3,180 research outputs found

    Thermospheric winds and temperatures above Mawson, Antarctica, observed with an all-sky imaging, Fabry-Perot spectrometer

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    A new all-sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer has been installed at Mawson station (67°36' S, 62°52' E), Antarctica. This instrument is capable of recording independent spectra from many tens of locations across the sky simultaneously. Useful operation began in March 2007, with spectra recorded on a total of 186 nights. Initial analysis has focused on the large-scale daily and average behavior of winds and temperatures derived from observations of the 630.0 nm airglow line of atomic oxygen, originating from a broad layer centered around 240 km altitude, in the ionospheric F-region. <br><br> The 1993 Horizontal Wind Model (HWM93), NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model, and the Coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere Plasmasphere (CTIP) model were used for comparison. During the geomagnetically quiet period studied, observed winds and temperatures were generally well modelled, although temperatures were consistently higher than NRLMSISE-00 predicted, by up to 100 K. CTIP temperatures better matched our data, particularly later in the night, but predicted zonal winds which were offset from those observed by 70–180 ms<sup>−1</sup> westward. During periods of increased activity both winds and temperatures showed much greater variability over time-scales of less than an hour. For the active night presented here, a period of 45 min saw wind speeds decrease by around 180 ms<sup>−1</sup>, and temperatures increase by approximately 100 K. Active-period winds were poorly modelled by HWM93 and CTIP, although observed median temperatures were in better agreement with NRLMSISE-00 during such periods. <br><br> Average behavior was found to be generally consistent with previous studies of thermospheric winds above Mawson. The collected data set was representative of quiet geomagnetic and solar conditions. Geographic eastward winds in the afternoon/evening generally continued until around local midnight, when winds turned equatorward. Geographic meridional and zonal winds in the afternoon were approximately 50 ms<sup>−1</sup> weaker than expected from HWM93, as was the transition to equatorward flow around midnight. There was also a negligible geographic zonal component to the post-midnight wind where HWM93 predicted strong westward flow. Average temperatures between 19:00 and 04:00 local solar time were around 60 K higher than predicted by NRLMSISE-00

    Estimate of the hadronic vacuum polarization disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from lattice QCD

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    The quark-line disconnected diagram is a potentially important ingredient in lattice QCD calculations of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. It is also a notoriously difficult one to evaluate. Here, for the first time, we give an estimate of this contribution based on lattice QCD results that have a statistically significant signal, albeit at one value of the lattice spacing and an unphysically heavy value of the u/d quark mass. We use HPQCD’s method of determining the anomalous magnetic moment by reconstructing the Adler function from time moments of the current-current correlator at zero spatial momentum. Our results lead to a total (including u, d and s quarks) quark-line disconnected contribution to aμ of −0.15% of the u/d hadronic vacuum polarization contribution with an uncertainty which is 1% of that contribution

    Lead, zinc and copper mineralisation in basal Carboniferous sediments at Westwater, south Scotland

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    A zioneo f lead, zinc and copperm ineralisatioins developedo ver a minimum I of 4 km of strikeo f basal Carboniferoucse mentstoneg roup sedimentsa nd immediatelyu nderlyingB irrenswarkL avas atwestwater,n ear Laqholm in south Scotland. Grades so far obtained from sparse rock exposures and from shallow boreholes a fissure sulphides are usuallyO .l-O.j%o f combinedm etals over 1-2 m of thickness,bu t vein of higher grade and a relativelyt hick zone of disseminated were also located. Galena, sphalerite,c halcopyritea ndbaryte occur mainly in thin dolomitev eins but disseminationosf galenaa re also presenti n sandstoneu nits. The mineralisatioins of low temperaturet ype I was emplaceda long northeasterlyt rendingn ormal faultsa nd cross faults regardeda s late Carboniferouisn age. and Mineralisatiohna s been controlledb y faulting,r egionalf aciesv aziation and local lithologicalv ariationa s well as by stratigraphipco sition. These controlsa re applicablei n furthere xplorationo f Lower Carboniferourso cks in both south and central Scotland. The heavy mineral fraction of stream sediment is the optimums amplingt ype in reconnaissanceex plorationo f areas of calcareous . rocks such as the Lower Carboniferouso f south Scotlanda nd basal till sampling is the most effectivem ethod of follow-upe xplorationi n those areas where glaciald epositsa re widespreada nd often thick

    Optimization of photomixers and antennas for continuous-wave terahertz emission

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    We have studied terahertz emission from interdigitated finger photomixers coupled to planar antenna structures. Using both pulsed and continuous-wave excitation, polarization measurements reveal that the antenna design dominates the properties of the radiated output at frequencies below 0.6 THz, while the efficiency at higher frequencies is additionally dependent on the design of the photomixer fingers. We have produced terahertz maps of the device, characterizing the photomixer by measuring the generated power as a function of the excitation position. Together, these measurements have allowed us to understand better the distinct roles of the photomixer and antenna in emission at different fre

    How to Undertake a Clinically Relevant Systematic Review in a Rapidly Evolving Field: Magnetic Resonance Angiography

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    Objectives: The aim was to determine which generations of the evolving technology of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are currently of clinical relevance in two clinical applications. Our purpose was to plan a systematic review that would be valuable both to purchasers driven by cost-effectiveness and to practicing clinicians. Methods: Information was gathered from a search of major bibliographic databases, from a short questionnaire sent to 500 U.K. vascular radiologists and vascular surgeons, and from local clinical The authors thank A. Jackson and all those who completed a questionnaire. This work was carried out with the financial support of the Secretary of State for Health under the NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme, project 97/13/04. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Secretary of State for Health. In part, this work was undertaken by the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, which received funding from the NHS Executive. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS Executive.experts. We asked which of the MRA techniques were currently used and, assuming availability, what would be their technique of choice. Results: There were 206 published articles that satisfied preliminary inclusion criteria: 69 discussed 2D time of flight (TOF); 47, 3D TOF; and 38, contrast-enhanced techniques. There were 162 questionnaires returned (60 radiologists, 102 surgeons). Of the total respondents, 77/162 (48%) used MRA in the assessment of carotid artery stenosis; 47/77 (61%) used 2D TOF; 32/77 (42%), 3D TOF; and 26/77 (34%), contrast-enhanced techniques. Thirty-five of 162 (22%) respondents used MRA in the assessment of peripheral vascular disease (PVD); 15/35 (43%) used 2D TOF, 4/35 (11%) used 3D TOF, and 22/35 (63%) used contrast-enhanced techniques. For those wishing to use MRA, contrast-enhanced techniques were the method of choice. Conclusions: The TOF methods that represent earlier generations of the technology remain clinically relevant, and will therefore be included in our systematic review. To ensure complete and relevant coverage in reviews of other evolving technologies, it would be advisable to obtain data for guidance in a similar way

    Use of magnetic resonance angiography to select candidates with recently symptomatic carotid stenosis for surgery: systematic review

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    Objective To determine if sufficient evidence exists to support the use of magnetic resonance angiography as a means of selecting patients with recently symptomatic high grade carotid stenosis for surgery. Design Systematic review of published research on the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance angiography, 1990-9. Main outcome measures Performance characteristics of diagnostic test. Results 126 potentially relevant articles were identified, but many articles failed to examine die performance of magnetic resonance angiography as a diagnostic test at the surgical decision thresholds used in major clinical trials on endarterectomy. 26 articles were included in a meta-analysis that showed a maximal joint sensitivity and specificity of 99% (95% confidence interval 98% to 100%) for identifying 70-99% stenosis and 90% (81% to 99%) for identifying 50-99% stenosis. Only four articles evaluated contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. Conclusions Magnetic resonance angiography is accurate for selecting patients for carotid endarterectomy at the surgical decision thresholds established in the major endarterectomy trials, but the evidence is not very robust because of the heterogeneity of the studies included. Research is to determine the diagnostic performance of the most recent developments in magnetic resonance angiography, including contrast enhanced techniques, as well as to assess the impact of magnetic resonance angiography on surgical decision making and outcomes

    The Quantum Interest Conjecture

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    Although quantum field theory allows local negative energy densities and fluxes, it also places severe restrictions upon the magnitude and extent of the negative energy. The restrictions take the form of quantum inequalities. These inequalities imply that a pulse of negative energy must not only be followed by a compensating pulse of positive energy, but that the temporal separation between the pulses is inversely proportional to their amplitude. In an earlier paper we conjectured that there is a further constraint upon a negative and positive energy delta-function pulse pair. This conjecture (the quantum interest conjecture) states that a positive energy pulse must overcompensate the negative energy pulse by an amount which is a monotonically increasing function of the pulse separation. In the present paper we prove the conjecture for massless quantized scalar fields in two and four-dimensional flat spacetime, and show that it is implied by the quantum inequalities.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 3 figures, uses eps

    Effect of waves on the tidal energy resource at a planned tidal stream array

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    Wave�current interaction (WCI) processes can potentially alter tidal currents, and consequently affect the tidal stream resource at wave exposed sites. In this research, a high resolution coupled wave-tide model of a proposed tidal stream array has been developed. We investigated the effect of WCI processes on the tidal resource of the site for typical dominant wave scenarios of the region. We have implemented a simplified method to include the effect of waves on bottom friction. The results show that as a consequence of the combined effects of the wave radiation stresses and enhanced bottom friction, the tidal energy resource can be reduced by up to 20% and 15%, for extreme and mean winter wave scenarios, respectively. Whilst this study assessed the impact for a site relatively exposed to waves, the magnitude of this effect is variable depending on the wave climate of a region, and is expected to be different, particularly, in sites which are more exposed to waves. Such effects can be investigated in detail in future studies using a similar procedure to that presented here. It was also shown that the wind generated currents due to wind shear stress can alter the distribution of this effect

    A motif-based approach to network epidemics

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    Networks have become an indispensable tool in modelling infectious diseases, with the structure of epidemiologically relevant contacts known to affect both the dynamics of the infection process and the efficacy of intervention strategies. One of the key reasons for this is the presence of clustering in contact networks, which is typically analysed in terms of prevalence of triangles in the network. We present a more general approach, based on the prevalence of different four-motifs, in the context of ODE approximations to network dynamics. This is shown to outperform existing models for a range of small world networks