77 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT   Endemic goitre is one of problems of nutrition in the Banyumas, especially the regions of mountains such as Districts, and tune the Baturaden, Pekuncen, Sumbang. Survey results conducted in 1980 found as much as 27% incidence of mumps has declined sharply, and when implemented in the 1996 survey and there is only as much as 3.5%, increased as much as 11,4 % survey in 2007. One of the efforts made to reduce the prevalence of goiter was popularized by beriodium salt. The purpose of this research is to know the content of iodium in salt in circulation in 2003 and 2012. Sample research is outstanding in the market salt in Banyumas randomly selected. Data collection was carried out in 2003 and 2012. To know the content of iodine in salt iodine test is done through and continued with the test titration. In general the content of iodium in salt dropped from 75.4% (2003 survey) into 48,7% (survey in 2012), most of the salt had circulated iodium trademarks (98.4% survey 2003) and 89,4% by 2012, survey), most (89.2%) of salt shaped smooth iodium circulating (as of 2003 survey) decreased to 56.3% (survey in 2012) and the majority (74.2%) both have outstanding salt trademarks (2003 survey) to decline increased to 83.1% (survey in 2012). The need for improved monitoring and surveillance by employing service related to salt beriodium circulating on the market to maintain quality/quality of salt (30 - 80 ppm), the need for strict sanctions by the rules that apply to producers of salt/seller of iodium salt  are not eligible (& lt; 30 ppm) by Department/Agency that has the authority, the Test simply through a solution of yodina test needs to be further enhanced and promoted Keywords: iodine content,  salt, titration test. Kesmasindo, Volume 6, (1) Januari 2013, Hal. 43-53   &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT   Endemic goitre is one of problems of nutrition in the Banyumas, especially the regions of mountains such as Districts, and tune the Baturaden, Pekuncen, Sumbang. Survey results conducted in 1980 found as much as 27% incidence of mumps has declined sharply, and when implemented in the 1996 survey and there is only as much as 3.5%, increased as much as 11,4 % survey in 2007. One of the efforts made to reduce the prevalence of goiter was popularized by beriodium salt. The purpose of this research is to know the content of iodium in salt in circulation in 2003 and 2012. Sample research is outstanding in the market salt in Banyumas randomly selected. Data collection was carried out in 2003 and 2012. To know the content of iodine in salt iodine test is done through and continued with the test titration. In general the content of iodium in salt dropped from 75.4% (2003 survey) into 48,7% (survey in 2012), most of the salt had circulated iodium trademarks (98.4% survey 2003) and 89,4% by 2012, survey), most (89.2%) of salt shaped smooth iodium circulating (as of 2003 survey) decreased to 56.3% (survey in 2012) and the majority (74.2%) both have outstanding salt trademarks (2003 survey) to decline increased to 83.1% (survey in 2012). The need for improved monitoring and surveillance by employing service related to salt beriodium circulating on the market to maintain quality/quality of salt (30 - 80 ppm), the need for strict sanctions by the rules that apply to producers of salt/seller of iodium salt  are not eligible (& lt; 30 ppm) by Department/Agency that has the authority, the Test simply through a solution of yodina test needs to be further enhanced and promoted Keywords: iodine content,  salt, titration test. Kesmasindo, Volume 6, (1) Januari 2013, Hal. 43-53   &nbsp

    Desain Pengembangan Materi Percakapan Berbahasa Arab

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    Pengembangan materi pembelajaran penting untuk dilakukan dengan memadukan disiplin ilmu yang berbeda. Pengembangan interdisipliner ini ditujukan untuk menjawab tantangan pendidikan pada era sekarang yaitu mampu menghasilkan sumber daya manusia berkompeten dan dapat berkompetisi di tingkat global. Salah satu bentuk pengembangan yang dapat dilakukan adalah desain materi Percakapan Berbahasa Arab mengintegrasikan ilmu keperawatan dan ilmu keislaman. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah research and development. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengembangkan desain percakapan berbahasa Arab bagi mahasiswa keperawatan. Adapun hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk pendidikan yang berupa desain percakapan berbahasa Arab tentang sejarah keperawatan Islam untuk mahasiswa keperawatan dengan menerapkan metode dialog.   Keywords: pengembangan, arabic, nursing   تهتاج المواد التعليمية تطويرا من خلال الجمع بين مختلف العلوم. تهدف تنمية متعدد التخصصات لجواب تحديات التعليم في العصر الحالي، أي القدرة على إنتاج موارد بشرية كفؤة وقادرة على المنافسة على المستوى العالمي. أحد أشكال التطوير التي يمكن القيام بها هو تصميم مادة المحادثة باللغة العربية التي تدمج التمريض والعلوم الإسلامية. الطريقة المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة هي البحث والتطوير. ويهدف البحث تطوير تصميم المحادثة باللغة العربية لطلاب التمريض. النتائج التي تحققت في هذا البحث هي إنتاج منتجات تعليمية على شكل تصاميم محادثة عربية حول تاريخ التمريض الإسلامي لطلاب التمريض من خلال تطبيق أسلوب الحوار. الكلمات المفتاحية: تطوير، عربية، التمري


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                                                        ABSTRACT Basic Health Services  in Banyumas have been conducted since 2005 with the midwifes as managing staff. The presence of PKD has caused several types of services, previously conducted in the community health center (puskesmas) to be moved to Village Health Posts (PKD). The mutation  of some services from the community health center to PKD is considered to take effect on the recording and reporting activities which was previously done by the community health center. This study is a survey research which aimed to determine wether or not the presence of PKD affects the recording and reporting activities of the community health center. The study population were all the villages in Patikraja District which implements PKD. The samples were taken using the simple random sampling method. Data was collected from interviews and data archives of  PKD activities. The results obtained showed that the coverage of  MCH activities have reached target, except for exclusive breastfeeding (asi eksklusif) and baby visits, 65% of EFA/PUS joined family planning, immunization coverage has reached target, number of visits for basic medical services in PKD are as many as 2523 people, there are 1 mandiri and 4 purnama  level posyandu with 28 active cadres, weighing coverage has not reached the D / S  target  (68%) and N / D (46%), there are 3 types of recording formats /registers in Posyandu. There is a need of simplification and reduction of some data in the  format / register. Kata Kunci: PKD, recording, reporting Jurnal Kesmas indo. Volume 4(1) Januari 2011, hlm. 47-6


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    ABSTRACT Government continue to try to improve level health of society through various developed program. So that executed medicare in an area as according to requirement, hence have to know by various medicare which have been executed by in area. This Research aim to know various effort the make-up of public health which have been done by in Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. This type research is research of observasional with method survey and this research have the character of analytic descriptive, that is research elaborating and diging how a phenomenon happened. Population at this research do not too much, so that sampel at this research use all population, that is counted 31 cadre of Posyandu Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. Data collecting done with open interview technique, so that direct researcher note result of interview. From result of research concluded that effort the effort the make-up of health of society in Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas, covering: weighing-machine of balita one month once, pregnant mother monitoring, do counselling of health, immunize at balita, executing Post of PAUD, provide facilities and basic facilities for Polindes, try to ask countryside midwife to undertake at Polindes, try to continue to develop clean aqueduct for the requirement of citizen, repair of irrigation and moats, continue to improve enableness of society in environmental keep cleaning through job devote, try to fulfill requirement of facilities and basic facilities for the activity of Posyandu, assist giving immunize at activity of Posyandu, assist activitys of counselling of health, try to fulfill requirement of facilities and basic facilities for the activity of Posyandu, assist  giving immunize at activity of Posyandu, assist activitys of counselling of health, development of moat irrigate, repair of irrigation, pipe aid for requirement of is tacking on aqueduct clear, aid making of family latrine, and appliance aid physic of education (APE). Keyword: Public health Level, Posyandu. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 76-8


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    ABSTRACT Government continue to try to improve level health of society through various developed program. So that executed medicare in an area as according to requirement, hence have to know by various medicare which have been executed by in area. This Research aim to know various effort the make-up of public health which have been done by in Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. This type research is research of observasional with method survey and this research have the character of analytic descriptive, that is research elaborating and diging how a phenomenon happened. Population at this research do not too much, so that sampel at this research use all population, that is counted 31 cadre of Posyandu Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. Data collecting done with open interview technique, so that direct researcher note result of interview. From result of research concluded that effort the effort the make-up of health of society in Datar Countryside District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas, covering: weighing-machine of balita one month once, pregnant mother monitoring, do counselling of health, immunize at balita, executing Post of PAUD, provide facilities and basic facilities for Polindes, try to ask countryside midwife to undertake at Polindes, try to continue to develop clean aqueduct for the requirement of citizen, repair of irrigation and moats, continue to improve enableness of society in environmental keep cleaning through job devote, try to fulfill requirement of facilities and basic facilities for the activity of Posyandu, assist giving immunize at activity of Posyandu, assist activitys of counselling of health, try to fulfill requirement of facilities and basic facilities for the activity of Posyandu, assist  giving immunize at activity of Posyandu, assist activitys of counselling of health, development of moat irrigate, repair of irrigation, pipe aid for requirement of is tacking on aqueduct clear, aid making of family latrine, and appliance aid physic of education (APE). Keyword: Public health Level, Posyandu. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 76-8


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    ABSTRACTMaternal and Child Health ( MCH ) as a means of recording maternal and child health services since pregnant women, childbirth and during the postpartum infants born to 5 years old, including service family planning, immunization, nutrition and child development. Some issues related to the use of the MCH book are: completeness of data entry in the MCH book, the quality of the data recorded in the book of MCH, and the level of compliance of the mother carrying the MCH book . The purpose of this activity is to improve maternal compliance in carrying the book when visiting post integrated community.This study is to monitor compliance with the mother in bringing continuous MCH book every month for about 2 months . This indicator is observed / checked to the mother during a visit to a neighborhood health center before the intervention and after implementation of the intervention on each posyandu organizing activities that serve as research sites / partners . From the observation of no increased adherence posyandu Puspitasari toddler 's mother after giving intervention IEC, from 56.6 % to 60 % ( increase of 3.4 % ). Increased compliance posyandu watugede toddler 's mother after giving IEC intervention is of 33.3 % to 50 % ( an increase of 16.7 % ) . Suggested to always deliver IEC moms toddlers in posyandu so bring a book MCH compliance is maintained. IEC can be given by health professionals or by a health worker.Keyword: Mathernal and Child Health (MCH) book, Information, Education and Communication (IEC). Kesmasindo, Volume 7( 1) Juli 2014, Hal 54-6