88,929 research outputs found
Celescope catalog of ultraviolet stellar observations
The catalog contains the observational results obtained by the Celescope Experiment during the first 16 months of operation of NASA's Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO-2). It lists the results of the stellar observations, along with selected ground-based information obtained from the available literature. Lunar observations (Ahmad and Deutschman, 1972), as well as other analyses of the data, are being published as separate papers. These data are available in two forms: (1) magnetic tapes and the necessary utility programs for reading and printing the contents of the tapes; and (2) this catalog, transcribed from the magnetic-tape catalog. The magnetic tape version contains not only the compiled results but also the results of the individual observations from which these averaged data were compiled
Static and Dynamic Properties of Type-II Composite Fermion Wigner Crystals
The Wigner crystal of composite fermions is a strongly correlated state of
complex emergent particles, and therefore its unambiguous detection would be of
significant importance. Recent observation of optical resonances in the
vicinity of filling factor {\nu} = 1/3 has been interpreted as evidence for a
pinned Wigner crystal of composite fermions [Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105,
126803 (2010)]. We evaluate in a microscopic theory the shear modulus and the
magnetophonon and magnetoplasmon dispersions of the composite fermion Wigner
crystal in the vicinity of filling factors 1/3, 2/5, and 3/7. We determine the
region of stability of the crystal phase, and also relate the frequency of its
pinning mode to that of the corresponding electron crystal near integer
fillings. These results are in good semiquantitative agreement with experiment,
and therefore support the identification of the optical resonance as the
pinning mode of the composite fermions Wigner crystal. Our calculations also
bring out certain puzzling features, such as a relatively small melting
temperature for the composite fermion Wigner crystal, and also suggest a higher
asymmetry between Wigner crystals of composite fermion particles and holes than
that observed experimentally.Comment: Composite Fermion Wigner Crystal; 14 pages, 9 figure
Advanced Computer Dormant Reliability Study Final Report
Reliability of integrated circuits and discrete components of electronics for computer and dormant module for Minuteman
Simulations of thermal Bose fields in the classical limit
We demonstrate that the time-dependent projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation
derived earlier [Davis, et al., J. Phys. B 34, 4487 (2001)] can represent the
highly occupied modes of a homogeneous, partially-condensed Bose gas. We find
that this equation will evolve randomised initial wave functions to
equilibrium, and compare our numerical data to the predictions of a gapless,
second-order theory of Bose-Einstein condensation [S. A. Morgan, J. Phys. B 33,
3847 (2000)]. We find that we can determine the temperature of the equilibrium
state when this theory is valid.
Outside the range of perturbation theory we describe how to measure the
temperature of our simulations. We also determine the dependence of the
condensate fraction and specific heat on temperature for several interaction
strengths, and observe the appearance of vortex networks. As the
Gross-Pitaevskii equation is non-perturbative, we expect that it can describe
the correct thermal behaviour of a Bose gas as long as all relevant modes are
highly occupied.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, revtex4, follow up to Phys. Rev. Lett. 87
160402 (2001). v2: Modified after referee comments. Extra data added to two
figures, section on temperature determination expande
Celescope catalog of ultraviolet stellar observations. Magnetic tape version
Observational results obtained by the celescope experiment during the first 16 months of operation of NASA's Orbiting Astronomical Observatory are presented. Results of the stellar observations are listed along with selected ground-based information obtained from the available literature
Celescope catalog of ultraviolet stellar observations: 5068 objects measured by Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO-2)
During the 16 months that the Celescope Experiment operated, it took 8000 frames of data. This report describes the experiment, the data it gathered, the format of the magnetic tape containing the data, and a number of programs that were written to read and manipulate the tape. The tape version of the catalog contains Data on 5068 stars and is available from the National Space Sciences Data Center
Non-universal dependence of spatiotemporal regularity on randomness in coupling connections
We investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of a network of coupled nonlinear
oscillators, modeled by sine circle maps, with varying degrees of randomness in
coupling connections. We show that the change in the basin of attraction of the
spatiotemporal fixed point due to varying fraction of random links , is
crucially related to the nature of the local dynamics. Even the qualitative
dependence of spatiotemporal regularity on changes drastically as the
angular frequency of the oscillators change, ranging from monotonic increase or
monotonic decrease, to non-monotonic variation. Thus it is evident here that
the influence of random coupling connections on spatiotemporal order is highly
non-universal, and depends very strongly on the nodal dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
High Redshift Standard Candles: Predicted Cosmological Constraints
We investigate whether future measurements of high redshift standard candles
(HzSCs) will be a powerful probe of dark energy, when compared to other types
of planned dark energy measurements. Active galactic nuclei and gamma ray
bursts have both been proposed as potential HzSC candidates. Due to their high
luminosity, they can be used to probe unexplored regions in the expansion
history of the universe. Information from these regions can help constrain the
properties of dark energy, and in particular, whether it varies over time.
We consider both linear and piecewise parameterizations of the dark energy
equation of state, , and assess the optimal redshift distribution a
high-redshift standard-candle survey could take to constrain these models.
The more general the form of the dark energy equation of state being
tested, the more useful high-redshift standard candles become. For a linear
parameterization of , HzSCs give only small improvements over planned
supernova and baryon acoustic oscillation measurements; a wide redshift range
with many low redshift points is optimal to constrain this linear model.
However to constrain a general, and thus potentially more informative, form of
, having many HzSCs can significantly improve limits on the nature of
dark energy.Comment: Accepted MNRAS, 27 Pages, 15 figures, matches published versio
Solutions to the tethered galaxy problem in an expanding universe and the observation of receding blueshifted objects
We use the dynamics of a galaxy, set up initially at a constant proper
distance from an observer, to derive and illustrate two counter-intuitive
general relativistic results. Although the galaxy does gradually join the
expansion of the universe (Hubble flow), it does not necessarily recede from
us. In particular, in the currently favored cosmological model, which includes
a cosmological constant, the galaxy recedes from the observer as it joins the
Hubble flow, but in the previously favored cold dark matter model, the galaxy
approaches, passes through the observer, and joins the Hubble flow on the
opposite side of the sky. We show that this behavior is consistent with the
general relativistic idea that space is expanding and is determined by the
acceleration of the expansion of the universe -- not a force or drag associated
with the expansion itself. We also show that objects at a constant proper
distance will have a nonzero redshift; receding galaxies can be blueshifted and
approaching galaxies can be redshifted.Comment: 8 pages including 6 figures, to appear in Am. J. Phys., 2003.
Reference added in postscrip
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