104 research outputs found

    Multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis. GIS modelling for areas exposed to high volcanic risk

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    This paper – focussed on the province of Naples, where many municipalities with a huge demographic and building density are subject to high volcanic risk owing to the presence of the Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) caldera and the Somma-Vesuvius complex – highlights the methodological-applicative steps leading to the setting up of a multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis. From the operational point of view, the research led to the: (1) digitalisation, georeferencing and comparison of cartographies of different periods of time and recent satellite images; (2) elaboration and publication of a multilayer Story Map; (3) accurate vectorisation of the data of the buildings, for each period of time considered, and the use of kernel density in 2D and 3D; (4) application of the extrusion techniques to the physical aspects and anthropic structures; (5) production of 4D animations and film clips for each period of time considered. A procedure is thus tested made up of preparatory sequences, leading to a GIS modelling aimed at highlighting and quantifying significant problem areas and high exposure situations and at reconstructing the phases which in time have brought about an intense and widespread growth process of the artificial surfaces, considerably altering the features of the landscape and noticeably showing up the risk values. In a context characterised by land use conflicts and anomalous conditions of anthropic congestion, a diagnostic approach through images in 2D, 3D and 4D is used, with the aim to support the prevention and planning of emergencies, process damage scenarios and identify the main intervention orders, raise awareness and educate to risk, making an impact on the collective imagination through the enhancement of specific geotechnological functionalities of great didactic interest

    3D and 4D Simulations for Landscape Reconstruction and Damage Scenarios. GIS Pilot Applications

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    The project 3D and 4D Simulations for Landscape Reconstruction and Damage Scenarios: GIS Pilot Applications has been devised with the intention to deal with the demand for research, innovation and applicative methodology on the part of the international programme, requiring concrete results to increase the capacity to know, anticipate and respond to a natural disaster. This project therefore sets out to develop an experimental methodology, a wide geodatabase, a connected performant GIS platform and multifunctional scenarios able to profitably relate the added values deriving from different geotechnologies, aimed at a series of crucial steps regarding landscape reconstruction, event simulation, damage evaluation, emergency management, multi-temporal analysis. The Vesuvius area has been chosen for the pilot application owing to such an impressive number of people and buildings subject to volcanic risk that one could speak in terms of a possible national disaster. The steps of the project move around the following core elements: creation of models that reproduce the territorial and anthropic structure of the past periods, and reconstruction of the urbanized area, with temporal distinctions; three-dimensional representation of the Vesuvius area in terms of infrastructuralresidential aspects; GIS simulation of the expected event; first examination of the healthcareepidemiological consequences; educational proposals. This paper represents a proactive contribution which describes the aims of the project, the steps which constitute a set of specific procedures for the methodology which we are experimenting, and some thoughts regarding the geodatabase useful to “package” illustrative elaborations. Since the involvement of the population and adequate hazard preparedness are very important aspects, some educational and communicational considerations are presented in connection with the use of geotechnologies to promote the knowledge of risk

    Radio Base Stations and Electromagnetic Fields: GIS Applications and Models for Identifying Possible Risk Factors and Areas Exposed. Some Exemplifications in Rome

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    This paper—which is contextualized in the discussion on the methodological pluralism and the main topics of medical geography, the complexity theory in geographies of health, the remaking of medical geography and ad hoc systems of data elaboration—focuses on radio base stations (RBSs) as sources of electromagnetic fields, to provide GIS applications and simplifying-prudential models that are able to identify areas that could potentially be exposed to hazard. After highlighting some specific aspects regarding RBSs and their characteristics and summarizing the results of a number of studies concerning the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on health, we have taken an area of north-east Rome with a high population and building density as a case study, and we have provided some methodological and applicative exemplifications for different situations and types of antennas. Through specific functionalities and criteria, drawing inspiration from a precautionary principle, these exemplifications show some particular cases in order to support: possible risk factor identification, surveillance and spatial analysis; correlation analysis between potential risk factors and outbreak of diseases and symptoms; measurement campaigns in heavily exposed areas and buildings; education policies and prevention actions. From an operative viewpoint, we have: conducted some field surveys and recorded data and images with specific geotechnological and geomatics instruments; retraced the routes by geobrowsers and basemaps and harmonized and joined up the materials in a GIS environment; used different functions to define, on aero-satellite images, concentric circular buffer zones starting from each RBS, and geographically and geometrically delimited the connected areas subject to high and different exposure levels; produced digital applications and tested prime three-dimensional models, in addition to a video from a bird’s eye view perspective, able to show the buildings in the different buffer zones and which are subject to a hazard hierarchy due to exposure to an RBS. A similar GIS-based model—reproposable with methodological adjustments to other polluting sources—can make it possible to conceive a dynamic and multiscale digital system functional in terms of strategic planning, decision-making and public health promotion in a performant digital health information system

    Dalle Murge pugliesi alla valle del Sangro. Applicazioni GIS per un approccio organico alla (ri)scoperta del patrimonio sommerso

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    L’industria del turismo è stata messa a dura prova dalla pandemia di SARS-CoV-2: le restrizioni e la paura di ammalarsi hanno portato molti vacanzieri a preferire mete meno frequentate, considerate più accessibili e sicure. Anche per questo, la valorizzazione delle aree marginali del Paese – posizionate ai margini dei principali flussi del turismo interno – appare più che mai coerente con le prospettive di crescita del settore. Grazie al continuo sviluppo dei propri elementi, le geotecnologie dispongono del potenziale per farsi da traino di questo processo, passando al vaglio il territorio per agevolare l’inventario, l’analisi e la promozione dei suoi beni culturali e paesaggistici. Focalizzando l’attenzione sulla valle abruzzese del fiume Sangro e sulla Puglia delle Murge alte, il presente lavoro descrive il funzionamento di un’ampia rosa di applicazioni geotecnologiche, prodotte nel rispetto di una metodologia che ambisce ad approcciare organicamente alla valorizzazione del territorio

    Dalla Val di Sangro all’Alta Murgia: metodi e strumenti geotecnologici per la valorizzazione turistica del territorio

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    Grazie alla rendita di un patrimonio storico-naturalistico senza confronto, l’Italia conserva una posizione di rilievo nella classifica delle destinazioni internazionali, con un totale di 50,7 milioni di arrivi nell’anno 2015. Nei millenni di storia trascorsi, il territorio italiano è stato modellato dall’avvicendarsi di culture differenti, la cui memoria, concreta e immateriale, ha impreziosito il bene più prezioso della sua offerta: il paesaggio. Eppure, l’integrità di questo patrimonio è messa a rischio da un’attività edilizia che, dagli anni Cinquanta ad oggi, ha consumato il 7,6% dell’intera superficie nazionale. Tra i concorsi di causa di questo fenomeno, il turismo ha comportato un accrescimento della domanda di strutture ricettive, infrastrutture e servizi in grado di supplire alla domanda dei visitatori delle spiagge e delle capitali dell’arte italiane. In cambio di costi ambientali e sociali onerosi, il turismo di massa ha iniziato a ridimensionare il suo slancio in cambio di mete lontane ed esotiche, ravvicinate dalla globalizzazione dei trasporti e delle comunicazioni, determinando una sensibile diminuzione della domanda nazionale. D’accordo con i principi dell’eco-turismo e della sostenibilità ambientale, lo studio intende approfondire le modalità di valorizzazione delle aree nazionali ai margini dei flussi, il cui sviluppo, non solamente economico, possa snellire la pressione sui tradizionali poli di attrazione, la cui capacità di carico risulta al limite. Esaminando i benefici derivanti da un turismo responsabile, finalizzato alla diretta conoscenza e promozione delle caratteristiche antropo-culturali delle sue destinazioni, verranno approfondite le aree dell’Alta Murgia pugliese e della Val di Sangro abruzzese, caratterizzate dalla presenza di un patrimonio ricco e diversificato ma tutt’ora sconosciuto ai molti. Il profilo dell’Alta Murgia è modellato dalla presenza di dolci colline e da figure carsiche quali doline e inghiottitoi, coperte da boschi di quercia e pascoli dove la vocazione agricola prende la forma dei muretti a secco e delle masserie. La Val di Sangro, sviluppata lungo il corso dell’omonimo fiume, è un’area caratterizzata dalla presenza di lame calcaree coperte da fitte boscaglie, dove durante l’incastellamento vennero scolpiti i borghi tipici dell’epoca medievale. Le due regioni condividono gli antichi itinerari della transumanza, fenomeno ancora visibile nei toponimi e nella moderna viabilità che si sovrappone all’originale percorso dei tratturi. Nella cornice dell’eco-turismo, lo scambio culturale tra chi visita e chi ospita diviene il perno di proposte che assecondino lo spirito delle comunità locali, coadiuvate dalla conoscenza di esperienze di successo provenienti da contesti differenti, che favoriscano un’esperienza di riflessione e di curiosità nei confronti dell’altro e dell’altrove. Tramite l’utilizzo dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS) e dei moderni strumenti a supporto della ricerca, il lavoro ha l’obiettivo di favorire la conoscenza e la valorizzazione dei territori marginali, nell’ottica di contribuire allo studio di un equilibrio tra la fruizione del patrimonio nazionale e la sua conservazione attiva

    Le stratotype de la base de l’Etage Bathonien à Bas-Auran (Réserve Géologique de Haute Provence)

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Le GSSP du Bathonien à Bas Auran (réserve naturelle géologique de Haute-Provence, France)

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    Le Bathonien est le troisième étage du Jurassique moyen. Son nom dérive de la « Bath Oolithe », une formation définie près de Bath (Somerset, Angleterre). Mais, dans cette région, les niveaux condensés ne sont pas favorables pour définir le stratotype de l’étage. On ne peut pas sélectionner d’affleurements pouvant permettre de définir le stratotype de limite de l’étage. En France, trois coupes dans les environs de Bas Auran (Alpes de Haute-Provence, France) ont donc été proposées en 1967. En 1990, ces mêmes localités ont été présentées officiellement comme possible stratotype de la limite basale de l'étage (GSSP). Enfin en 2007, le GSSP a été formellement accepté par le « Bathonian Working Group » et, en 2008, par l’IUGS. Les coupes ont été levées dans les ravins du Bès, d'Auran et des Robines, près du hameau de Bas Auran (commune de Chaudon-Norante, Alpes de Haute-Provence). Elles montrent une alternance marno-calcaire, d'une épaisseur de 13 mètres environ, coiffée par une surface durcie (hard-ground), constituant le mur de la formation des Terres Noires. Les âges s’étendent de la sous-zone à Bomfordi (Zone à Parkinsoni, Bajocien supérieur) à la Sous-zone à Tenuiplicatus (Zone à Aurigerus, Bathonien inférieur). Des travaux récents ont permis de compléter et d’affiner les données existantes concernant les assemblages d’ammonoïdes, la sédimentologie et l'ichnologie. Les associations d’ammonoïdés, les microfossiles, le nannoplancton, les assemblages ichnologiques et surtout, l'absence de discontinuités notables, permettent de proposer la base du banc 71 de la coupe du Ravin du Bès comme stratotype de la limite inférieure du Bathonien. Atout non négligeable, Bas Auran se situe au sein de la Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence, ce qui permet la sauvegarde de ce site, très facile d'accès. [ABSTRACT] The Bathonian is the third stage of the Middle Jurassic System. Its name derives from the “Bath Oolithe” formation, cropping out in the surroundings of Bath, in southern England. However, in this country, no outcrops make it possible define the stratotype of the Bathonian Stage, as the succession is taphonomically and stratigraphically condensed. The Ravin du Bès section at Bas Auran was thus suggested as the bounding stratotype in 1967. Only later, in 1990, this section was officially proposed as possible stratotype (G.S.S.P.) of the basal boundary of the Bathonian Stage. Lastly, in 2007 this G.S.S.P. was formally accepted by the Bathonian Working Group and, in 2008, the proposal was ratified by the I.U.G.S. Three sections were studied in the surroundings of the Bas Auran farm (Alpes de Haute-Provence, France). The succession is composed of marly and calcareous beds that alternate on nearly 13 metres, and is unconformably overlain by the “Terres Noires” Formation with a sharp hard ground at the lithostratigraphic boundary. The studied interval spans the Bomfordi Subzone (Parkinsoni Zone, late Bajocian) to the Tenuiplicatus Subzone (Aurigerus Zone, early Bathonian)

    Upgrading of a Dynamic Space-Time Diffusion Simulator in a GIS Environment developed to analyse the COVID-19 spread in Rome. A replicable exemplification

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    Questo lavoro fornisce dapprima un quadro incentrato su alcune lite-rary review condotte a livello internazionale per sintetizzare ed eviden-ziare i possibili benefici traibili dalle applicazioni GIS e di Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) per far fronte all’emergenza provocata dalla pandemia di COVID-19. Successivamente, il lavoro fornisce una rassegna di ri-cerche applicate svolte in Italia per fornire valore aggiunto, tramite analisi geospaziale e temporale e mediante specifiche elaborazioni e funzionalità, nella disamina interpretativa e di comparazione terri-toriale, nella rappresentazione dinamica del fenomeno, nelle ipotesi predittive e nelle misure attuative per la gestione delle fasi critiche. Nell’ambito delle proposte geotecnologiche, lo studio si focalizza poi sul Simulatore dinamico di diffusione spazio-temporale in ambiente GIS sviluppato per analizzare la propagazione del COVID-19 a Roma, mostrando alcune applicazioni esemplificative basate sui dati forni-ti dalla UOC Servizio Igiene e Sanità Pubblica – ASL Roma 1, per il periodo 25 febbraio – 26 settembre 2020, ed elaborati dopo apposi-ti processi di data cleaning e ottimizzazione. In particolare, vengono discussi e analizzati alcuni set di screenshot, estratti dal Simulatore, che evidenziano l’evoluzione spaziale e diacronica del fenomeno con riferimento a: numero totale di casi di COVID-19 nel periodo in esame; numero totale di decessi dovuti a COVID-19; numero totale di casi di COVID-19 con indicazione dei diversi esiti. Il Simulatore, basato su accurati processi di geocoding e pensato quale strumento per il moni-toraggio e la sorveglianza in tempo reale, consente di muoversi nell’ot-tica della preparedness di precisione, degli screening territoriali a ele-vato grado di dettaglio e dell’integrazione interdisciplinare, al fine di testare soluzioni operative efficaci e replicabili nei casi di emergenza.dovuti a COVID-19; numero totale di casidi COVID-19 con indicazione dei diversi esiti. Il Simulatore, basato suaccurati processi di geocoding e pensato quale strumento per il monitoraggioe la sorveglianza in tempo reale, consente di muoversi nell’otticadella preparedness di precisione, degli screening territoriali a elevatogrado di dettaglio e dell’integrazione interdisciplinare, al fine ditestare soluzioni operative efficaci e replicabili nei casi di emergenzaThis work first provides a framework focused on a number of literary re-views carried out at international level to summarise and highlight the possible benefits that can be obtained by GIS and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to tackle the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pan-demic. Later, the present work gives a synthesis of the applied research conducted in Italy to provide added value, through geospatial and tem-poral analysis and specific elaborations and functionalities, in the in-terpretative examination and territorial comparison, the dynamic rep-resentation of the phenomenon, the predictive hypotheses and in the implementational measures for the management of critical phases. In the field of the geotechnological proposals, this study then focuses on the Dynamic Space-Time Diffusion Simulator in a GIS Environment de-veloped to analyse the COVID-19 spread in Rome, showing some demon-strative applications based on the data provided by the UOC Hygiene and Public Health Service – Local Health Unit Rome 1, for the period from February 25th to September 26th 2020, which have been elaborated af-ter ad hoc processes of data cleaning and optimisation. In particular, some sets of screenshots extracted by the Simulator are discussed and analysed in order to put in evidence the spatial and diachronic evolu-tion of the phenomenon with reference to: the total number of cases of COVID-19; the total number of deaths due to COVID-19; the total number of cases of COVID-19 with information regarding the different outcomes. Based on accurate geocoding processes and devised as a real-time mon-itoring and surveillance tool, the Simulator makes it possible to move in the perspectives of precision preparedness, highly detailed territorial screening and interdisciplinary integration, in order to test effective and replicable operational solutions in the cases of emergency

    Geografia per l'inclusione

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    "This volume gathers the contributions related to the call for papers presented on the occasion of the 59th National Conference of AIIG (Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome, 29 September - 3 October 2016). It aims to provide a lively and faceted testimony of the inclusive values that geography is able to offer to all operators of education and territory. The theoretical contributions of the first part highlight the irreplaceable role of geography to educate to the realization of a really inclusive human community and also touch other issues with a strong social impact, such as the right to health. In the second part the inclusive theories are translated into teaching practice, so that teachers can get practical and effective ideas for the realization of similar projects in other schools and universities.
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