79 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico general y servicio prestado en la Cooperativa Agrícola Integral Unión de 4 Pinos R.L. Santiago Sacatepéquez, Guatemala C.A. y evaluación de Boscalid + Pyraclostrobin en la producción y prolongación de vida en anaquel del zucchini (Cucúrbita pepo L. subsp. pepo.)

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    La presente investigación se realizó en a Cooperativa Agrícola Integral Unión de 4 Pinos, R.L., Finca La Suiza, San Lucas Sacatepéquez, mediante el diagnóstico realizado en Finca La Suiza, área productora de Cooperativa Agrícola Integral Unión de 4 Pinos, determinando que la importancia de investigar el uso de nuevas tecnologías que aumenten la vida de anaquel del zucchini. La investigación consistió en la evaluación del efecto de los ingredientes activos Boscalid+Pyraclostrobin en la producción y prolongación de vida en anaquel del zucchini, para lo cual el ensayo fue dividido en dos etapas, la primera la producción en campo y la segunda el manejo postcosecha en planta empacadora. La primera parte fue realizada en Finca La Suiza, para lo cual se elaboró un plan de manejo fitosanitario, tomando como base el plan de manejo fitosanitario para el cultivo de zucchini Departamento Agrícola 2009, a la cual se incluyeron las aplicaciones de la estrobilurina (Boscalid+Pyraclostrobin) se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos, de los cuales uno era el testigo absoluto, dos tratamientos con 2 y 3 aplicaciones de la estrobilurina (Boscalid+Pyraclostrobin) en diferentes etapas fenológicas del cultivo y un cuarto tratamiento el manejo tradicional del Departamento Agrícola, asi como manejo postcosecha del producto, el cual fue sometido a un procedimiento de clasificación, lavado, desinfección, empaque y colocación en cuarto frio (4ºC) para determinar los días de vida en anaquel del zucchini

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Consumption patterns of meat, poultry, and fish after disaggregation of mixed dishes: secondary analysis of the Australian National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey 2011–12

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    Categorisation of meat/poultry/fish. Table S2. Mean per-capita intake of meat/poultry/fish (g) by socio-economic category after disaggregation of mixed dishes. Table S3. Daily energy and key nutrient intakes from meat/poultry/fish consumption – comparison before and after disaggregation of mixed dishes. Table S4. Proportion of persons consuming meat/poultry/fish by gender for children and adults after disaggregation of mixed dishes and per-consumer intake of meat/poultry/fish by gender for children and adults, median (25th and 75th percentile) after disaggregation of mixed dishes, g/day. (DOCX 26 kb

    Proportions of carbohydrate and protein ingested by weta during the 48 hour period in phase two.

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    <p>Data are presented according to the previous treatment group of weta, who had been fed for eight days on specific foods in phase 1. CC= carbohydrate rich food only, CP = carbohydrate and protein rich food, PP = protein rich food only.</p

    Remonti_2015_OIK_Pine marten data

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    Data about the selected studies on pine martens diet, the percent estimated volume of the main food types in pine marten diets, and the macronutrient balance in pine marten diets

    Carbohydrate and protein intake in individual male and female Hemideina crassidens, shown by sex, over a seven night experimental trial period after weta were captured from the wild.

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    <p>Carbohydrate and protein intake in individual male and female Hemideina crassidens, shown by sex, over a seven night experimental trial period after weta were captured from the wild.</p

    Feeding in the three groups in the eight-day phase 1 of the experiment.

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    <p>Middle line indicates the model if weta were eating the same amount of P-rich and C-rich diet in the mixing treatment (CP). CC indicates the group offered carbohydrate rich food only, CP the group offered both carbohydrate rich and protein rich food, and PP the group offered protein rich food only.</p

    Estimates for the amount of (a) dead conspecific cannibalised and (b) leaf material (dry weight, mg) eaten by tree weta during phase two of the nutritional state trial.

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    <p>Weta had previously been assigned to one of three diets for 8 days. Group CC had carbohydrate rich food only (n=6), CP had a balanced diet (protein and carbohydrate rich foods both available, n=5) and PP, protein rich food only (n=6). Means ± SE presented.</p

    Mean amount of artificial food eaten by Hemideina crassidens individuals over a seven night experimental trial period (x ± SE).

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    <p>Weta selected foods non-randomly so that carbohydrate consumption was greater than protein on average. Dotted line indicates a 1:1 ratio.</p

    Feeding in the three groups in phase two of the long-term cannibalism experiment.

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    <p>Group CC had previously eaten carbohydrate rich food only for six weeks during phase one of the experiment (n=6), CP had a balanced diet (protein and carbohydrate rich foods both available, n=5) and PP, protein rich food only (n=6).</p