188 research outputs found

    Special Purpose Acquisition Companies: SPAC and SPAN, or Blank Check Redux?

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    Motives for Using Social Network Sites (SNSs) – An Analysis of SNS Adoption Among Students

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    Social Network Sites (SNSs) are widely used and have been object of research for some years. Existing studies have investigated single Social Networking (SN) phenomena or the usage of particular SNSs. However, only little research has been conducted on the motives for using SNSs. The paper at hand will present a survey for gaining insight into the motives of SNS usage and potential contextual factors that might shape these moti-ves. The study was conducted in two steps: 1) Generation of hypotheses by guided interviews; 2) Test of hypotheses by two online surveys. Drawing on the results as well as the current body of research, the authors will identify different motives for the usage and none-usage of SNSs and determine potential contextual factors

    Transition Metal-Free Catalytic Systems for the Utilization of CO2 to Achieve Valuable Chemicals

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    Social Transactions on Social Network Sites: Can Transaction Cost Theory Contribute to a Better Understanding of Internet Social Networking?

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    Social Network Sites (SNSs) are a success story by example. User counts as well as page visits have rocketed in recent years. In this paper we propose to utilize Transaction Cost Theory (TCT) and Social Capital Theory (SCT) to make sense of what kind of social interaction is executed on SNSs and why. In doing so we will show how TCT can be applied to SNSs by proposing to include in the theory the construct of social transactions. We will describe the characteristics of social transactions on SNSs as being concerned with the management of Social Capital. We will then determine which social transactions are attracted by SNSs. Finally, wwe discuss how research in the field of Internet Social Networking can benefit from this conceptualisation of social transactions and spell out practical implications

    Internet Social Networking

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    An overview of the literature on Internetsocial networking (ISN) is presented.The authors identify four dominantstreams of research and reviewthe key contributions to the field. Thereview reveals that the research fieldis fragmented and does not yet facilitatea general understanding of thephenomenon. In particular research isvery much skewed towards certain usergroups (e.g., students) and platforms(in particular Facebook). Further, implicationsfor a corporate context arediscussed. In doing so, three contextsof application are differentiated: Socialnetwork sites (SNSs) for 1) recruitingand professional career development,2) relationship facilitation in distributedwork contexts, and 3) interactions withend customers. The authors discussSNS potentials, implications of existingISN research and future research opportunities.In summary, they seek tocontribute to a better understandingof the phenomenon of ISN and to makingavailable the current state of ISN researchfor the wider Enterprise 2.0 community

    Intention to learn in MMOG: Examining the roles of peer intrinsic and extrinsic motivations

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    Social Networking Sites (SNS) are one of the most popular business models on the Internet at the moment. At the same time, Social Networking is increasingly interesting as a topic of research in Information Systems. Drawing on existing research in the field, in this paper we propose to distinguish ISN (Internet Social Networking) as a phenomenon from its concrete manifestations in the various SNSs in the marketplace. On the basis of this distinction we take to the classification of SNSs grounded in real-life marketplace variety. In doing so, we identify seven different classes of SNSs. We argue that a typology of SNSs is useful for shaping our understanding of the diverse nature of ISN as existing in concrete manifestations. Most importantly, our classification makes accessible existing research for conceptually sound meta-analysis research. In order to fully grasp the phenomenon of ISN we also propose to include in the definition web sites that feature only certain aspects of ISN, while networking is not their core feature. Using our classification we discuss future research directio

    Diversidade, linguística e dominação: como a teoria linguística pode fomentar um tipo de política a que a maioria dos linguistas se oporia

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    Este pequeno artigo esboça alguns dos possíveis papéis ideológicos desempenhados pela teoria linguística e pedagogia na formação de sujeitos sociopolíticos modernos. Embora o ethos da linguística seja notadamente progressivo, argumenta-se aqui que a disciplina atua, de uma maneira amplamente não reconhecida, para preparar os estudantes tanto para exercer como para sofrer o domínio da sociedade. Essa crítica é feita a partir de duas perspectivas: em primeiro lugar, o conteúdo ideológico da teoria linguística é considerado, especialmente da forma que é apresentado aos estudantes de graduação, e particularmente no que diz respeito à abordagem redutora da diversidade humana que a disciplina principalmente promove. O artigo explora maneiras através das quais isso pode reforçar um modelo do tipo de pessoa especialmente compatível com as exigências das economias capitalistas globalizadas contemporâneas. Em segundo lugar, o artigo faz considerações sobre a forma como os procedimentos de autoridade intelectual discricionários, aos quais os estudantes estão habituados ao estudar linguística na graduação, podem prefigurar as normas de dominação arbitrária às quais serão submetidos após deixarem a universidade e entrarem no mercado de trabalho

    Block Cipher Speed and Energy Efficiency Records on the MSP430: System Design Trade-Offs for 16-bit Embedded Applications

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    Embedded microcontroller applications often experience multiple limiting constraints: memory, speed, and for a wide range of portable devices, power. Applications requiring encrypted data must simultaneously optimize the block cipher algorithm and implementation choice against these limitations. To this end we investigate block cipher implementations that are optimized for speed and energy efficiency, the primary metrics of devices such as the MSP430 where constrained memory resources nevertheless allow a range of implementation choices. The results set speed and energy efficiency records for the MSP430 device at 132 cycles/byte and 2.18 uJ/block for AES-128 and 103 cycles/byte and 1.44 uJ/block for equivalent block and key sizes using the lightweight block cipher SPECK. We provide a comprehensive analysis of size, speed, and energy consumption for 24 different variations of AES and 20 different variations of SPECK, to aid system designers of microcontroller platforms optimize the memory and energy usage of secure applications