29 research outputs found

    Microprocessor electronics in space instrument making

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    Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems.Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems

    Microprocessor electronics in space instrument making

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    Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems.Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems

    Properties of Zirconia Nanoceramics under High-Energy Electrons Irradiation

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    Formation of radioactive isotopes is investigated under irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy up to 100 MeV. Radioactive isotopes 87,88Y, 88,89,95Zr, 95Nb, 175Hf are registered after irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47.2 MeV. The present data are necessary for the choice of a material for a dielectric wakefield accelerator. The greatest danger at operation of accelerators represents 88Y. Formation of radiation defects in nanoceramics is investigated. The various types of radiation defects are found out at an irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47 MeV and 86 MeV. In UV VIS spectra the absorption lines of radiation are registered at 402.2 nm and 635 nm, which correspond to the F and F' centers of monocline lattices of zirconia. It is revealed, that krypton atoms are the centers of segregation of point defects. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3562

    Peculiarities of electromagnetic waves absorption in polymer magnetic nanocomposites (La,Sr)MnO₃

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    The results of research of the nonresonant and magnetic resonance absorption of electromagnetic waves in polymer magnetic nanocomposites (La₀.₇Sr₀.₃Mn₀.₃) in 10-40 GHz and 60-78 GHz frequency bands are presented. The absorption magnitude up to -7.5 dB at 32-35 GHz has been detected for the composite with 60 % filling and a layer thickness of 0.53 mm. The analysis of results obtained proves a high level homogeneity of magnetic nanoparticles distribution in the polymer matrix. The most probable reasons of unusually large value of the spectroscopic splitting factor, obtained by Electron Spin Resonance technique, are under discussion. The results of design of the technology and the manufacturing technique of ferromagnetic composites together with epoxy-polysiloxane polymer matrix are presented

    1D- and 2D-matrices scintillation elements on the crystals base ZnSe(Te), CdWO₄, CsI(Tl), Bi₃Ge₄O₁₂

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    Results are presented of light output and uniformity of scintillation parameters of 1D and 2D-matrices for different conditions of their preparation. It has been shown that with grinded scintillators based on ZnSe(Te) and CdWO4 light output is higher as compared with the polished ones. Energy resolution and light output has been measured for 2D-scintillators on the ZnSe(Te) base for a-particles from 235Pu. Advantages of 2D-scintillators over monolithic scintillators are shown.Представлены результаты исследований светового выхода и однородности сцинтил-ляционных параметров 1D и 2'-матриц в зависимости от условий их изготовления. Показано увеличение световыхода шлифованных сцинтилляторов на основе ZnSe(Te) и CdWO4 относительно полированных элементов. Исследовано энергетическое разрешение и световыход 2D сцинтилляторов на основе ZnSe(Te) для a-частиц 235Ри. Показаны преимущества 2D матриц по сравнению с монолитными сцинтилляторами.Представлено результати досліджєнь світлового виходу й однорідності сцинтил-ляційних параметрів 1D і 2D-матриць у залежності від умов їх виготовлення. Показано збільшення світлового виходу шліфованих сцинтиляторів на основі ZnSe(Te) i CdWO4 щодо полірованих елементів. Досліджено енергетичне розділення та світловий вихід 2D сцинтиляторів на основі ZnSe(Te) для a-часток 235Ри. Величина Ra ~ 5 %. Показано перевагу 2D матриць в порівнянні з монолітними сцинтиляторами