356 research outputs found

    Classification and Biogeography of Panicoideae (Poaceae) in the New World

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    Panicoideae (Poaceae) in the New World comprise 107 genera (86 native) and 1357 species (1248 native). As circumscribed herein, Panicoideae include eight tribes: Andropogoneae, Arundinelleae, Centotheceae, Gynerieae, Isachneae, Paniceae, Steyermarkochloeae, and Thysanolaeneae. The two major tribes are Andropogoneae with 230 species (16.95% of all New World panicoids), and Paniceae with 1082 species (79.73%). Andropogoneae are divided into nine subtribes (Andropogoninae, Anthistiriinae, Coicinae, Germainiinae, Ischaeminae, Rottboelliinae, Saccharinae, Sorghinae, and Tripsacinae), while Paniceae are divided into seven subtribes (Arthropogoninae, Cenchrinae, Digitariinae, Melinidinae, Panicinae, Paspalinae, and Setariinae). Brazil is the center of diversity of New World panicoids with 741 species (54.6% of all species). The distributions of endemic and restricted taxa were analyzed in terms of biogeographical regions and Kranz syndrome. Amphitropical disjuncts and widespread species are also discussed

    Eradication of scrapie with selective breeding: are we nearly there?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Following EU decision 2003/100/EC Member States have recently implemented sheep breeding programmes to reduce the prevalence of sheep with TSE susceptible prion genotypes. The present paper investigates the progress of the breeding programme in the Netherlands. The PrP genotype frequencies were monitored through time using two sets of random samples: one set covers the years 2005 to 2008 and is taken from national surveillance programme; the other is taken from 168 random sheep farms in 2007. The data reveal that although the level of compliance to the breeding programme has been high, the frequency of susceptible genotypes varies substantially between farms. The 168 sheep farms are a subset of 689 farms participating in a postal survey inquiring about management and breeding strategies. This survey aimed to identify how much these strategies varied between farms, in order to inform assessment of the expected future progress towards eradication of classical scrapie.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On the one hand, we found that compliance to the national breeding program has been high, and the frequency of resistant genotypes is expected to increase further in the next few years. On the other hand, we observed a large variation in prevalence of the scrapie resistant PrP genotype ARR between farms, implicating a large variation of genetic resistance between farms. Substantial between-flock differences in management and breeding strategies were found in the postal survey, suggesting considerable variation in risk of scrapie transmission between farms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that although there has been a good progress in the breeding for scrapie resistance and the average farm-level scrapie susceptibility in the Netherlands has been significantly reduced, still a considerable proportion of farms contain high frequencies of susceptible genotypes in their sheep population. Since 2007 the breeding for genetic resistance is voluntarily again, and participation to selective breeding can decrease as a result of this. This, together with the patterns of direct and indirect contact between sheep farms, might present a challenge of the aim of scrapie eradication. Communication to sheep owners of the effect of the breeding programme thus far, and of the prospects for classical scrapie eradication in The Netherlands might be essential for obtaining useful levels of participation to the voluntary continuation of the breeding programme.</p

    Scrapie prevalence in sheep of susceptible genotype is declining in a population subject to breeding for resistance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Susceptibility of sheep to scrapie infection is known to be modulated by the PrP genotype of the animal. In the Netherlands an ambitious scrapie control programme was started in 1998, based on genetic selection of animals for breeding. From 2002 onwards EU regulations required intensive active scrapie surveillance as well as certain control measures in affected flocks.</p> <p>Here we analyze the data on genotype frequencies and scrapie prevalence in the Dutch sheep population obtained from both surveillance and affected flocks, to identify temporal trends. We also estimate the genotype-specific relative risks to become a detected scrapie case.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that the breeding programme has produced a steady increase in the level of genetic scrapie resistance in the Dutch sheep population. We also find that a significant decline in the prevalence of scrapie in tested animals has occurred a number of years after the start of the breeding programme. Most importantly, the estimated scrapie prevalence level per head of susceptible genotype is also declining significantly, indicating that selective breeding causes a population effect.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Dutch scrapie control programme has produced a steady rise in genetic resistance levels in recent years. A recent decline in the scrapie prevalence per tested sheep of susceptible prion protein genotype indicates that selective breeding causes the desired population effect.</p

    Are There Any Significant Differences in Terms of Age and Sex in Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents?

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    This study has analyzed sex-specific differences in pedestrian and cyclist accidents involving passenger cars. The most frequently injured body regions, types of injuries, which show sex-specific differences and the general accident parameters of females and males were compared. Accident data from three different European countries (Austria, Netherlands, Sweden) were analyzed. The current analysis shows that for both, females and males, pedestrian and cyclist injuries are sustained mainly to the body regions head, thorax, upper extremities and lower extremities. The results show that the odds for sustaining skeletal injuries to the lower extremities (incl. pelvis) in females are significantly higher. It was observed in all datasets, that the odds of females being involved in a rural accident or an accident at night are lower than for males. Elderly pedestrian and cyclist (≄60YO) tend to sustain more severe injuries (AIS2+ and AIS3+) than younger pedestrian and cyclists

    Author Correction: Genome-Guided Phylo-Transcriptomic Methods and the Nuclear Phylogenetic Tree of the Paniceae Grasses

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in the title of the paper, where the word “Phylogenetic” was incorrectly given as “Phylogentic”. This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article, and in the accompanying Supplementary Information file

    An index for the Dirac operator on D3 branes with background fluxes

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    We study the problem of instanton generated superpotentials in Calabi-Yau orientifold compactifications directly in type IIB string theory. To this end, we derive the Dirac equation on a Euclidean D3 brane in the presence of background fluxes. We propose an index which governs whether the generation of a superpotential in the effective 4d theory by D3 brane instantons is possible. Applying the formalism to various classes of examples, including the K3 x T^2/Z_2 orientifold, in the absence and presence of fluxes, we show that our results are consistent with conclusions attainable via duality from an M-theory analysis.Comment: Fermion coupling to five-form restored, conclusions of the paper unchange

    Special Geometry of Euclidean Supersymmetry I: Vector Multiplets

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    We construct the general action for Abelian vector multiplets in rigid 4-dimensional Euclidean (instead of Minkowskian) N=2 supersymmetry, i.e., over space-times with a positive definite instead of a Lorentzian metric. The target manifolds for the scalar fields turn out to be para-complex manifolds endowed with a particular kind of special geometry, which we call affine special para-Kahler geometry. We give a precise definition and develop the mathematical theory of such manifolds. The relation to the affine special Kahler manifolds appearing in Minkowskian N=2 supersymmetry is discussed. Starting from the general 5-dimensional vector multiplet action we consider dimensional reduction over time and space in parallel, providing a dictionary between the resulting Euclidean and Minkowskian theories. Then we reanalyze supersymmetry in four dimensions and find that any (para-)holomorphic prepotential defines a supersymmetric Lagrangian, provided that we add a specific four-fermion term, which cannot be obtained by dimensional reduction. We show that the Euclidean action and supersymmetry transformations, when written in terms of para-holomorphic coordinates, take exactly the same form as their Minkowskian counterparts. The appearance of a para-complex and complex structure in the Euclidean and Minkowskian theory, respectively, is traced back to properties of the underlying R-symmetry groups. Finally, we indicate how our work will be extended to other types of multiplets and to supergravity in the future and explain the relevance of this project for the study of instantons, solitons and cosmological solutions in supergravity and M-theory.Comment: 74 page
