6,943 research outputs found

    Mobilising rural communities to achieve environmental sustainability using the arts

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    Australia’s environment continues to worsen in several key areas. This paper suggests that the visual and performing arts may be valuable in influencing environmental behaviour positively, at the individual and community level. The arts can aid engagement and participation by a broad cross section of the community, and can provide powerful vehicles for community mobilisation, empowerment, and information transfer.Rural sociology, visual and performing arts, environmental behaviour, environmental sustainability, art and the environment, capacity building, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    A deterministic algorithm for experimental design applied to tomographic and microseismic monitoring surveys

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    SUMMARY Most general experimental design algorithms are either: (i) stochastic and hence give different designs each time they are run with finite computing power, or (ii) deterministic but converge to results that depend on an initial or reference design, taking little or no account of the range of all other possible designs. In this paper we introduce an approximation to standard measures of experimental design quality that enables a new algorithm to be used. The algorithm is simple, deterministic and the resulting experimental design is influenced by the full range of possible designs, thus addressing problems (i) and (ii) above. Although the designs produced are not guaranteed to be globally optimal, they significantly increase the magnitude of small eigenvalues in the model–data relationship (without requiring that these eigenvalues be calculated). This reduces the model uncertainties expected post-experiment. We illustrate the method on simple tomographic and microseismic location examples with varying degrees of seismic attenuation

    Thermal annealing of GaAs concentrator solar cells

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    Isochronal and isothermal annealing tests were performed on GaAs concentrator cells which were irradiated with electrons of various energies to fluences up to 1 x 10(exp 16) e/sq cm. The results include: (1) For cells irradiated with electrons from 0.7 to 2.3 MeV, recovery decreases with increasing electron energy. (2) As determined by the un-annealed fractions, isothermal and isochronal annealing produce the same recovery. Also, cells irradiated to 3 x 10(exp 15) or 1 x 10(exp 16) e/sq cm recover to similar un-annealed fractions. (3) Some significant annealing is being seen at 150 C although very long times are required

    Developing strategic learning alliances: partnerships for the provision of global education and training solutions

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    The paper describes a comprehensive model for the development of strategic alliances between education and corporate sectors, which is required to ensure effective provision of education and training programmes for a global market. Global economic forces, combined with recent advances in information and communication technologies, have provided unprecedented opportunities for education providers to broaden the provision of their programmes both on an international scale and across new sectors. Lifelong learning strategies are becoming increasingly recognized as an essential characteristic of a successful organization and therefore large organizations have shown a preparedness to invest in staff training and development. The demands for lifelong learning span a wide range of training and educational levels from school-level and vocational courses to graduate-level training for senior executive

    Closed form summation of C-finite sequences

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    We consider sums of the form j=0n1F1(a1n+b1j+c1)F2(a2n+b2j+c2)...Fk(akn+bkj+ck),\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}F_1(a_1n+b_1j+c_1)F_2(a_2n+b_2j+c_2)... F_k(a_kn+b_kj+c_k), in which each {Fi(n)}\{F_i(n)\} is a sequence that satisfies a linear recurrence of degree D(i)<D(i)<\infty, with constant coefficients. We assume further that the aia_i's and the ai+bia_i+b_i's are all nonnegative integers. We prove that such a sum always has a closed form, in the sense that it evaluates to a linear combination of a finite set of monomials in the values of the sequences {Fi(n)}\{F_i(n)\} with coefficients that are polynomials in nn. We explicitly describe two different sets of monomials that will form such a linear combination, and give an algorithm for finding these closed forms, thereby completely automating the solution of this class of summation problems. We exhibit tools for determining when these explicit evaluations are unique of their type, and prove that in a number of interesting cases they are indeed unique. We also discuss some special features of the case of ``indefinite summation," in which a1=a2=...=ak=0a_1=a_2=... = a_k = 0