7 research outputs found

    The Reduction of Child Crime Cases According to Islamic Criminal Law in the Banda Aceh Police Department

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    Children are subjects who are very vulnerable to negative influences not only from their environment but also from outside their environment. Children besides being vulnerable to crime, sometimes these children become perpetrators in criminal acts. This can be seen from so many other deviant acts committed by children such as excessive actions at school, violations such as running away from home, to criminal behavior. The delinquency of the child is not only a criminal act, but also acts committed by children who are considered to deviate from social, school and community values. Thus, the level of child crime must be emphasized again so that the number of child crimes decreases. The problems posed are how the crime rate of children at the Banda Aceh Police PPA Unit is, how the Banda Aceh Police PPA's efforts are in suppressing child crime, and how the fiqh jinayah review of the Banda Aceh Police PPA's efforts to suppress child crime. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher used descriptive analysis method. Meanwhile, data collection techniques were obtained through field research, while secondary data was obtained through library research. The results showed that the crime rate of children increased and decreased every year. Efforts made by the PPA unit of the Banda Aceh Police in minimizing child crime by conducting legal counseling in each school. In a review of Islamic law on efforts to combat child crime, there are several things that have in common with positive law, first in terms of giving sanctions to children in conflict with the law, secondly, the application of criminal acts for children in conflict with the law


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    Kegiatan KKN-T Kelompok 63 Desa Cempaka Mulia Timur bertujuan untuk melatih komunikasi dan kepekaan mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat terlebih di desa Cempaka Mulia Timur. Berdasarkan tujuan tersebut luaran yang dihasilkan akan memberi gambaran umum serta analisis terkait kesenjangan di desa yang ditentukan oleh program dengan tepat dan sesuai. Berdasarkan potensi desa Cempaka Mulia Timur pada bidang ekonomi, yaitu bidang perkebunan, hal tersebut juga mendukung program kerja KKN didesa Cempaka Mulia Timur seperti melakukan penanaman bibit pohon dan buah – buahan sebagai aksi peduli lingkungan serta pemanfaatan lahan perkarangan untuk menanam berbagai sayur mayur guna penambah penghasilan bagi desa tersebut, pengkatan SDGs Desa melalui pendidikan, dan melakukan sosialisasi pencegahan stunting dan gizi buruk serta pemberian makanan tambaha


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    This research aim to analyze the implementation of the principle of proportionality in all phases of the contract, either at the stage of pre-contractual, contract formation and execution of the contract, and when there is a contract dispute, when the position of the parties to a commercial contract can not be balanced. This research is normative and doctrinal legal research, legal materials include primary and secondary gathering through techniques of study in library. Data processing is done with qualitative methods of selecting, classifying and logically systematized data and legal materials of the same symtomps. Contract as an instrument�s exchange of right and responsibility is expected to be going well, fair and proportionate in accordance to the agreement of the parties. Especially, in commercial contracts, both at the pre-contractual stage, contract formation, implementation and when the contract could not achieve the purposes or the dispute would be happened. Therefore, the implementation of the principle of proportionality in commercial contracts has important role in the existence of fair fulfillment on right and responsibility of the parties of contracts. This study will analyze two arguments in the existence of unequal position of the parties. First, proportionally principle can be used in the contract even though the position of the parties is not equal as long as both of the party keep on going in the fairness fulfillment on the right and responsibility. Second, the stronger party will dismissed the proportionality principle in the flawed will of misappropriation situation toward the weaker parties of the contract. Keywords: Principle of Proportionality, Commercial Contracts