Microprocessor electronics in space instrument making


Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems.Volumes of information processed on board the spacecraft (SC) is constantly growing, the algorithms of the onboard systems - complicated. Therefore, a need for new solutions in the field of system architecture SC. Operating conditions are very complex spacecraft: overload when starting, temperature, radiation, and other negative factors of outer space , as well as the inability to repair a running companion , require onboard equipment reliability and survivability. Architecture used today onboard control systems and data do not satisfy in full all these requirements. Need a new concept of architecture - board information and control systems of spacecraft, which provides high functionality and reliability of such systems

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