29,274 research outputs found

    Spacecraft attitude sensor

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    A system for sensing the attitude of a spacecraft includes a pair of optical scanners having a relatively narrow field of view rotating about the spacecraft x-y plane. The spacecraft rotates about its z axis at a relatively high angular velocity while one scanner rotates at low velocity, whereby a panoramic sweep of the entire celestial sphere is derived from the scanner. In the alternative, the scanner rotates at a relatively high angular velocity about the x-y plane while the spacecraft rotates at an extremely low rate or at zero angular velocity relative to its z axis to provide a rotating horizon scan. The positions of the scanners about the x-y plane are read out to assist in a determination of attitude. While the satellite is spinning at a relatively high angular velocity, the angular positions of the bodies detected by the scanners are determined relative to the sun by providing a sun detector having a field of view different from the scanners

    Analytical Solutions for the Nonlinear Longitudinal Drift Compression (Expansion) of Intense Charged Particle Beams

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    To achieve high focal spot intensities in heavy ion fusion, the ion beam must be compressed longitudinally by factors of ten to one hundred before it is focused onto the target. The longitudinal compression is achieved by imposing an initial velocity profile tilt on the drifting beam. In this paper, the problem of longitudinal drift compression of intense charged particle beams is solved analytically for the two important cases corresponding to a cold beam, and a pressure-dominated beam, using a one-dimensional warm-fluid model describing the longitudinal beam dynamics

    The Great Eruption of Eta Carinae

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    During the years 1838-1858, the very massive star {\eta} Carinae became the prototype supernova impostor: it released nearly as much light as a supernova explosion and shed an impressive amount of mass, but survived as a star.1 Based on a light-echo spectrum of that event, Rest et al.2 conclude that "a new physical mechanism" is required to explain it, because the gas outflow appears cooler than theoretical expectations. Here we note that (1) theory predicted a substantially lower temperature than they quoted, and (2) their inferred observational value is quite uncertain. Therefore, analyses so far do not reveal any significant contradiction between the observed spectrum and most previous discussions of the Great Eruption and its physics.Comment: To appear in Nature, a brief communication arising in response to Rest et al. 2012. Submitted to Nature February 17, 201

    Feasibility model of a high reliability five-year tape transport. Volume 3: Appendices

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    Detailed drawings of the five year tape transport are presented. Analytical tools used in the various analyses are described. These analyses include: tape guidance, tape stress over crowned rollers, tape pack stress program, response (computer) program, and control system electronics description

    Nonlinear Electron Oscillations in a Viscous and Resistive Plasma

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    New non-linear, spatially periodic, long wavelength electrostatic modes of an electron fluid oscillating against a motionless ion fluid (Langmuir waves) are given, with viscous and resistive effects included. The cold plasma approximation is adopted, which requires the wavelength to be sufficiently large. The pertinent requirement valid for large amplitude waves is determined. The general non-linear solution of the continuity and momentum transfer equations for the electron fluid along with Poisson's equation is obtained in simple parametric form. It is shown that in all typical hydrogen plasmas, the influence of plasma resistivity on the modes in question is negligible. Within the limitations of the solution found, the non-linear time evolution of any (periodic) initial electron number density profile n_e(x, t=0) can be determined (examples). For the modes in question, an idealized model of a strictly cold and collisionless plasma is shown to be applicable to any real plasma, provided that the wavelength lambda >> lambda_{min}(n_0,T_e), where n_0 = const and T_e are the equilibrium values of the electron number density and electron temperature. Within this idealized model, the minimum of the initial electron density n_e(x_{min}, t=0) must be larger than half its equilibrium value, n_0/2. Otherwise, the corresponding maximum n_e(x_{max},t=tau_p/2), obtained after half a period of the plasma oscillation blows up. Relaxation of this restriction on n_e(x, t=0) as one decreases lambda, due to the increase of the electron viscosity effects, is examined in detail. Strong plasma viscosity is shown to change considerably the density profile during the time evolution, e.g., by splitting the largest maximum in two.Comment: 16 one column pages, 11 figures, Abstract and Sec. I, extended, Sec. VIII modified, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Fibronectin Contributes To Notochord Intercalation In The Invertebrate Chordate, Ciona Intestinalis

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    Background: Genomic analysis has upended chordate phylogeny, placing the tunicates as the sister group to the vertebrates. This taxonomic rearrangement raises questions about the emergence of a tunicate/vertebrate ancestor. Results: Characterization of developmental genes uniquely shared by tunicates and vertebrates is one promising approach for deciphering developmental shifts underlying acquisition of novel, ancestral traits. The matrix glycoprotein Fibronectin (FN) has long been considered a vertebrate-specific gene, playing a major instructive role in vertebrate embryonic development. However, the recent computational prediction of an orthologous “vertebrate-like” Fn gene in the genome of a tunicate, Ciona savignyi, challenges this viewpoint suggesting that Fn may have arisen in the shared tunicate/vertebrate ancestor. Here we verify the presence of a tunicate Fn ortholog. Transgenic reporter analysis was used to characterize a Ciona Fn enhancer driving expression in the notochord. Targeted knockdown in the notochord lineage indicates that FN is required for proper convergent extension. Conclusions: These findings suggest that acquisition of Fn was associated with altered notochord morphogenesis in the vertebrate/tunicate ancestor

    Global limits on kinetic Alfv\'{e}non speed in quasineutral plasmas

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    Large amplitude kinetic Alfv\'{e}non (exact Alfv\'{e}n soliton) matching condition is investigated in quasineutral electron-ion and electron-positron-ion plasmas immersed in a uniform magnetic field. Using the standard pseudopotential method, the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are exactly solved and a global allowed matching condition for propagation of kinetic solitary waves is derived. It is remarked that, depending on the plasma parameters, the kinetic solitons can be sub- or super-Alfv\'{e}nic, in general. It is further revealed that, either upper or lower soliton speed-limit is independent of fractional plasma parameters. Furthermore, the soliton propagation angle with respect to that of the uniform magnetic field is found to play a fundamental role in controlling the soliton matching speed-range.Comment: To be published in Physics of Plasma

    Multistable alignment states in nematic liquid crystal filled wells

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    Two distinct, stable alignment states have been observed for a nematic liquid crystal confined in a layer with thickness of 12 μm and in square wells with sides of length between 20 and 80 μm. The director lies in the plane of the layer and line defects occur in two corners of the squares. The positions of the defects determine whether the director orientation is across the diagonal or is parallel to two opposite edges of the square. The device is multistable because both the diagonal and parallel states are stable when rotated by multiples of 90° in plane

    Evidence for a Functional Interaction between Integrins and G Protein-activated Inward Rectifier K+ Channels

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    Heteromultimeric G protein-activated inward rectifier K+ (GIRK) channels, abundant in heart and brain, help to determine the cellular membrane potential as well as the frequency and duration of electrical impulses. The sequence arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD), located extracellularly between the first membrane-spanning region and the pore, is conserved among all identified GIRK subunits but is not found in the extracellular domain of any other cloned K+ channels. Many integrins, which, like channels, are integral membrane proteins, recognize this RGD sequence on other proteins, usually in the extracellular matrix. We therefore asked whether GIRK activity might be regulated by direct interaction with integrin. Here, we present evidence that mutation of the RGD site to RGE, particularly on the GIRK4 subunit, decreases or abolishes GIRK current. Furthermore, wild-type channels can be co-immunoprecipitated with integrin. The total cellular amount of expressed mutant GIRK channel protein is the same as the wild-type protein; however, the amount of mutant channel protein that localizes to the plasma membrane is decreased relative to wild-type, most likely accounting for the diminished GIRK current detected. GIRK channels appear to bind directly to integrin and to require this interaction for proper GIRK channel membrane localization and function

    A comparison of soil moisture characteristics predicted by the Arya-Paris model with laboratory-measured data

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    Soil moisture characteristics predicted by the Arya-Paris model were compared with the laboratory measured data for 181 New Jersey soil horizons. For a number of soil horizons, the predicted and the measured moisture characteristic curves are almost coincident; for a large number of other horizons, despite some disparity, their shapes are strikingly similar. Uncertainties in the model input and laboratory measurement of the moisture characteristic are indicated, and recommendations for additional experimentation and testing are made