21,568 research outputs found

    Voltage regulator/amplifier is self-regulated

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    Signal modulated, self-regulating voltage regulator/amplifier controls the output b-plus voltage in modulated regulator systems. It uses self-oscillation with feedback to a control circuit with a discontinuous amplitude action feedback loop

    Improved electrode gives high-quality biological recordings

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    To obtain high quality waveforms from a subject engaged in physical activity, an improved electrode assembly has been devised. This consists of a cup containing an electrically conductive paste and a silver electrode. The paste maintains contact between the skin and the plate

    Computer program samples digital data for CRT display

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    High volume, multichannel data reduction computer program permits selection of the rates at which digital data is sampled. The program, written in FORTRAN 4 source language, also permits accessibility to the original mass of data

    Electrode for biological recording

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    Electrochemically reversible silver-silver chloride electrode for detecting bioelectric potential differences generated by human muscles and organ


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Delineation of soil temperature regimes from HCMM data

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    Evaluation of LANDSAT and Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) data as input into National Cooperative Soil Survey is discussed. Signature classification techniques were applied to 13 May 76 LANDSAT data. LANDSAT data was overlaid with HCMM data, revealing registration problems caused by a shortage of control points in LANDSAT data, and the WARP program developed to improve registration accuracy. Initial images for control point selection were produced using digital terrain elevation data. Statistical procedures for evaluating data classification and to describe spatial distribution of surface temperature and its correlation with soil surface conditions were investigated

    Delineation of soil temperature regimes from HCMM data

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    The subsetting of HCMM data into ORSER format was completed for four dates using a modified SUBSET program. Large areas (approximately 2500 scan lines, 1680 elements) were selected to increase the occurrence of suitable control points for registration. Average daily temperatures (ADT) were calculated for each date. The MERGE program combined registered daytime temperature (DAY-IR) with nighttime temperature (NIGHT-IR) to form a separate two-channel data set. The SUBTRAN program averaged the DAY-IR and NIGHT-IR creating a third ADT channel. Registration equations for the four ADT data sets were generated. A one dimensional soil heat flow equation was modified to allow for mean annual soil temperature predictions using merged ADT data sets

    Soil temperature investigations using satellite acquired thermal-infrared data in semi-arid regions

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    Thermal-infrared data from the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission satellite were used to map the spatial distribution of diurnal surface temperatures and to estimate mean annual soil temperatures (MAST) and annual surface temperature amplitudes (AMP) in semi-arid east central Utah. Diurnal data with minimal snow and cloud cover were selected for five dates throughout a yearly period and geometrically co-registered. Rubber-sheet stretching was aided by the WARP program which allowed preview of image transformations. Daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temperatures were averaged to generation average daily temperature (ADT) data set for each of the five dates. Five ADT values for each pixel were used to fit a sine curve describing the theoretical annual surface temperature response as defined by a solution of a one-dimensinal heat flow equation. Linearization of the equation produced estimates of MAST and AMP plus associated confidence statistics. MAST values were grouped into classes and displayed on a color video screen. Diurnal surface temperatures and MAST were primarily correlated with elevation