70 research outputs found
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research). Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIIIB SMP Negeri 3 Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa setelah di ajar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIIB SMP Negeri 3 Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa sebanyak 40 orang yang terdiri dari 20 orang laki-laki dan 20 orang perempuan. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, tanggapan siswa, dan tes hasil belajar dalam bentuk essay pada setiap akhir siklus sesuai materi yang diajarkan. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil yang dicapai adalah (1) skor rata-rata hasil belajar siklus I sebesar 76,80 dari skor ideal 100 dengan standar deviasi 20,37, (2) skor rata-rata hasil belajar siklus II sebesar 88,60 dari skor ideal 100 dengan standar deviasi 11,14, (3) banyak siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus I adalah 31 orang (77,50%) dari 40 orang siswa, (4) banyak siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus II adalah 37 orang (92,50%) dari 40 orang siswa, (5) pada siklus I kehadiran siswa 95% meningkat menjadi 95,63% pada siklus II, (6) yang serius menerima pelajaran dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu 86,25% menjadi 90,63% atau mengalami peningkatan 4,38%, (7) siswa yang belum memahami materi yang diajarkan pada saat proses pembelajaran dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu 10,63% menjadi 6,88% atau mengalami penurunan 3,75%. (8) keaktifan siswa mencari jawaban LKS meningkat dari 86,88% menjadi 89,38% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar2,5%. (9) Siswa yang meminta bimbingan dalam menyelesaikan LKS mengalami penurunan sebesar 7,5% yaitu dari 15,63% ke 8,13%. (10) siswa yang nomornya terpanggil atau berani dan memiliki rasa tanggung jawab terhadap persentase kelompok mengalami peningkatan dari 16,25% ke 16,88%, atau sebesar 0,63%. (11) siswa yang berani mengajukan tanggapan terhadap persentase kelompok lain mengalami peningkatan dari 3,13% ke 6,25%, yaitu sebesar 3,12%. (12) siswa yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan/tanggapan dari kelompok lain dari 2,5% menjadi 3,75% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 1,25%, (13) siswa yang melakukan kegiatan lain saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung mengalami penurunan dari 8,75% menjadi 3,75% atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 5%. (14) siswa yang mengerjakan PR dari guru mengalami peningkatan dari 73,75% ke 93,75% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 20%
This study aims to (1) know the development process assessment for learning (AfL) instruments on congruence and similarity subjects for grade IX junior high school students; (2) produce an assessment for learning (AfL) instruments on congruence and similarity subjects for grade IX junior high school students that are valid and reliable. This present study is development research involving 126 grade IX students of SMP Islam Athirah 2 Makassar. The results showed that: (1) the process of developing assessment for learning (AfL) instruments on congruence and similarity subject for grade IX junior high school students was carried out through the stages of compiling instrument specifications (including determining the purpose of the instrument, compiling the instrument grid, choosing the shape and format of the instrument, determining the length of the instrument, and determining the instrument scales and scoring systems), writing instruments, reviewing instruments (content validity test and instruments improvement), conducting instrument trials, interpreting measurement results, analyzing instruments (construct validity and reliability tests), and assembling instruments; (2) the results of the development of assessment for learning (AfL) instruments on congruence and similarity subject for grade IX junior high school students consisted of a learning process assessment test, a learning outcome assessment test, and a rubric for assessing cognitive aspects, psychomotor aspects, and affective aspects.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui gambaran pengembangan instrumen assessment for learning (AfL) pada materi kekongruenan dan kesebangunan untuk peserta didik kelas IX SMP; (2) menghasilkan instrumen assessment for learning (AfL) pada materi kekongruenan dan kesebangunan untuk peserta didik kelas IX SMP yang valid dan reliabel. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development yang melibatkan 126 peserta didik kelas IX SMP Islam Athirah 2 Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) gambaran pengembangan instrumen assessment for learning (AfL) pada materi kekongruenan dan kesebangunan untuk peserta didik kelas IX SMP dilaksanakan melalui tahapan menyusun spesifikasi instrumen (mencakup menentukan tujuan, menyusun kisi-kisi, memilih bentuk dan format, menentukan panjang, serta menentukan skala dan sistem penskoran), menulis instrumen, menelaah instrumen (uji validitas isi dan memperbaiki instrumen), melakukan uji coba instrumen, menafsirkan hasil uji coba, menganalisis instrumen (uji validitas konstruk dan reliabilitas), dan merakit instrumen; (2) hasil pengembangan instrumen assessment for learning (AfL) pada materi kekongruenan dan kesebangunan untuk peserta didik kelas IX SMP terdiri dari tes penilaian proses belajar, tes penilaian hasil belajar, dan rubrik penilaian aspek kognitif, keterampilan, dan sikap
Problem Solving Ability Of Students Taught By Missouri Mathematics Project
This research was pre experimental research. The experimental design used was One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design which aims to describe and to know the problem solving ability of students of class VIII 3 was taught by applying the model of Missouri Mathematics Project of grade VIII 3. The population was the students of class VIII and the sample was class VIII 3 consisting of 30 students as an experimental class. Based on the results of research and discussion, students were able to solve mathematical problems based on indicators of mathematical problem solving ability. The result of hypothesis test shows: 1)The mean posttest score of the students meets the determined KKM value that is greater equal to 78. This means that the postest average value is significantly greater than 77.9; 2)The average normalized gain value exceeds the medium category. This means that the average value of the gain normalized significantly more than 0.29; and 3)The posttest score obtained by the students has been completed by classical test based on the proportion test. This means that the classical mastery of students' mathematical problem solving abilities after the applied learning model of the Missouri Mathematics Project is significantly more than 0.849.
Keywords: Problem-solving Abilities, Mathematical Missouri Mathematics Project mode
This study aims to determine student errors in solving PISA-oriented SPLDV questions with change and relationship content in class VIII SMP Unismuh Makassar based on the Newman error procedure. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used were giving tests and interviews. The instrument used was a written test in the form of a description of two numbers adapted from the PISA questions and interviews of students who were selected as research subjects to ensure mistakes made when solving the questions. The researcher chose four students as research subjects from 19 students of class VIIIA 1 based on the most mistakes made to be interviewed. The data analysis technique was carried out by the stages of data reduction, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusions. Student error analysis refers to errors with the Newman stage which consists of 4 categories, namely errors in understanding the problem, errors in transforming the problem, errors in processing skills and errors in writing the final answer. The results showed that the most errors were made by FQ students. The research subjects who were then interviewed were SM on the type of understanding error, ST on the type of transformation error, SP on the error type of process skills and SK on the type of error in writing the final answer
A Small Scale Study: The Metacognitive Scaffoldings in Mathematics Problem Solving for Senior High Students with High Mathematics Ability
To describe the kinds of metacognitive scaffolding which are necessary given, we carried out a test in the topic of three dimensional space to three senior high school students with high mathematics ability. The metacognitive scaffolding was given when they worked with the problems of which they refer to the four steps of Polya. An interview was also conducted to the students for the data triangulation. The findings suggest that, although the three respondents basically understand the problems, they have difficulties in setting a plan for problem solving as they are unaccustomed. In contrast, they relatively have no difficulties in applying the third step of Polya, i.e. applying the plan of problem solving as well as the fouth step because there was no MS given to them. Concerning the kinds of the given MS, monitoring is the most used, followed by planning, and evaluating. Moreover, based on the Polya's steps of which the MS given, the most frequently used MS is the second step, followed by consecutively the first step, the fourth step, and the third step
A Small Scale Study: The Metacognitive Scaffoldings in Mathematics Problem Solving for Senior High Students with High Mathematics Ability
To describe the kinds of metacognitive scaffolding which are necessary given, we carried out a test in the topic of three dimensional space to three senior high school students
with high mathematics ability. The metacognitive scaffolding was given when they worked with the problems of which they refer to the four steps of Polya. An interview was also
conducted to the students for the data triangulation. The findings suggest that, although the three respondents basically understand the problems, they have difficulties in setting a plan for problem solving as they are unaccustomed. In contrast, they relatively have no difficulties in applying the third step of Polya, i.e. applying the plan of problem solving as well as the fouth step because there was no MS given to them. Concerning the kinds of the given MS,
monitoring is the most used, followed by planning, and evaluating. Moreover, based on the Polya’s steps of which the MS given, the most frequently used MS is the second step, followed by consecutively the first step, the fourth step, and the third step
The study aims producing Mathematics learning package of cooperative setting based on Bruner’s learning theorem on Circle learning material which is valid, practical and effective.
The Study is development research which focuses on the development of Mathematics learning package of cooperative setting based oj Bruner’s learning theorem on Circle learning material. The learning package which is produced in the study is a textbook, workbook, lesson plan, and the result of learning test on Circle material that the basic competence is to identify the element, circumference, and area of a circle. When developing the learning package, the instrument related to the learning package is also developed. The development model used in the study refers to Thiangarajan or 4-D model which consists of definition phase, design phase, development phase, and disseminaton phase.
The learning package produced in the study was valited by two experts that the evaluation was in the category of extremely valid, and could be used with minor revision. The tryout was conducted once in grade VIII2 at SMPN 1 Bulukumba. The result obtained from the tryout: (1) Mathematics learning package of cooperative setting based on Bruner’s learning theorem is practical; however, some suggestion are given from the observers to improve the practicality of the learning package, (2) Mathematics learning package of cooperative setting based on Bruner’s learning theorem on Circle learning material is already effective because it has met 3 out of 4 indicators of effectivieness, namely the classical mastery of the result of learning is in high category, and students’s response is in positive category. The conclusion of the study mathematics learning package of cooperative setting based on Bruner’s learning theorem on Chircle learning material has fulfilled the criteria of valid, practical, and effective
Deskripsi Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Berbasis PISA pada Konten Change and Relationship
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui deskripsi jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika berbasis PISA pada konten change and relationship ditinjau dari kemampuan awal yang diadapasi dari analisis kesalahan Newman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif melibatkan subjek sebanyak 6 siswa kelas IX yang dipilih berdasarkan nilai matematika dan rekomendasi guru. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan 4 butir soal matematika berbasis PISA yang dikhususkan pada konten change and relationship dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Siswa yang berkemampuan matematika tinggi melakukan jenis kesalahan transformasi, keterampilan proses, dan jawaban akhir; (2) Siswa yang berkemampuan matematika sedang melakukan jenis kesalahan transformasi, keterampilan proses, dan jawaban akhir; dan (3) Siswa yang berkemampuan matematika rendah melakukan jenis kesalahan yakni kesalahan pemahaman, transformasi, keterampilan proses, dan jawaban akhir
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi, sedang dan rendah siswa dengan menggunakan 4 indikator berpikir kritis, yaitu mengidentifikasi, menggeneralisasi, merumuskan masalah kedalam model matematika dan mendeduksi pada kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Pallangga pada materi pecahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dirancang untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis subjek berdasarkan tes berpikir kritis. Data yang diolah adalah kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dengan menggunakan soal berpikir kritis berdasarkan tes awal terlebih dahulu. Berdasarkan olahan data tersebut, Subjek yang berpikir kritis tinggi pada tahap mengidentifikasi, subjek mampu mengidentifikasikan konsep yang digunakan dari permasalahan yang disediakan, pada tahap menggeneralisasi dan melakukan operasi hitung subjek mampu menggeneralisasikan apa yang diketahui pada permasalahan dan yang ditanyakan pada setiap permasalahan yang disediakan dan menghitung dengan benar dan tepat, dan pada tahap merumuskan masalah ke model matematika subjek mampu merumuskan keterangan simbol dari model matematika yang telah ditentukan, dan pada tahap mendeduksi subjek mampu memberikan kesimpulan dari permasalahan itu. Subjek yang berpikir kritis sedang, pada tahap mengidentifikasi, subjek mampu mengidentifikasikan konsep yang digunakan dari permasalahan yang disediakan, pada tahap menggeneralisasi dan melakukan operasi hitung, subjek mampu menggeneralisasikan apa yang diketahui pada permasalahan dan yang ditanyakan pada setiap permasalahan yang disediakan tetapi kurang tepat pada proses menghitung, pada tahap merumuskan masalah ke model matematika subjek tidak mampu merumuskan keterangan simbol dari model matematika yang telah ditentukan, dan pada tahap mendeduksi subjek tidak mampu memberikan kesimpulan dari permasalahan itu. Subjek yang berpikir kritis rendah tidak dapat menjawab pada saat tes dan wawancara ke empat indikator berpikir kritis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa subjek yang berpikir kritis tinggi dapat memenuhi keempat indikator berpikir kritis yaitu mengidentifikasi, menggeneralisasi, merumuskan masalah ke model matematika dan mendeduksi. Subjek yang berpikir kritis sedang hanya memenuhi 2 indikator berpikir kritis menggenaralisasi, mengidentifikasi. Sedangkan subjek yang berpikir kritis rendah tidak memenuhi satupun indikator berpikir kriti
The Effects of the Implementation of Auditory, Intellectual, Repetition (AIR) Learning Model in Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
The research aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition (AIR) learning model on students’ mathematical problem-solving ability. The type of research is a quasi-experimental with the form of a nonequivalent control group design. The population in the research were all students of class XI MIA MAN 1 Majene. The sample in the research was taken with the saturated sample technique by direct selection so that class XI MIA 1 was chosen as the control class consists of 18 students and XI MIA 2 chosen as the experimental class consists of 20 students. Data collection techniques used include observation and problem-solving tests. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis used N-Gain with the results of the average score of students mathematical problem-solving ability of 0.71 for the experimental class whereas in the control class the average score obtained from students mathematical problem-solving ability is 0.40. The results of the average N-Gain score show that the mathematical problem-solving ability of students taught using AIR model is higher than that of conventional learning models. Moreover, the analysis of the hypothesis test used is the T-test (independent Sample Test) with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that mathematical problem-solving ability of students taught using the auditory intellectual repetition learning model is higher than that of conventional learning models
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