9,639 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Water Quality Impacts of Land Application of Poultry Litter

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    Evaluating the effect of land application of animal waste on water quality is fraught with inherent variability due to differing infiltration rates, slope, rainfall intensity and etc . Simulated rainfall technology has been used in erosion research for decades. Generally, this technology is used on plots of sufficient size (25 x 5 m) to develop rill and interrill erosion. The object of this investigation was to adapt and modify existing rainfall simulation technology used in soil erosion research for use in evaluating water quality impacts of land application of animal waste, and to test, evaluate and demonstrate it\u27s scientific validity. State of the art simulation technology was obtained from the National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory located on the campus of Purdue University. The technology was scaled (2 x 6 m) and modified to fit into field research programs having several treatments and rep 1 i cated p 1 ots . The technology was shown to meet specification needed to produce the required raindrop size and velocity, flexibility in storm intensity, while maintaining uniformity(\u3e 0.8). Equally important, the unit is portable and fits well into labor intensive runoff work requiring replication of a variety of treatments

    Propagating Waves in a Monolayer of Gas-Fluidized Rods

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    We report on an observation of propagating compression waves in a quasi-two-dimensional monolayer of apolar granular rods fluidized by an upflow of air. The collective wave speed is an order of magnitude faster than the speed of the particles. This gives rise to anomalously large number fluctuations dN ~ N0.72±0.04N^{0.72 \pm 0.04}, which are greater than ordinary number fluctuations of N^{1/2}. We characterize the waves by calculating the spatiotemporal power spectrum of the density. The position of observed peaks, as a function of frequency w and wavevector k, yields a linear dispersion relationship in the long-time, long-wavelength limit and a wavespeed c = w/k. Repeating this analysis for systems at different densities and air speeds, we observe a linear increase in the wavespeed with increasing packing fraction with no dependence on the airflow. Although air-fluidized rods self-propel individually or in dilute collections, the parallel and perpendicular root-mean-square speeds of the rods indicate that they no longer self-propel when propagating waves are present. Based on this mutual exclusivity, we map out the phase behavior for the existence of waves vs self-propulsion as a function of density and fluidizing airflow

    Thin shell wormhole due to dyadosphere of a charged black hole

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    To explain Gamma Ray Bursts, Ruffini argued that the event horizon of a charged black hole is surrounded by a special region called, the Dyadosphere where electric field exceeds the critical value for e+e^+ ee^- pair production. In the present work, we construct a thin shell wormhole by performing a thought surgery between two dadospheres. Several physical properties of this thin shell wormhole have been analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Hysteresis and competition between disorder and crystallization in sheared and vibrated granular flow

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    Experiments on spherical particles in a 3D Couette cell vibrated from below and sheared from above show a hysteretic freezing/melting transition. Under sufficient vibration a crystallized state is observed, which can be melted by sufficient shear. The critical line for this transition coincides with equal kinetic energies for vibration and shear. The force distribution is double-peaked in the crystalline state and single-peaked with an approximately exponential tail in the disordered state. A linear relation between pressure and volume (dP/dV>0dP/dV > 0) exists for a continuum of partially and/or intermittently melted states over a range of parameters

    The little-known Fissidens axilliflorus Thwaites & Mitt. (Fissidentaceae: Bryophyta) - new to the moss flora of India

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    Fissidens axilliflorus, so far known from Sri Lanka and Laos, has been discovered in the Western Ghats in India. A description with line drawings, a photo plate and a key to distinguish F. axilliflorus from the similar F. crenulatus are provided

    Stoichiometry control of sputtered CuCl thin films: Influence on ultraviolet emission properties

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    We demonstrate that the chemical composition of the sputtered CuCl thin films could be finely controlled by adjusting the bias to the substrate. The films deposited without any intentional bias were Cl rich (CuCl1+x), a bias of −22 V yielded stoichiometric CuCl, and a further increase in the negative bias resulted in Cl deficient films (CuCl1−x). The crystalline and optical properties were found to be associated with the chemical composition. Cl rich films showed a deep level green emission at around 515 nm in addition to ultraviolet (UV) excitonic emission. The stoichiometric films have higher optical quality, exhibiting a sharp UV emission at around 385 nm at room temperature, compared to nonstoichiometric samples. Visible luminescence related to deep level defects was not observed in the stoichiometric films. Changes in energy of the flux from the target and the subsequent ion bombardment on the substrate surface are correlated with the variations in chemical composition and their impact on the film microstructure and UV emission

    Cyberostracism and Social Monitoring: Social Anxiety\u27s Effects on Reactions to Exclusion and Inclusion Online

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    Previous research has shown that ostracism –the equivalence of exclusion in a social situation –improves social monitoring abilities – a natural practice by which individuals gather information through social cues about what is happening in their social worlds (Pickett, Gardner, & Knowles, 2004). Current knowledge on social anxiety, defined as a chronic fear of social situations that put one in the position of evaluation by others, describes hypersensitivity in those individuals in cases of social monitoring others (Barlow, 2002; Craske, 1999). The current study investigated how those two constructs interacted in a cyberostracism paradigm. After measuring their social anxiety levels, participants were placed in either an exclusion or inclusion situation modeled on the social networking website Facebook, a medium through which rejection is not only easily but also commonly executed. Following the manipulation, participants were tested on their social monitoring abilities, their mood, and their feelings of satisfaction in regards to Williams’ four fundamental needs – self-esteem, control, belonging, and meaningful existence. We hypothesized that individuals in the exclusion situation, in contrast to those in the inclusion situation, would show higher levels of social monitoring ability, lower mood, and fewer feelings of satisfaction in relation to Williams’ needs. We also predicted that individuals who were higher in social anxiety would show lower levels of social monitoring ability. Finally, we hypothesized that individuals both high in social anxiety and placed into the exclusion situation would show the lowest levels of social monitoring ability. Results showed that while participants with higher levels of social anxiety had stronger psychological reactions to be ostracized, they did not then show decreased social monitoring abilities. However, participants who were high in social anxiety and also in the exclusion situation made different kinds of social monitoring errors based on the affect and intensity of the social cue