79 research outputs found


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    In recent years, external trade figures between Croatian and Hungarian have marked significant changes. Although, both of them have been passed strong process of transformation in the earlier nineties of the last century. In the observed period, Hungarian export marked significant result in terms of external coverage ratio and it is continuously in the surplus side. Comparing with Croatia, the results are totally different; low external trade coverage ratio (in average below 60%) and continuously in the deficit side. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to point out how depreciation of exchange rate in correlation with internal depreciation influence on the net foreign direct investment inflow (hereinafter FDI) and external trade balance. Thus, in the observed period Hungary had significant high level of capital accumulation in terms of FDI, followed with high level of internal depreciation and depreciation of exchange rate, while Croatian economy, had considerably lower level of capital accumulation measured in terms per capita FDI followed with internal appreciation and stable exchange rate. Additionally, in the observed period, Croatia had passed through the recession which lasted six years, while in Hungary that was not the case

    Amphelographic characteristics of Plovina (V. vinifera L.) clone candidates in experimental plantation ā€œBaÅ”ticaā€œ in 2010

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    Plavina je autohtona sorta vinove loze koja se uzgaja na području primorske Hrvatske. Od 2006. godine provodi se klonska selekcija sorte Plavina. U pokusni nasad ā€œBaÅ”ticaā€ 2007. posađeno je vegetativno potomstvo odabranih matičnih trseva s pozitivnim karakteristikama koji su ujedno pokazali odsutnost gospodarski Å”tetnih virusa. Na njima se provela standardna ampelografska evaluacija koja obuhvaća utvrđivanje najvažnijih gospodarskih karakteristika te uvometrijska istraživanja. Provedena je i odgovarajuća statistička obrada podataka da bi se utvrdile značajnosti razlika među klonskim kandidatima. Utvrđeno je da među klonskim kandidatima postoje visoko signifikantne razlike u svim mjerenim svojstvima. Posebno je zanimljiv odnos Å”ećera i kiselina. Određeni broj klonskih kandidata ima znatno viÅ”i sadržaj Å”ećera i kiselina od ostalih. Podatak o prinosu po trsu pokazuje da većina klonskih kandidata ima relativno visok prinos za vinske sorte.Plavina is an autochthonous grapevine cultivar dominantly grown in Coastal Croatia region. A clone selection of Plavina cultivar has been conducted since 2006. Vegetative offspring of chosen mother vines with positive characteristics, which have also shown the lack of economically harmful viruses, was planted in the experimental plantation ā€œBaÅ”ticaā€. They underwent a standard amphelographic evaluation which includes determining the most important economical characteristics and uvometric research. An adequate statistical data processing was carried out in order to determine the significance of differences between the clone candidates. It was determined that there are highly significant differences between clone candidates in all of the measured characteristics. The sugar ā€“ acid ratio is especially interesting. A certain number of clone candidates have significantly higher content of sugar and acids from the other ones. Data on yield per vine show that most clone candidates have a relatively high yield for wine varieties

    Reversibility of Membrane N-Glycome of HeLa Cells upon Treatment with Epigenetic Inhibitors

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    Glycans are essential regulators of protein function and are now in the focus of research in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. There are numerous modes of regulating their biosynthesis, including epigenetic mechanisms implicated in the expression of glyco- genes. Since N-glycans located at the cell membrane define intercellular communication as well as a cellular response to a given environment, we developed a method to preferentially analyze this fraction of glycans. The method is based on incorporation of living cells into polyacrylamide gels, partial denaturation of membrane proteins with 3 M urea and subsequent release of N-glycans with PNGase F followed by HPLC analysis. Using this newly developed method, we revealed multiple effects of epigenetic inhibitors Trichostatin A, sodium butyrate and zebularine on the composition of N- glycans in human cells. The induced changes were found to be reversible after inhibitor removal. Given that many epigenetic inhibitors are currently explored as a therapeutic strategy in treatment of cancer, wherein surface glycans play an important role, the presented work contributes to our understanding of their efficiency in altering the N-glycan profile of cancer cells in culture

    Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā€“ thermographic evaluation

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    Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD), and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression. Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity, macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids (Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin). Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances

    Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā€“ thermographic evaluation

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    Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD), and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression. Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity, macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids (Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin). Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances

    Internet i računala u narodnim knjižnicama: pilot istraživanje u istočnoj Hrvatskoj

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    U radu se predstavljaju i analiziraju rezultati istraživanja kojemu je bio cilj utvrditi kako hrvatske narodne knjižnice organiziraju računalne usluge i pružaju pristup internetu za svoje korisnike. U anketiranju koje je provedeno u razdoblju od studenoga 2011. do veljače 2012. godine sudjelovalo je 25 ravnatelja narodnih knjižnica s područja istočne Hrvatske. Rezultati su istraživanja potvrdili polazne pretpostavke i pokazali da su hrvatske narodne knjižnice svjesne svoje uloge u osiguravanju slobodnog pristupa računalima i internetu ali isto tako i da manje od 20% ispitanih knjižnica osposobljava svoje korisnike za odgovorno koriÅ”tenje računala i interneta, iako se ispitanici u većini slažu kako narodne knjižnice trebaju provoditi informacijsko i informatičko opismenjavanje za svoje korisnike. Iako bi pristup internetu trebao biti besplatan, u trećini se ispitanih knjižnica koriÅ”tenje interneta ipak naplaćuje, a iznenađuje i podatak da u gotovo polovici ispitanih knjižnica pravo koriÅ”tenja računala imaju samo članovi knjižnice. Dobiveni podaci mogu pomoći narodnim knjižnicama u vrednovanju i unapređivanju temeljnih računalnih usluga za korisnike, a koriÅ”tena metodologija može poslužiti kao polaziÅ”te i poticaj za buduća slična istraživanja Å”ireg obuhvata

    Internet and computers in public libraries : pilot study in eastern Croatia

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    U radu se predstavljaju i analiziraju rezultati istraživanja kojemu je bio cilj utvrditi kako hrvatske narodne knjižnice organiziraju računalne usluge i pružaju pristup internetu za svoje korisnike. U anketiranju koje je provedeno u razdoblju od studenoga 2011. do veljače 2012. godine sudjelovalo je 25 ravnatelja narodnih knjižnica s područja istočne Hrvatske. Rezultati su istraživanja potvrdili polazne pretpostavke i pokazali da su hrvatske narodne knjižnice svjesne svoje uloge u osiguravanju slobodnog pristupa računalima i internetu ali isto tako i da manje od 20% ispitanih knjižnica osposobljava svoje korisnike za odgovorno koriÅ”tenje računala i interneta, iako se ispitanici u većini slažu kako narodne knjižnice trebaju provoditi informacijsko i informatičko opismenjavanje za svoje korisnike. Iako bi pristup internetu trebao biti besplatan, u trećini se ispitanih knjižnica koriÅ”tenje interneta ipak naplaćuje, a iznenađuje i podatak da u gotovo polovici ispitanih knjižnica pravo koriÅ”tenja računala imaju samo članovi knjižnice. Dobiveni podaci mogu pomoći narodnim knjižnicama u vrednovanju i unapređivanju temeljnih računalnih usluga za korisnike, a koriÅ”tena metodologija može poslužiti kao polaziÅ”te i poticaj za buduća slična istraživanja Å”ireg obuhvata.The paper presents and analyses the results of the study whose aim was to establish how Croatian public libraries organize public access to computers and Internet. In the survey which was carried out from November 2011 to February 2012 twenty-five library managers in the region of eastern Croatia filled out a questionnaire. The results of the study confirmed hypotheses from which the authors set off. It was shown that Croatian public libraries are aware of their important role in providing free public access to computers and the Internet. Also, although respondents agree that public libraries should offer information and computer literacy training for their users, less than 20% of respondents trains their users for responsible use of computers and Internet. Surprisingly, it was also found that about a third of analysed libraries has introduced a fee for computer/Internet use. Moreover, in almost half of the libraries which responded to the study access to computers is reserved only for library members. Results of the study can help public libraries in the evaluation and improvement of these services to their users and the methodology can serve as a starting point and incentive for similar future research which should aim to expand the sample
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