15 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to analyze and evaluate and identify the carcass profile of male limousin crossbreed cows slaughtered at The Slaughterhouse (RPH) Malang city. Three hundred male limousin crossbred cows, which are slaughtered within four months, were selected as study material. The identification of male limousin crossbred cattle based on physical characteristics documented in the RPH antemortem document and direct visual observation on the unique characteristic of brown and blackish-brown colors, horns, and black hooves, and tail hair, and compact body shape. The variables observed in this study included slaughtered age, body weight, carcass weight, carcass percentage, carcass components percentage, and carcass quality grade. The results showed that the average age was 34.86±3.04 months, with a mean bodyweight of 532,44±62,47 kg, carcass weight 287,76±45.22 kg, and carcass percentages 54.11±6,16 % with carcass components percentage: meat 82,15±1,56 % and bone 17,85±1,56 %, as well as carcass quality grade at the choice grade, according to the USDA. The carcass production profile of male limousin crossbreed cattle in Malang city slaughterhouse is not optimal according to male limousin cows' genetic potential related to the environment's adaptation process and the feed is given. Therefore, the carcass production profile shows the male limousin crossbreed cattle carcass potential to meet the meat needs, especially for Malang consumers


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    The aim of this research are (1) to know the best composition of snail as duck’s feed supplementation with bran and parcher rice; (2) to know responses of snail as duck’s feed supplementation in feed consumption, digestibility, convertion, IOFC and also duck’ productivity of egg. This research held at Simorejo village, Bojonegoro. Materials used were 18 layer ducks. Method used were completely randomized design with 6 treatments which 3 repeats and 18 duck’s layer for each treatment. The treatments were A0B1 = bran + 25% of snail; A0B2 = bran + 35% of snail; A0B3 = bran + 45% of snail; A1B1 = parcher rice + 25% of snail; A1B2 = parcher rice + 35% of snail; and A1B3 = parcher rice + 45% of snail. Variabels measured were feed consumption, digestibility, convertion, IOFC and also duck’ productivity of egg.The result showed that the best composition is parcher rice + 45% of snail which gave responses low consumption (266,67 ± 61,10) gr/tail with the best convertion rate (3,74 ± 1,16) and percentage of egg production (80,00 ± 17,32)% with egg weight (54,17 ± 7,22) g


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    The aim of this research to examine feed nutrients of market waste processed as hen feed supplementation and to identify the best processed of market waste as hen feed supplementation. This research held at Field Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Tlogomas, Malang for processed the market waste and at Feed Nutrition of Animal Husbandry Faculty Brawijaya University, Veteran Street, Malang. Materials used were vegetables and fish waste from the local market which classified in the waste group of green vegetables, tomatoes, sprouts and fish bone. Each of groups treated with under siege processed treatment, sun-dried processed treatment, boiled processed treatment and steamed process treatment. Each of group treatments used durability checked of feed supplementation by organoleptic inspection. This inspection is done for every 2 hours for 6 hours a day. This inspection done during 20 days. The result concluded that under siege processed treatment of market waste was the best process for durability feed supplementation. The boiled processed treatment was the worst processed for durability feed supplementation.

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Tanaman Obat Dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    : The purpose of this is to support the activities IBW Local Government Pacitan District in terms of democratic economic development prioritizing agro-industrial sector of medicinal plants. Therefore, IBW team Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University and National Institute of Technology in Malang proposed program IBW Tourism Village in the district of Medicinal Plants Nawangan, Pacitan. The final target of the program is the tourist village of medicinal plants by the development of integrated and sustainable agricultural systems are based on self-reliance and environmentally sound. Implementation of the program's first year IBW tourist village in the district of medicinal plants Nawangan Pacitan district is focused on the activities of "on-farm" and pewacanaan tourist village. That is, the focus of the program is directed to engineering cultivation of medicinal plants in the location-based organic farm aims to introduce fundamentally organic cultivation of medicinal plants. The conclusion of the implementation IBW tourist village of medicinal plants in the district Nawangan Pacitan, namely: (1) People in the location IBW tourist village of medicinal plants in the district Nawangan Pacitan, namely the village of Ferns New and Ngromo that are the focus of empowerment this program begin applying cultivation drug organically and conducting business in a simple processing of medicinal plants; (2) The medicinal plant processing business simply needs to be developed with the appropriate technology tools are planned for the next stage. Keywords: tourist village, medicinal plants, kec Nawangan, the production of processed products

    Penerapan Model Budidaya Tanaman Untuk Pencegahan Kerusakan Lahan

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    Kabupaten Tuban merupakan salah satu wilayah dengan pertumbuhan industri yang sangat pesat, yang terancam keseimbangan ekologisnya di kawasan hulu yang agraris dan forestris dengan kawasan hilir yang industri. Untuk itu, diperlukan upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat serta para pemangku kepentingan tentang percontohan penerapan model budidaya tanaman pencegah kerusakan lahan sebagai peningkatan upaya pencegahan kerusakan lahan. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan kegiatan FGD (Focussed Group Discussion) dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, untuk percontohan adalah Desa Jetak, Kecamatan Montong, yang berada di sebelah selatan wilayah Kabupaten Tuban sebagai kawasan hulu. Hasil FGD menjustifikasi keadaan dan status degradasi lahan hutan Bongok di lokasi kegiatan yang terkategori kritis dan perlu dinisiasi dengan Aksi Konservasi dan Restorasi Ekosistem di Hutan Bongok. Aksi ini merupakan penerapan metode vegetatif konservasi dan restorasi lahan, dengan tiga langkah aksi pendampingan, yaitu: penerapan model budidaya tanaman di bawah pohon tegakan, penerapan model pertanian terpadu-tanaman kopi-indigofera-ternak kambing termasuk inisiasi alih teknologi dan inovasi berbasis kopi, serta pengembangan usaha pengolahan produk pertanian-peternakan dan usaha pewarna alami.


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    Mr. Wandi and Mr. Amari is a fermented cassava businesses in the rural Ketangi, Karangploso subdistrict, Malang regency are currently experiencing difficulties in maintaining and developing a business. This happens because of limited capital and limited marketing reach. Technology production is still modest, less sterile and production equipment are just packed in a plastic bag or use a bowl.Appropriate technology improvement efforts of both businesses fermented cassava in the rural Ketangi be hygienic equipment that can guarantee the sterility of the product, use a wheelbarrow / tricycles can expand the reach of the marketing and use of packaging plastic boxes can improve the quality and value of selling the fermented cassava. Applied technology is a technology that is simple and easy to operate.The application of appropriate technology improvements can increase revenues both businesses fermented cassava approximately 35% to 50%, as well as the pilot for the surrounding community


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    The aim of this study are : (1) to identify production profile of broiler’s partnership at Gerbangkertosusila region; (2) to identify farmer’s profile of broiler’s partnership at Gerbangkertosusila region; (3) to identify human resources development factors of broiler’s partnership. This research done at Gerbangkertosusila region (Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo dan Lamongan) East Java Province for 2 (two) months. This research is quantitative research with Cross Sectional Survey which mean questionnaire method by question list used in order to data collected as primary and secondary data. Primary data collected by survey, observation and depth interviewed with questionnaire used in order to got valid data, such as farmer profile and production profile information. Secondary data collected by data study and documentation from government documents and broiler’s partnership corporation related documents. Data analysist was descriptive analysist. The conclusion of this study are : (1) Broiler’s farmer profile are mostly (90%) at productive ages with Senior High School graduated as the most common (75%) and an enterpreneur as main profession (45%) which more than 3 years of production periods (80%) and had experiences at 2 kind of broiler’s partnership models (60%); (2) Management contract as the most choosen broiler’s partnership models by respondent

    Pertanian Perkotaan Organik di Kecamatan Cemoro Kandang, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur

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    Pada negara berkembang kegiatan urban farming memiliki tujuan utama memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehingga pengeluaran biaya untuk pangan berkurang, dan hasil penjualan produk yang berlebih dapat meningkatkan pendapatan. Konsepsi dasar tersebut juga ditemukan implementasinya di kota Malang, tepatnya di Kelurahan Cemorokandang, terdapat “Kelompok Tani Cemara Organik” yang memanfaatkan lahan tidur sebagai kegiatan pertanian perkotaan dengan fokus pada budidaya tanaman pangan berupa hortikultura. Program PKM Pertanian Perkotaan Organik di Kelurahan Cemorokandang ini dilakukan dengan metode PLA (Participatory Learning Action) dan Market Joined. Pada metode PLA tersebut, dilakukan pendampingan produksi mitra pertama oleh tim PKM Urban Farming Organik di Kelurahan Cemorokandang dalam penerapan teknologi vertikultur dalam pertanian organik perkotaan guana optimalisasi lahan produksi dengan melibatkan mitra kedua sebagai produsen pupuk organik. Dari evaluasi dan analisis program kemitraan masyarakat yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 1) masyarakat sangat mendukung dan antusias untuk maju dan mengembangkan teknologi vertikultur, 2) berdasarkan hasil respondensi, masyarakat merasa mudah dengan teknik vertikultur, 3) Program PKM dapat meningkatkan wawasan, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan sempit sehingga menjadi lebih produktif. 4) teknologi vertikultur memberikan hasil produksi yang lebih baik secara kuantitas dan kualitas dalam pemanfaatan lahan sempit kawasan pemukiman

    Identifikasi potensi genetik domba ekor gemuk di Kabupaten Situbondo

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    Domba Ekor Gemuk (DEG) merupakan salah satu ternak plasma nutfah Indonesia. DEG memiliki sifat fisik yang menjadi ciri khasnya, yaitu mempunyai ekor gemuk, berwarna putih, tidak bertanduk, berbulu kasar dan mampu beradaptasi pada iklim kering. Kekhasan ini merupakan ekspresi dari potensi genetik DEG, yang selama ini belum teridentifikasi secara optimal dan cenderung dieksploitasi, terutama pada daerah sentra pengembangan DEG. Daerah kabupaten Situbondo, propinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu wilayah yang berpotensi sebagai sentra pengembangan DEG. Pada sisi lain, masih terdapat permasalahan, yaitu kurangnya informasi tentang potensi genetik DEG di kabupaten Situbondo. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1. Mengetahui potensi genetik DEG di kabupaten Situbondo; 2. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menunjang pengembangan potensi genetik DEG di kabupaten Situbondo. Manfaat praktis : sebagai informasi dan bahan kajian untuk pengembangan DEG. Penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah kabupaten Situbondo selama 4 (empat) bulan, yaitu bulan Mei–Agustus 2008. Materi penelitian adalah DEG umur 3–4 bulan atau yang telah disapih, dan dipilih secara simple random sampling, sebanyak 99 ekor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research) dengan metode pendekatannya adalah metode penelitian survey (survey research) dan penentuan lokasi penelitian secara purposive sampling. Data yang diambil adalah Bobot Sapih (bobot badan umur 90–120 hari), ukuran statistik vital (Lingkar Dada, Panjang Badan dan Tinggi Badan), dan silsilah. Data primer diambil berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan responden dan melakukan pengukuran langsung, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari data pendukung yang berasal dari instansi yang terkait dengan penelitian. Data dianalisis dengan uji t-tidak berpasangan untuk mengetahui perbedaannya. Data kemudian dihitung untuk menduga nilai heritabilitas dan nilai pemuliaannya serta koefisien korelasi dari data sifat-sifat yang terukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah kabupaten Situbondo, propinsi Jawa Timur berpotensi sebagai wilayah sumber bibit DEG ditinjau dari potensi minat masyarakat untuk memelihara DEG, yang ditunjukkan dengan tingginya kepemilikan yaitu mencapai 9,37 ekor atau setara dengan 1,34 UT per rumah tangga tani. Potensi genetik DEG di kabupaten Situbondo dapat diketahui dari pendugaan nilai pemuliaan bobot sapih dan nilai heritabilitasnya, sebagai parameter genetik. Nilai pemuliaan bobot sapih tertinggi adalah dari pejantan nomor 19, yaitu 15,98 kg, yang menunjukkan keunggulan 0,64 kg dari rataan populasinya dan nilai heritabilitas untuk bobot sapih terkoreksi umur 100 hari adalah 0,1462. Seleksi terhadap bobot sapih terbaik dapat dilakukan berdasarkan nilai koefisien korelasi genetik terbaik, yaitu melalui seleksi ukuran tinggi badan jika ditinjau dari pejantannya ((rG)S=0,253), seleksi panjang badan jika ditinjau dari induknya ((rG)D=0,680) dan seleksi ukuran lingkar dada jika ditinjau dari kombinasi antara pejantan dan induknya ((rG)S+D=0,680). Ditinjau dari korelasi fenotipe-nya, dapat digunakan ukuran lingkar dada untuk menduga bobot sapih terbaik, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi yaitu 0,656