7,758 research outputs found

    First derivatives of flow quantities behind two-dimensional, nonuniform supersonic flow over a convex corner

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    A method of determining spatial derivatives of flow quantities behind an expansion fan as a function of the curvature of the streamline behind the fan is developed. Taylor series expansions of flow quantities within the fan are used and boundary conditions satisfied to the first and second order so that the curvature of the characteristics in the fan may be determined. A system of linear equations for the spatial derivatives is then developed. An application of the method to shock coalescence including asymmetric effects is described

    Spatial derivatives of flow quantities behind curved shocks of all strengths

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    Explicit formulas in terms of shock curvature are developed for spatial derivatives of flow quantities behind a curved shock for two-dimensional inviscid steady flow. Factors which yield the equations indeterminate as the shock strength approaches 0 have been cancelled analytically so that formulas are valid for shocks of any strength. An application for the method is shown in the solution of shock coalescence when nonaxisymmetric effects are felt through derivatives in the circumferential direction. The solution of this problem requires flow derivatives behind the shock in both the axial and radial direction

    Limitations on wind-tunnel pressure signature extrapolation

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    Analysis of some recent experimental sonic boom data has revived the hypothesis that there is a closeness limit to the near-field separation distance from which measured wind tunnel pressure signatures can be extrapolated to the ground as though generated by a supersonic-cruise aircraft. Geometric acoustic theory is used to derive an estimate of this distance and the sample data is used to provide a preliminary indication of practical separation distance values

    How to mesh up Ewald sums (I): A theoretical and numerical comparison of various particle mesh routines

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    Standard Ewald sums, which calculate e.g. the electrostatic energy or the force in periodically closed systems of charged particles, can be efficiently speeded up by the use of the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). In this article we investigate three algorithms for the FFT-accelerated Ewald sum, which attracted a widespread attention, namely, the so-called particle-particle-particle-mesh (P3M), particle mesh Ewald (PME) and smooth PME method. We present a unified view of the underlying techniques and the various ingredients which comprise those routines. Additionally, we offer detailed accuracy measurements, which shed some light on the influence of several tuning parameters and also show that the existing methods -- although similar in spirit -- exhibit remarkable differences in accuracy. We propose combinations of the individual components, mostly relying on the P3M approach, which we regard as most flexible.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures included, revtex styl

    Validation of a pair of computer codes for estimation and optimization of subsonic aerodynamic performance of simple hinged-flap systems for thin swept wings

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    Extensive correlations of computer code results with experimental data are employed to illustrate the use of linearized theory attached flow methods for the estimation and optimization of the aerodynamic performance of simple hinged flap systems. Use of attached flow methods is based on the premise that high levels of aerodynamic efficiency require a flow that is as nearly attached as circumstances permit. A variety of swept wing configurations are considered ranging from fighters to supersonic transports, all with leading- and trailing-edge flaps for enhancement of subsonic aerodynamic efficiency. The results indicate that linearized theory attached flow computer code methods provide a rational basis for the estimation and optimization of flap system aerodynamic performance at subsonic speeds. The analysis also indicates that vortex flap design is not an opposing approach but is closely related to attached flow design concepts. The successful vortex flap design actually suppresses the formation of detached vortices to produce a small vortex which is restricted almost entirely to the leading edge flap itself

    Wind-tunnel investigation of the validity of a sonic-boom-minimization concept

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    The Langley unitary plan unitary plan wind tunnel was used to determine the validity of a sonic-boom-minimization theory. Five models - two reference and three low-boom constrained - were tested at design Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.7. Results show that the pressure signatures generated by the low-boom models had significantly lower overpressure levels than those produced by the reference models and that small changes in the Mach number and/or the lift caused relatively small changes in the signature shape and overpressure level. Boundary-layer effects were found in the signature shape and overpressure level. Boundary-layer effects were found to be sizable on the low-boom models, and when viscous corrections were included in the analysis, improved agreement between the predicted and the measured signatures was noted. Since this agreement was better at Mach 1.5 than at Mach 2.7, it was concluded that the minimization method was definitely valid at Mach 1.5 and was probably valid at Mach 2.7, with further work needed to resolve the uncertainty

    Current research in sonic-boom minimization

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    A review is given of several questions as yet unanswered in the area of sonic-boom research. Efforts, both here at Langley and elsewhere, in the area of minimization, human response, design techniques and in developing higher order propagation methods are discussed. In addition, a wind-tunnel test program being conducted to assess the validity of minimization methods based on a forward spike in the F-function is described

    Hot Topic: Joint Economic Development Boards Must Comply with Requirements of Public Chapter 1101

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    The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD) will not approve grants for entities not in compliance with the requirements of Public Chapter 1101

    Technical Bulletins: Physical Fitness in Public Safety: Administering Ability and Agility Tests Properly

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    Cities should develop a medical and physical fitness testing program to better serve the public safety needs of their citizens and protect the lives of police and fire fighters

    Known Unknowns: Legislating for a Juvenile's Reformative Uncertainty

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    Three landmark decisions drastically changed the sentencing standards for juvenile offenders. In Roper v. Simmons' and Miller v. Alabama, 2 the Supreme Court held that states may not impose the death penalty and mandatory life without parole sentences in cases with juvenile defendants. These cases vanquished the most severe consequences for youthful criminal behavior. Most recently, Montgomery v. Louisiana retroactively applied the Miller opinion.3 The majority clarified that the prohibition against mandatory life without parole prior to conducting an individualized assessment was a substantive rule fulfilled through procedural means because juveniles are constitutionally different from adults.4 The intermediate case of Graham v. Florida5 also speaks volumes about the newfound influence of adolescent development research on constitutional law. In each opinion, the Court drew heavily on social science, developmental psychology, and neuroscience research to make a final determination on the constitutional outer-boundaries of juvenile sentencing