongsi keindahan kampus mereka dan bandar raya Kuching, bertukar maklumat mengenai budaya, tradisi, masakan, lagu, tarian dan belajar bahasa Malaysia dan Jepun melalui aktiviti yang dijalankan. Sesi soal jawab interaktif juga dilakukan selepas setiap aktiviti untuk meningkatkan pemahaman antara pelajar sejajar dengan objektif programnya. Lebih menarik, alumni Unimas yang menerima Anugerah Canselor 2018, Jonathan Dason berkongsi inspirasi kepada para peserta mengenai kehidupan serta pengalaman mengharungi pengajian, cabaran dan bagaimana mendapat kerjaya menarik selepas tamat pengajian. Mereka juga bertukar akaun media sosial dan menjalin persahabatan dengan harapan dapat bertemu secara langsung selepas pandemik berakhir. Program tersebut bukan sahaja memberi gambaran tentang apa yang mungkin berlaku di masa depan, tetapi juga memanfaatkan teknologi untuk kakitangan serta pelajar berfikir di luar kotak dan mengeluarkan idea baharu. Pada hari terakhir program, peserta mengambil bahagian dalam persembahan muzik dan bacaan puisi, memperlihatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggeris dan penghargaan terhadap budaya masing-masing. Ia turut dihadiri Naib Canselor Unimas Profesor Datuk Dr. Mohamad Kadim Suaidi dan Eksekutif UU dan Naib Presiden Penyelidikan dan Strategi Global, Profesor Dr. Natsuaki Tomohide

    An auto lifting device to lift manhole cover with ergonomics consideration

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    The sewerage and maintenance process of manhole is important to ensure that the underground pipelines and other systems are in good condition. The manhole is covered with manhole cover to prevent people, animals or any objects fall into it. The manhole cover has one pocket which is to lock it and ensure that nobody open it. A questionnaire survey is distributed to the workers at Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur and interviews are conducted with Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) and Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan (JPP), Selangor to access the user requirements and needs for an effective manhole cover lifter. Currently, the workers used a T-hook to unlock the heavy manhole cover and lift it. However, this method affected some of the workers because they experienced back, legs, shoulders and arm injuries. The T-hook is also quite heavy and it is difficult to bring anywhere. Based on the result of questionnaire survey, four concepts are designed to create new manhole cover lifter with automated operation. The best concept is finalized by using concept screening and scoring method. The chosen concept is applied pulley chain mechanism and it is selected as the best concept because it is easy and safe to use, low cost maintenance, low time consuming and affordable price. The design of the device is suitable for Malaysian male and secured them from musculoskeletal disorder. The worker's posture is analyzed by using Rapid Upper Limb Analysis (RULA) ergonomics analysis. The stability and strength of the device is analyzed by calculation and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to analyze the screw cylinder

    Spatio‐temporal distribution and hotspots of Plasmodium knowlesi infections in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

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    Plasmodium knowlesi infections in Malaysia are a new threat to public health and to the national efforts on malaria elimination. In the Kapit division of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, two divergent P. knowlesi subpopulations (termed Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) infect humans and are associated with long-tailed macaque and pig-tailed macaque hosts, respectively. It has been suggested that forest-associated activities and environmental modifications trigger the increasing number of knowlesi malaria cases. Since there is a steady increase of P. knowlesi infections over the past decades in Sarawak, particularly in the Kapit division, we aimed to identify hotspots of knowlesi malaria cases and their association with forest activities at a geographical scale using the Geographic Information System (GIS) tool. A total of 1064 P. knowlesi infections from 2014 to 2019 in the Kapit and Song districts of the Kapit division were studied. Overall demographic data showed that males and those aged between 18 and 64 years old were the most frequently infected (64%), and 35% of infections involved farming activities. Thirty-nine percent of Cluster 1 infections were mainly related to farming surrounding residential areas while 40% of Cluster 2 infections were associated with activities in the deep forest. Average Nearest Neighbour (ANN) analysis showed that humans infected with both P. knowlesi subpopulations exhibited a clustering distribution pattern of infection. The Kernel Density Analysis (KDA) indicated that the hotspot of infections surrounding Kapit and Song towns were classified as high-risk areas for zoonotic malaria transmission. This study provides useful information for staff of the Sarawak State Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme in their efforts to control and prevent zoonotic malaria