151 research outputs found

    Wakeful rest benefits recall, but not recognition, of incidentally encoded memory stimuli in younger and older adults

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    Older adults exhibit deficits in episodic memory tasks, which have often been attributed to encoding or retrieval deficits, with little attention to consolidation mechanisms. More recently, researchers have attempted to measure consolidation in the context of a behavioral experiment using the wakeful rest paradigm (i.e., a brief, quiet period of minimal stimulation, which facilitates memory performance, compared to a distractor task). Critically, older adults might not produce this effect, given established age differences in other episodic memory processes and mind-wandering. In three experiments, we directly compared younger and older adults in modified versions of the wakeful rest paradigm. Critically, we utilized incidental encoding procedures (all experiments) and abstract shape stimuli (in Experiment 3) to limit the possibility of retrieval practice or maintenance rehearsal as potential confounding mechanisms in producing the wakeful rest effect. Wakeful rest reliably and equally benefited recall of incidentally encoded words in both younger and older adults. In contrast, wakeful rest had no benefit for standard accuracy measures of recognition performance in verbal stimuli, although there was an effect in response latencies for non-verbal stimuli. Overall, these results suggest that the benefits of wakeful rest on episodic retrieval are preserved across age groups, and hence support age-independence in potential consolidation mechanisms as measured by wakeful rest. Further, these benefits do not appear to be dependent on the intentionality of encoding or variations in distractor task types. Finally, the lack of wakeful rest benefits on recognition performance might be driven by theoretical constraints on the effect or methodological limitations of recognition memory testing in the current paradigm

    Manipulation of length and lexicality localizes the functional neuroanatomy of phonological processing in adult readers

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    In a previous study of single word reading, regions in the left supramarginal gyrus and left angular gyrus showed positive BOLD activity in children but significantly less activity in adults for high-frequency words. This developmental decrease may reflect decreased reliance on phonological processing for familiar stimuli in adults. Therefore, in the present study, variables thought to influence phonological demand (string length and lexicality) were manipulated. Length and lexicality effects in the brain were explored using both ROI and whole-brain approaches. In the ROI analysis, the supramarginal and angular regions from the previous study were applied to this study. The supramarginal region showed a significant positive effect of length, consistent with a role in phonological processing, whereas the angular region showed only negative deflections from baseline with a strong effect of lexicality and other weaker effects. At the whole-brain level, varying effects of length and lexicality and their interactions were observed in 85 regions throughout the brain. The application of hierarchical clustering analysis to the BOLD time course data derived from these regions revealed seven clusters, with potentially revealing anatomical locations. Of note, a left angular gyrus region was the sole constituent of one cluster. Taken together, these findings in adult readers (1) provide support for a widespread set of brain regions affected by lexical variables, (2) corroborate a role for phonological processing in the left supramarginal gyrus, and (3) do not support a strong role for phonological processing in the left angular gyrus

    Generation effects and source memory in healthy older adults and in adults with dementia of the Alzheimer type.

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    Recognition and source memory were explored in healthy older adults, adults diagnosed with very mild dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT), and adults diagnosed with mild DAT. Two sentence-completion tasks were used. In Task 1, half of the sentences were completed (clozed) by the participant, and half by the experimenter. In Task 2, half were participant clozed, and half were participant read (already clozed). Recognition of the cloze words and accuracy of categorizing them as participant generated or experimenter generated (Task 1) and participant generated or participant read (Task 2) were measured (source discrimination). Contrary to previous reports, the DAT groups showed the generation effect, that is, better recognition for participant-generated words than experimenter-generated words (Task 1) or read words (Task 2). Source discrimination was disproportionately impaired in the DAT groups. Memory impairment is the hallmark of dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT; e.g., Portions of these data were presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 1995, San Francisco, California. This research was supported by National Institute on Aging Grant AG00030. Martha Storandt is gratefully acknowledged for allowing us to include our tasks in her neuropsychological test battery and for providing the psychometric data reported in this article. Special thanks go to Martha Storandt's research team, particularly Emily La Barge, for their help in the data collection. John C. Morris, Director, Washington University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Clinical Core, is gratefully acknowledged for providing diagnostic and dementia severity ratings. We thank Debra A. Grosse-Fleischman for sharing her materials with us. Special thanks go to Greta Munger for her help with the final figures. Thanks also go to Mark E. Faust and to Marcia K. Johnson for helpful discussions of this project. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Kristi S. Multhaup, who is now at the Department of Psychology, Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina 28036-1719. Electronic mail may be sent via Internet to [email protected]. priming in their DAT group, Gabrieli et al. argued that repetition priming is composed of perceptual and nonperceptual components that can be dissociated. Therefore, recent neuropsychological studies of memory indicate that thorough examination of different populations' memory performance can reveal important clues regarding the organization of human memory. The goal of the present study is to provide information concerning the nature of the memory impairments associated with DAT. In pursuit of this goal, the present article explores three major issues. The first issue is whether early-stage DAT individuals show the generation effect, which occurs when people better remember information that they had to produce (e.g., producing associates to a word) compared with information that was given to them (e.g., reading words; Generation Effect There are several reports in the literature that suggest that individuals diagnosed with DAT do not show the generation effec

    Additive Effects of Item-Specific and Congruency Sequence Effects in the Vocal Stroop Task

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    There is a growing interest in assessing how cognitive processes fluidly adjust across trials within a task. Dynamic adjustments of control are typically measured using the congruency sequence effect (CSE), which refers to the reduction in interference following an incongruent trial, relative to a congruent trial. However, it is unclear if this effect stems from a general control mechanism or a distinct process tied to cross-trial reengagement of the task set. We examine the relationship of the CSE with another measure of control referred to as the item-specific proportion congruency effect (ISPC), the finding that frequently occurring congruent items exhibit greater interference than items that are often incongruent. If the two effects reflect the same control mechanism, one should find interactive effects of CSE and ISPC. We report results from three experiments utilizing a vocal Stroop task that manipulated these two effects while controlling for variables that are often confounded in the literature. Across three experiments, we observed large CSE and ISPC effects. Importantly, these effects were robustly additive with one another (Bayes Factor for the null approaching 9). This finding indicates that the CSE and ISPC arise from independent mechanisms and suggests the CSE in Stroop may reflect a more general response adjustment process that is not directly tied to trial-by-trial changes in attentional control

    Past tense route priming

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    a b s t r a c t The present research examined whether lexical (whole word) or more rule-based (morphological constituent) processes can be locally biased by experimental list context in past tense verb inflection. In Experiment 1, younger and older adults completed a past tense inflection task in which list context was manipulated across blocks containing regular past tense verbs (e.g. REACH-REACHED) or irregular past tense verbs (TEACH-TAUGHT). Critical targets, consisting of half regular and half irregular verbs, were embedded within blocks and participants' inflection response latency and accuracy were assessed. The results yielded a cross-over interaction in response latencies for both young and older adults. In the regular context there was a robust regularity effect: regular target verbs were conjugated faster than irregular target verbs. In contrast, in the irregular context, irregular target verbs were conjugated faster than regular target verbs. Experiment 2 used the same targets but in the context of either standard nonwords or nonwords ending in ''-ED'' to test the possibility of a phonological basis for the effect. The effect of context was eliminated. The results support the notion that distinct processes in past tense verb production can be locally biased by list context and, as shown in Experiment 2, this route priming effect was not due to phonological priming

    Dissociation of Automatic and Strategic Lexical-semantics: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence for Differing Roles of Multiple Frontotemporal Regions

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    Behavioral research has demonstrated three major components of the lexical-semantic processing system: automatic activation of semantic representations, strategic retrieval of semantic representations, and inhibition of competitors. However, these component processes are inherently conflated in explicit lexical-semantic decision tasks typically used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research. Here, we combine the logic of behavioral priming studies and the neurophysiological phenomenon of fMRI priming to dissociate the neural bases of automatic and strategic lexical-semantic processes across a series of three studies. A single lexical decision task was used in all studies, with stimulus onset asynchrony or linguistic relationship between prime and target being manipulated. Study 1 demonstrated automatic semantic priming in the left mid-fusiform gyrus (mid-FFG) and strategic semantic priming in five regions: left middle temporal gyrus (MTG), bilateral anterior cingulate, anterior left inferior prefrontal cortex (aLIPC), and posterior LIPC (pLIPC). These priming effects were explored in more detail in two subsequent studies. Study 2 replicated the automatic priming effect in mid-FFG and demonstrated that automatic priming in this region is preferential for the semantic domain. Study 3 demonstrated a neural dissociation in regions contributing to the strategic semantic priming effect. Strategic semantic facilitation was observed in the aLIPC and MTG, whereas strategic semantic inhibition was observed in the pLIPC and anterior cingulate. These studies provide reproducible evidence for a neural dissociation between three well established components of the lexical-semantic processing system

    Phonological blocking during picture naming in dementia of the Alzheimer type

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    Individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT; n Ï­ 53, ages 55-91), healthy older adults (n Ï­ 75, ages 59 -91), and younger adults (n Ï­ 24, ages 18 -24) performed a word-primed picturenaming task. Word primes were neutral (ready), semantically or phonologically related, or unrelated to the correct picture name. All groups produced equivalent unrelated-word interference and semantic priming effects in response latencies. However, analysis of errors revealed a DAT-related increase of phonological blocking. The results suggest that picture-naming errors in DAT are due, at least in part, to a breakdown in access to phonological representations of object names as a consequence of reduced inhibitory control over other highly active alternatives
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