44 research outputs found

    Men versus Women in the Sale of Financial Products

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    In this paper I investigate the impact of gender role in the development of buyer-seller relationships. There was no recipe to convince who is best in sales - man or woman or who is the ideal buyer-female or male. Employers’ trend in banking in recent years is to choose women in front-office jobs. Depending on the membership of a particular kind I will analyze the factors perceived by customers as being important in the development of ongoing relationships with frontline staff and gender differences in buyer behavior on the one hand, and sales effectiveness on the other. In recent years there have been trends that the female vendors are perceived by buyers as they shows more empathy and less oriented sales and the interaction with buyer’s sex is important in determining the quality perception of these aspects of the relationship. Using the study and observation I will reveal the combined effects of gender interaction and gender differences in communication styles, customizing the client-counsels’ work in a branch bank

    A Regression-Based Differential Expression Detection Algorithm for Microarray Studies with Ultra-Low Sample Size

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    Global gene expression analysis using microarrays and, more recently, RNA-seq, has allowed investigators to understand biological processes at a system level. However, the identification of differentially expressed genes in experiments with small sample size, high dimensionality, and high variance remains challenging, limiting the usability of these tens of thousands of publicly available, and possibly many more unpublished, gene expression datasets. We propose a novel variable selection algorithm for ultra-low-n microarray studies using generalized linear model-based variable selection with a penalized binomial regression algorithm called penalized Euclidean distance (PED). Our method uses PED to build a classifier on the experimental data to rank genes by importance. In place of cross-validation, which is required by most similar methods but not reliable for experiments with small sample size, we use a simulation-based approach to additively build a list of differentially expressed genes from the rank-ordered list. Our simulation-based approach maintains a low false discovery rate while maximizing the number of differentially expressed genes identified, a feature critical for downstream pathway analysis. We apply our method to microarray data from an experiment perturbing the Notch signaling pathway in Xenopus laevis embryos. This dataset was chosen because it showed very little differential expression according to limma, a powerful and widely-used method for microarray analysis. Our method was able to detect a significant number of differentially expressed genes in this dataset and suggest future directions for investigation. Our method is easily adaptable for analysis of data from RNA-seq and other global expression experiments with low sample size and high dimensionality

    Analysis on the Multiple Intelligences of Students from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

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    The present research is based on the theory developed in 1983 by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, according to which people possess eight distinct types of intelligence: verbal/ linguistic, mathematical/ logical, visual/ spatial, bodily/ kinesthetic, rhythmic/ musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist. The way these multiple intelligences are combined differentiates us as humans, for example, in school, students react differently. Some students are more interested in learning, some are not. This may be due to different types of intelligence. Our research aims to highlight the dominant types of intelligence for second year students, depending on which teachers can adapt their teaching methods. The research was carried out over a period of 3 weeks. The participants in the research are 111 romanian students from National University of Physical Education and Sports, out of which 42 are female and 69 are male. The research methods used are: scientific documentation, questionnaire-based survey (multiple intelligences test was applied), statistical-mathematical method, graphical method. The results of the research provide us important data to see to what extent kinesthetic body intelligence is dominant in students practicing sports and what are the other types of intelligence present in athletes. Finding out the dominant types of student’s intelligence can provide us important information according to which we can adapt our teaching methods. Thus, we can conduct our didactic activity in an attractive manner, in which the potential of students is not wasted and feel motivated to learn and evolve in a traditional classroom.</p

    Success Factors for Personal Sale - Transaction Oriented

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    This paper aims to demonstrate that a complex of factors, which I called “the successfactors", which decisively influence the sale process. Currently, companies spend significant amountsof money each year to train sales representatives in the art sale. Banking institutions are designed tosuccessfully meet the financial needs of the customers, to identify new needs, to reshape bankingproducts and services, to create and launch new products and services on market

    Risk factors and quality of life in late-life depressive disorders

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    Late-life major depression is a high-incidence and difficult-to-treat affective disorder. Diagnosis of major depression in old age could also could be a challenge, due to aspects like (1) there is a higher vulnerability to the stigma of depression in this population, (2) hypochondriac ideation and somatic symptoms are the main symptoms, while depressive disposition or anhedonia are under-reported by such patients, (3) differential diagnosis includes various organic diseases, but also several psychiatric disorders, like neurocognitive disorders, organic affective disorders, drug induced affective disorders etc. Reduction of social relationships caused by retirement and loss of spouse and friends, as well as a decrease of personal income could precipitate or maintain depressive disorders during late-life. Quality of life in patients diagnosed with depressive major disorders is a rarely monitored parameter, although its importance for case management could not be overemphasized. A reduction of life quality correlates with a poorer functional prognosis, persistence of neglected residual symptoms, low adherence to treatment plan etc

    A Framework for Testing Algorithmic Trading Strategies

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    Algorithmic trading and artificial stock markets have generated huge interest not only among brokers and traders in the financial markets but also across various disciplines in the academia. The emergence of algorithmic trading has created a new environment where the classic way of trading requires new approaches. In order to understand the impact of such a trading process on the functioning of the market, new tools, theories and approaches need to be created. Thus artificial stock markets have emerged as simulation environments to test, understand and model the impact of algorithmic trading, where humans and software agents may compete on the same market. The purpose of this paper is to create a framework to test and analyse various trading strategies in a dedicated artificial environment