43 research outputs found

    Mucosal Mast Cells Contribution in Intestinal Defense of Chickens (Gallus domesticus) Infected Naturally by Ascaridia galli

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    This study was aimed at finding out the investigation of mucosal mast cells   in intestines of chicken  that  were  naturally  infected  by  Ascaridia galli.  Amount  of  ten  intestine  of  freshly slaughtered chickens (Gallus domesticus) found from local abatoir in Banda Aceh were divided into two groups containing five intestines of each. Mucosal mast cells count were done of which histologic slides were made in stained serial histological sections with Alcian blue (pH 0,3) and Safranin-O (pH 0,1) of the intestines. The result showed that the mucosal mast cells increased significantly (P 0.05) in intestines of chickens infected naturally by survival A. galli adult worms. It was concluded that the intestinal defense of chickens against parasite infection is associated with the mucosal mast cells contribution by creating an environment hostile to the establishment and survival of intestinal nematodes, A. galli

    Enzyme activity of Ascaridia galli Llarvae was inhibited by Phenil Methanyl Methane Sulfonyl Fluoride

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    Enzyme catalyse a broad spectrum of important biological reactions, including protein metabolism and immune reactions. A study was carried out to partial characterize enzyme from exretory/secretory of A. galli L3 stage based on influence of inhibitor. A. galli L3 were recovered from intestines of 100 heads chickens 7 days after oesophagus inoculation with 6000 L2. L3 recovered in this manner were cultured (5 – 10 ml-1) in flasks containing rosswell park memorial institute (RPMI) 1640 media, pH 6.8, without phenol red. Cultures were incubated at 370C in 5% CO2 and culture fluid was collected after 3 days in culture. Excretory/secretory was prepared from metabolic product of L3 released in culture medium. The enzyme activity was assayed against casein 2%. The amount of concentration was determined from the absorbance at 595 nm. Inhibitor sensitivity on enzyme activity was studied in phenil methanyl methane sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) 0,5 and 1 mM.    The result showed that enzyme activity of A. galli larvae was inhibited by PMSF 0.5 and 1 mM, which enzyme activity remainded 1,8 and 0%, respectively. The results indicate that the excretory/secretory secreted by L3  A. galli contained serine proteas

    Inhibition of Salmonella sp. Growth in Comparison with Antibiotics and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Squeeze

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    The purpouse of this study to examine antibiotics inhibition growth of Salmonella sp. isolated from feces of broiler chickens to chloramphenicol, gentamicin, and tetracycline in coparison with pineapple squeeze. Swab  sample  from  broiler  chicken  cloaca  was  cultured  to  nutrient  broth  media  and incubated at 37°C temperature for 24 hours. Culture was compared with Mc Farland 3 standardization, and separated on surface of Muller Hinton Agar (MHA). Antibiotic sensitivity was tested by mean of  chloramphenicol, gentamisin, and tetrasiklin in coparison with pineapple squeeze. The antibiotic disks (Oxoid) were put on the surface of MHA media which had inoculated with Salmonella sp. bacteria. Antibiotic sensitivity was determined based on formation of inhibition zone in surrounding of antibiotic disc. The result showed that Salmonella sp. bacteria growth was inhibited in ≥ 21 mm and ≥ 18 mm, ≥ 7 mm and ≥ 9 mm against chloramphenicol, gentamisin, tetrasiklin, and pineapple squeeze respectively. This research concluded that the Salmonella sp. cultured in this manner were sensitive to chloramphenicol and gentamisin. The inhibition growth of Salmonella sp. caused by chloramphenicol and gentamicin was significantly higher in comparison with pineapple (Ananas comosus) squeeze, meanwhile the Salmonella sp. bacteria was resistance against tetracycline. Our result suggest that both antibiotics chloramphenicol and gentamicin were recommended for antibiotic therapy in Salmonella sp. infection

    Perubahan Patologi Anatomi Hati dan Saluran Empedu Sapi Aceh Yang Terinfeksi Fasciola gigantica

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    Pathology anatomy changes in liver and bile duct of Aceh cattle infected with fasciola giganticABSTRACT. This study was conducted in Banda Aceh Municipality, Aceh Province to report the pathological changes in liver of Aceh cattle infected with Fasciola gigantica. In this study, livers of male aceh cattles were collected from slaughter area when Qurban in Idul Adha during two years (2011 to 2012). A total of 15 aceh cattle livers were examined. Establishment of F. gigantica were observed, and pathological changes of liver were identified. The result showed that out of 15 male Aceh cattle livers 6 (40%) were found infected with F. gigantica. The common pathological changes found in this study were the hepatic damage, and the bile ducts were changes in size and shape with the dilated lumen. The bile ducts were found filled with blackish brown exudate, which contained adult F. gigantica. In conclusion, fascioliasis is greatly responsible for hepatic damage, and currently expanding as an important veterinary public health problem

    Histopathological changes in intestine of chicken (Gallus domesticus) infected naturally by Ascaridia galli

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    This study was aimed at finding out the histopathological changes of chicken intestines that were naturally infected by Ascaridia galli. Ten intestines were obtained from wet market in Banda Aceh then measured in length and divided into three sections: duodenum, jejunum and ileum, of which histologicslides were made. The number of Ascaridia galli founded in the lumen and ingesta were counted. Parameter picture of histopathologycal changes were analized descriptively based on desquamation, hiperplasia, and villi fussion occure. Duodenum, jejunum and ileum infected by A. galli showed istopathological changes of villi the cover of desquamation, hyperplasia and fusion. Demage level of the small intestine chicken was largely determined by the number of infecting by A. galli. It was concluded that the more number of A galli infected to chickens, the higher level of damage would be occured in the small intestine of chicke

    Perubahan Patologi Anatomi Hati dan Saluran Empedu Sapi Aceh Yang Terinfeksi Fasciola gigantica

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    Pathology anatomy changes in liver and bile duct of Aceh cattle infected with fasciola gigantic ABSTRACT. This study was conducted in Banda Aceh Municipality, Aceh Province to report the pathological changes in liver of Aceh cattle infected with Fasciola gigantica. In this study, livers of male aceh cattles were collected from slaughter area when Qurban in Idul Adha during two years (2011 to 2012). A total of 15 aceh cattle livers were examined. Establishment of F. gigantica were observed, and pathological changes of liver were identified. The result showed that out of 15 male Aceh cattle livers 6 (40%) were found infected with F. gigantica. The common pathological changes found in this study were the hepatic damage, and the bile ducts were changes in size and shape with the dilated lumen. The bile ducts were found filled with blackish brown exudate, which contained adult F. gigantica. In conclusion, fascioliasis is greatly responsible for hepatic damage, and currently expanding as an important veterinary public health problem

    Infiltration of inflammatory cells in intestines of chickens infected naturally by Ascaridia galli

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    This research was carried out to investigate the infiltration of inflamatory cells in the intestines that were naturally infected by Ascaridia galli. Ten intestines were obtained from wet market in Banda Aceh. Inflamatory cells were assayed by in situ jejunal mast cell counts in stained histological sections of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, of which histologic slides were made. Duodenum, jejunum and ileuminfected by Ascaridia galli showed hyperemia, and inflammatory cell infiltration in part of A. galli infectio