2,757 research outputs found

    Designing Open Electronic Texts in Education: Positioning Theory Revisited

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    A series of investigations into aspects of designing electronic texts is summarised. One aspect is a critical evaluation of existing provision, including educational videos and available software like PowerPoint and Xerte, and a description of our own practice over several years. There is a review of more theoretical work about ‘realism’ in cinema and in visual ethnography, and effects which include ‘positioning’ the viewer as passive. We discuss the potential of electronic texts for organising academic material in a more open ‘writerly’ way than is conventional, and end with suggesting future theoretical inquiry

    In Room 202

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    Temperature dependence of indentation size effects, pile-up and strain rate sensitivity in polycrystalline tungsten from 25-950 C

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    Elevated temperature nanoindentation measurements were performed on polycrystalline tungsten to 950 ÂșC. Tests were carried out under high vacuum conditions as tungsten oxidizes in air at \u3e500 ÂșC. The temperature dependence of the hardness, elastic modulus, strain rate sensitivity, activation volume and the indentation size effect in hardness were investigated at 25, 750, 800, 850, 900 and 950 ÂșC. Thermal drift assessed from the last 60% of a hold period at 90% unloading was typically ~0.05 nm/s and it did not vary significantly with load or temperature [1]. The hardness measurements were in good agreement with previous determinations by non-depth sensing hot microhardness. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    RAM$mart Financial Wellness for Health Profession Students

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    College students today are graduating with more debt than ever before. As such, it is critical that our graduates are equipped with the right skills and frame of mind to manage their finances. This includes understanding their income, taxes, and expenses; managing debt; budgeting; saving; and retirement planning. Money management can be intimidating for anyone, regardless of background or education. While online resources are made available to our students, these resources are often overlooked, and do not necessarily set out to engage students or address the issues they may face in a convincing or compelling way. Most of the financial resources easily accessible on the web and on VCU’s sites are intended for undergraduate students. However, graduate students and in particular students in the health sciences professional programs (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy) can accrue a tremendous amount of debt, but are not exposed to as many mandatory or voluntary budgeting and financial resources. The RAMmartFinancialWellnessProgramisasetofonlinemodulesthatwillallowstudentstheopportunitytolearnthebasicprinciplesofmoneyanddebtmanagement.WearefocusingthisphaseonprofessionalstudentsintheSchoolsofMedicine,Pharmacy,andDentistry,withtheintenttoengagethewholeVCUstudentpopulationinthefuture.TheRAMmart Financial Wellness Program is a set of online modules that will allow students the opportunity to learn the basic principles of money and debt management. We are focusing this phase on professional students in the Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry, with the intent to engage the whole VCU student population in the future. The RAMmart Financial Wellness Program will include modules on a variety of money management topics designed to get the attention of students and to provide them with practical steps they can take at the beginning of, and throughout, their graduate professional education to minimize debt accumulation. There will also be modules designed to inform students of various loan payback options upon their degree completion, and of available community and online financial resources. Through attention-grabbing and entertaining modules, including such things as humorous video snippets and interactive questions, students’ awareness of budgeting and financial responsibility will increase significantly

    Evaluating the stability requirements for mounting and dismounting from the top of leaning ladders

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    This report details the methodology and findings of an investigation into the suitability of leaning ladders as a means to access high surfaces. This work has been funded by the Health and Safety Executive to provide a factual basis on which to make recommendations regarding safe practice. In particular it addresses a gap in the knowledge generated in previous studies into safe ladder use. This gap is generated by those individuals for whom the pressures of work make use of a ladder necessary but for whom safe practice is compromised. In particular, environmental demands, multiple unpredictable locations and challenging tasks combine to make a ladder an obvious, yet arguably unsafe, choice of equipment

    Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education

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    This paper discusses the importance of ethics and social responsibility in information systems (IS) education. The many public scandals of corporate misconduct have increased the need for more emphasis to be placed on ethics and ethical issues in IS education. The authors describe how the inclusion of ethics and social responsibility in the IS curriculum enhances IS education and discuss the core issues to be addressed, including: professional conduct, privacy, intellectual property, cybercrime, impact on humans, freedom of speech, and “Green” computing issues. The authors also introduce the papers presented in this special issue and challenge IS educators to increase their emphasis on ethics and social responsibility in their classes

    Lock Holder Preemption Avoidance via Transactional Lock Elision

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    Abstract In this short paper we show that hardware-based transactional lock elision can provide benefit by reducing the incidence of lock holder preemption, decreasing lock hold times and promoting improved scalability
