833 research outputs found

    Regional social infrastructure management in the system of tools used for improving the quality of life for regional population

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    This paper analyzes the processes in the social sphere and the performance of operating the social infrastructure to improve the population’s quality of life in the Russian regions. Particular attention has been paid to the role of organizational and administrative components, which include the regulation of social infrastructure institutions, planning, and programming that affect the performance of infrastructure facilities utilization. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of social infrastructure management through the congruence of immediate results (dynamics of indicators for social services) and final results (parameters of the population’s quality of life). The working hypothesis of the study was a breach of infrasystemic principle in the infrastructural support for improving the population’s quality of life in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation because of the insufficient effectiveness of public administration. The work on this paper involved using a set of methodological approaches, such as structured, factorial, systemic, and evolutionary approaches, to substantiate the conceptual framework, prepare the method-based approaches, and determine the impact made by the changes in the parameters of social infrastructure facilities on provided services and shifts in the indicators of the population’s quality of life. The paper proposes a method-based approach to quantifying the effectiveness of organizational and administrative components by using the diagnostics of sufficiency in the implementation of infrasystemic principle for the operation of social infrastructure based on elasticity coefficients. The proposed approach and analytical data obtained in the areas, such as health care, education, trade, housing & utilities, culture & sport, allowed ranking the regions of the Ural Federal District and identifying the areas of insufficient effectiveness in the organizational and administrative mechanism used for improving the population’s quality of life as the basis for developing practical recommendations for the executive branch of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and adjustment of socioeconomic policies

    Diurnal variations of cosmic ray geomagnetic cut-off threshold rigidities

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    The spectrographic global survey method was used to investigate the rigidity variations Rc of geomagnetic cut-off as a function of local time and the level of geomagnetic disturbance for a number of stations of the world wide network. It is shown that geomagnetic cut-off threshold rigidities undergo diurnal variations. The diurnal wave amplitude decreases with increasing threshold rigidity Rc, and the wave maximum occurs at 2 to 4 hr LT. The amplitude of diurnal variations increases with increasing geomagnetic activity. The results agree with those from trajectory calculations made for an asymmetric model of the magnetosphere during different geomagnetic disturbance conditions

    Повседневная мобильность пользователей интернет-сетей в социальном пространстве города : магистерская диссертация

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    The dissertation considers daily mobility as grouping factor. Forms and resources of daily mobility are defined. Empirical research of daily mobility directions explores social differentiation of groups and correlation between daily mobility directions and unequal distribution of capitals.В диссертации рассматривается влияние повседневной мобильности интернет-пользователей на процессы группообразования в мегаполисе. Определяются виды повседневной мобильности и ресурсы, обеспечивающие ее осуществление. На основе эмпирического исследования анализируются социальные группы, интеграция и дифференциация которых обусловлена направлениями повседневной мобильности. Исследуется корреляция между направлениями повседневной мобильности населения в городском пространстве и неравномерным распределением капиталов

    Internet networks user’s daily mobility in social space of city

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    В статье рассматривается влияние повседневной мобильности интернет пользователей на процессы группообразования в мегаполисе. Определяются виды повседневной мобильности и ресурсы, обеспечивающие её осуществление. На основе эмпирического исследования анализируются социальные группы, интеграция и дифференциация которых обусловлена направлениями повседневной мобильности. Исследуется корреляция между направлениями повседневной мобильности населения в городском пространстве и неравномерным распределением капиталов.The article considers daily mobility as grouping factor. Forms and resources of daily mobility are defined. Empirical research of daily mobility directions explores social differentiation of groups and correlation between daily mobility directions and unequal distribution of capitals

    Object-Oriented Programming. Workshop

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    Навчальний посібник розроблено для отримання студентами практичних навичок з програмування мовою С++. Навчальне видання призначене для студентів, які навчаються за спеціальністю 163 – «Біомедична інженерія» факультету біомедичної інженерії КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

    Antibodies to myofibril antigens in cosmonauts after spaceflights

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    Serum samples obtained from 15 astronauts before and after spaceflights were studied with the use of the indirect immunofluorescent method. In seven astronauts antibodies to different elements of the human heart muscle appeared after flights. Strong and very strong luminescence of the elements of heart muscle tissue was detected in the astronauts after the third space flight. In a study of the sera on sections of bovine heart muscle tissue the reactions of the sera taken before and after flight were found to show no essential differences


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    The article shows that the studied samples of raw milk in terms of composition (mass fraction of fat, protein, lactose and milk solids-not-fat) met the criteria of suitability for cheese, and its physic-chemical properties (titratable acidity, density, freezing point) were within acceptable limits. Moreover, rennet sample corresponded to the first and second classes. It was proved that the number of spores of lactating fermenting microorganisms met the requirements for milk for the production of any kind of cheese. It was established that the fatty acid composition of raw cow’s milk used to produce cheeses at various enterprises varied significantly. The data indicate the variability of the content of all groups of fatty acids — low molecular weight, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. As a result of gas chromatography studies using the chromatographic complex «Chromos GX-1000» with a flame ionization detector and a CP 88 quartz capillary column — Sil 88 for FAME100 m × 0.25 mm × 0.2 µm, it was found that the largest absolute fluctuations were for saturated (± 7.03 % of the average value) and monounsaturated fatty acids (± 3.77 % of the average value). Absolute fluctuations in the group of low molecular weight fatty acids amounted to ± 2.62 %, and in the group of polyunsaturated — ± 1.02 % of the average value. The calculation of the relative deviation showed that the most varied groups were the ones of low molecular weight fatty acids (± 28.40 rel.%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (± 25.11 rel.%). At the same time, a relatively high content of certain fatty acids: myristoleic, palmitic, palmitoleic and low levels of stearic and oleic fatty acids, was revealed in individual milk samples.The article shows that the studied samples of raw milk in terms of composition (mass fraction of fat, protein, lactose and milk solids-not-fat) met the criteria of suitability for cheese, and its physic-chemical properties (titratable acidity, density, freezing point) were within acceptable limits. Moreover, rennet sample corresponded to the first and second classes. It was proved that the number of spores of lactating fermenting microorganisms met the requirements for milk for the production of any kind of cheese. It was established that the fatty acid composition of raw cow’s milk used to produce cheeses at various enterprises varied significantly. The data indicate the variability of the content of all groups of fatty acids — low molecular weight, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. As a result of gas chromatography studies using the chromatographic complex «Chromos GX-1000» with a flame ionization detector and a CP 88 quartz capillary column — Sil 88 for FAME100 m × 0.25 mm × 0.2 µm, it was found that the largest absolute fluctuations were for saturated (± 7.03 % of the average value) and monounsaturated fatty acids (± 3.77 % of the average value). Absolute fluctuations in the group of low molecular weight fatty acids amounted to ± 2.62 %, and in the group of polyunsaturated — ± 1.02 % of the average value. The calculation of the relative deviation showed that the most varied groups were the ones of low molecular weight fatty acids (± 28.40 rel.%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (± 25.11 rel.%). At the same time, a relatively high content of certain fatty acids: myristoleic, palmitic, palmitoleic and low levels of stearic and oleic fatty acids, was revealed in individual milk samples


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    The aim of the study was to establish the possibility of improving the organoleptic characteristics of cheese products by introducing butyric acid into the composition of the used vegetable fat composition. Cheese products made using two fat compositions consisting of refined, deodorized vegetable fats, including those modified by interesterification, were studied. The experimental fat composition contained in its composition additional butyric acid added to the composition of triglycerides. The study of cheese products was carried out in the process of ripening and storage for 120 days in comparison with cheese, the fat phase of which is represented by milk fat. It was found that the degree of proteolysis, estimated by the ratio of total water-soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen, does not depend on the nature of the fat in the protein matrix. Milk fat in cheeses is more subjected to lipolysis than vegetable fats in cheese products. The addition of butyric acid to the vegetable composition in an amount of 0.8% increased the acidity of the fat phase by 0.1 mmol/100 g. According to the assessment of organoleptic characteristics, cheese with milk fat had the most pronounced cheese flavor and aroma, cheese product without butyric acid in fat phase had the least pronounced ones. A cheese product with a fat composition containing added butyric acid was close to cheese with milk fat in terms of the severity of cheese taste, rheological characteristics and the spectrum of volatile flavoring substances. It is concluded that the taste and aroma of cheese products have a positive effect on adjusting the fatty acid composition of vegetable fat compositions by introducing butyric acid into their composition.The aim of the study was to establish the possibility of improving the organoleptic characteristics of cheese products by introducing butyric acid into the composition of the used vegetable fat composition. Cheese products made using two fat compositions consisting of refined, deodorized vegetable fats, including those modified by interesterification, were studied. The experimental fat composition contained in its composition additional butyric acid added to the composition of triglycerides. The study of cheese products was carried out in the process of ripening and storage for 120 days in comparison with cheese, the fat phase of which is represented by milk fat. It was found that the degree of proteolysis, estimated by the ratio of total water-soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen, does not depend on the nature of the fat in the protein matrix. Milk fat in cheeses is more subjected to lipolysis than vegetable fats in cheese products. The addition of butyric acid to the vegetable composition in an amount of 0.8% increased the acidity of the fat phase by 0.1 mmol/100 g. According to the assessment of organoleptic characteristics, cheese with milk fat had the most pronounced cheese flavor and aroma, cheese product without butyric acid in fat phase had the least pronounced ones. A cheese product with a fat composition containing added butyric acid was close to cheese with milk fat in terms of the severity of cheese taste, rheological characteristics and the spectrum of volatile flavoring substances. It is concluded that the taste and aroma of cheese products have a positive effect on adjusting the fatty acid composition of vegetable fat compositions by introducing butyric acid into their composition

    Telemedicine and computer networks: Laboratory workshop in cisco packet tracer

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    Навчальний посібник розроблено для отримання студентами практичних навичок з проектування та налаштування комп’ютерних мереж. Навчальне видання призначене для студентів, які навчаються за спеціальністю 163 – «Біомедична інженерія» факультету біомедичної інженерії КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

    Spectroscopic studies of fractal aggregates of silver nanospheres undergoing local restructuring

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    We present an experimental spectroscopic study of large random colloidal aggregates of silver nanoparticles undergoing local restructuring. We argue that such well-known phenomena as strong fluctuation of local electromagnetic fields, appearance of "hot spots" and enhancement of nonlinear optical responses depend on the local structure on the scales of several nanosphere diameters, rather that the large-scale fractal geometry of the sample.Comment: 3.5 pages, submitted to J. Chem. Phy