127 research outputs found

    Depicting Young Learners' Construction of Social Awareness through Language Learning Strategies

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    La violencia en el salón de clases es un fenómeno que ha sido estudiado ampliamente en los últimos años. Este aspecto hace que la enseñanza del inglés se convierta en una tarea difícil en la cual el docente no solo es responsable de la enseñanza del idioma, sino también de mantener el orden y manejar diferentes situaciones conflictivas que pueden ocurrir en el salón de clases. Por consiguiente, esta investigación-acción pretende caracterizar las respuestas de los estudiantes con respecto a su proceso inicial de conciencia social a partir de los valores sociales implementados en la clase de inglés a través de estrategias de aprendizaje, estas respuestas fueron recogidas y analizadas por medio de diarios de campo, video grabaciones y entrevistas. Los datos revelaron que la conciencia social en los estudiantes de segundo grado emergieron de dos aspectos principales: percepciones hacia sus propias acciones en el contexto familiar y escolar, y como los estudiantes perciben las acciones de sus compañeros en la escuela.Violence in the classroom is an issue that has been strongly studied in the last years. This matter makes English language teaching a difficult task in which the teacher is not only responsible for teaching the English language, but to keep the order and manage different conflict situations that might occur in the classroom. Following this further, this action research attempts to characterize the students’ responses in regards to their initial process of social awareness from social values implemented in the English class through learning strategies, these responses were collected and analyzed through field notes, video recordings and interviews. Data revealed that social awareness in second graders emerged from two main aspects, perceptions towards their own actions in the school and familiar contexts and how they perceive partners’ actions at school

    DECam-GROWTH Search for the Faint and Distant Binary Neutron Star and Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers in O3a

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    Synoptic searches for the optical counterpart to a binary neutron star (BNS) or neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger can pose significant challenges towards the discovery of kilonovae and performing multi-messenger science. In this work, we describe the advantage of a global multi-telescope network towards this end, with a particular focus on the key and complementary role the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) plays in multi-facility follow-up. We describe the Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) Marshal, a common web application we built to ingest events, plan observations, search for transient candidates, and retrieve performance summary statistics for all of the telescopes in our network. Our infrastructure enabled us to conduct observations of two events during O3a, S190426c and S190510g. Furthermore, our analysis of deep DECam observations of S190814bv conducted by the DESGW team, and access to a variety of global follow-up facilities allowed us to place meaningful constraints on the parameters of the kilonova and the merging binary. We emphasize the importance of a global telescope network in conjunction with a power telescope like DECam in performing searches for the counterparts to gravitational-wave sources

    Relación entre el Tamaño del Cuerpo, del Cerebro y algunos Lobulos Cerebrales en Goldfish, Carassius auratus

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    Muchas especies de peces presentan un crecimiento continuo a lo largo de su vida, lo cual implica el crecimiento en los diferentes órganos. El presente trabajo determinó la relación entre el incremento de la longitud corporal (longitud estándar y total), la longitud del cerebro y la longitud de algunos lóbulos cerebrales (olfativos, telencéfalo, ópticos y vagales). Se trabajó con 32 individuos mantenidos en un estanque en tierra, 5,10 X 10 X 1,20 m. Los peces se alimentaron diariamente con Truchina® al 45% de proteína y cada 15 días se tomaron variables físico-químicas del agua. Al inicio del proyecto se procesaron seis individuos, los cuales fueron anestesiados con MS- 222 (0,5 g/L) y sacrificados por corte transversal a nivel cervical. Se midió la longitud corporal (longitud estándar y total), se extrajeron los cerebros, se midió su longitud total y la de los lóbulos citados. Este mismo procedimiento se realizó dos y cuatro meses después. Las relaciones de tamaño entre las longitudes corporales y cerebrales mostraron uniformidad a lo largo del periodo de muestreo, siendo el tamaño del cerebro el 19,8%±0,1 de la longitud estándar del pez. Las relaciones entre la longitud cerebral y la longitud de los lóbulos también fueron estables, siendo el lóbulo óptico el 31,6%±0,5 el lóbulo vagal el 25,1%±0,3, el telencéfalo el 25,6%±0,4 y el lóbulo olfatorio el 13,3%±0,3 de la longitud total del cerebro. En C. auratus las relaciones de tamaño entre el cuerpo y el cerebro y, entre el cerebro y sus respectivos lóbulos, se establecen relativamente temprano, y se mantienen a pesar del crecimiento de este pez

    GROWTH on S190510g: DECam Observation Planning and Follow-Up of a Distant Binary Neutron Star Merger Candidate

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    The first two months of the third Advanced LIGO and Virgo observing run (2019 April–May) showed that distant gravitational-wave (GW) events can now be readily detected. Three candidate mergers containing neutron stars (NS) were reported in a span of 15 days, all likely located more than 100 Mpc away. However, distant events such as the three new NS mergers are likely to be coarsely localized, which highlights the importance of facilities and scheduling systems that enable deep observations over hundreds to thousands of square degrees to detect the electromagnetic counterparts. On 2019 May 10 02:59:39.292 UT the GW candidate S190510g was discovered and initially classified as a binary neutron star (BNS) merger with 98% probability. The GW event was localized within an area of 3462 deg^2, later refined to 1166 deg^2 (90%) at a distance of 227 ± 92 Mpc. We triggered Target-of-Opportunity observations with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam), a wide-field optical imager mounted at the prime focus of the 4 m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. This Letter describes our DECam observations and our real-time analysis results, focusing in particular on the design and implementation of the observing strategy. Within 24 hr of the merger time, we observed 65% of the total enclosed probability of the final skymap with an observing efficiency of 94%. We identified and publicly announced 13 candidate counterparts. S190510g was reclassified 1.7 days after the merger, after our observations were completed, with a "BNS merger" probability reduced from 98% to 42% in favor of a "terrestrial classification

    Fast-transient Searches in Real Time with ZTFReST: Identification of Three Optically Discovered Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows and New Constraints on the Kilonova Rate

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    The most common way to discover extragalactic fast transients, which fade within a few nights in the optical, is via follow-up of gamma-ray burst and gravitational-wave triggers. However, wide-field surveys have the potential to identify rapidly fading transients independently of such external triggers. The volumetric survey speed of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) makes it sensitive to objects as faint and fast fading as kilonovae, the optical counterparts to binary neutron star mergers, out to almost 200 Mpc. We introduce an open-source software infrastructure, the ZTF REaltime Search and Triggering, ZTFReST, designed to identify kilonovae and fast transients in ZTF data. Using the ZTF alert stream combined with forced point-spread-function photometry, we have implemented automated candidate ranking based on their photometric evolution and fitting to kilonova models. Automated triggering, with a human in the loop for monitoring, of follow-up systems has also been implemented. In 13 months of science validation, we found several extragalactic fast transients independently of any external trigger, including two supernovae with post-shock cooling emission, two known afterglows with an associated gamma-ray burst (ZTF20abbiixp, ZTF20abwysqy), two known afterglows without any known gamma-ray counterpart (ZTF20aajnksq, ZTF21aaeyldq), and three new fast-declining sources (ZTF20abtxwfx, ZTF20acozryr, ZTF21aagwbjr) that are likely associated with GRB200817A, GRB201103B, and GRB210204A. However, we have not found any objects that appear to be kilonovae. We constrain the rate of GW170817-like kilonovae to R < 900 Gpc-3 yr-1 (95% confidence). A framework such as ZTFReST could become a prime tool for kilonova and fast-transient discovery with the Vera Rubin Observatory

    GROWTH on S190814bv: Deep Synoptic Limits on the Optical/Near-infrared Counterpart to a Neutron Star-Black Hole Merger

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    On 2019 August 14, the Advanced LIGO and Virgo interferometers detected the high-significance gravitational wave (GW) signal S190814bv. The GW data indicated that the event resulted from a neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger, or potentially a low-mass binary BH merger. Due to the low false-alarm rate and the precise localization (23 deg2 at 90%), S190814bv presented the community with the best opportunity yet to directly observe an optical/near-infrared counterpart to an NSBH merger. To search for potential counterparts, the GROWTH Collaboration performed real-time image subtraction on six nights of public Dark Energy Camera images acquired in the 3 weeks following the merger, covering >98% of the localization probability. Using a worldwide network of follow-up facilities, we systematically undertook spectroscopy and imaging of optical counterpart candidates. Combining these data with a photometric redshift catalog, we ruled out each candidate as the counterpart to S190814bv and placed deep, uniform limits on the optical emission associated with S190814bv. For the nearest consistent GW distance, radiative transfer simulations of NSBH mergers constrain the ejecta mass of S190814bv to be M ej < 0.04 M o˙ at polar viewing angles, or M ej < 0.03 M o˙ if the opacity is κ < 2 cm2g-1. Assuming a tidal deformability for the NS at the high end of the range compatible with GW170817 results, our limits would constrain the BH spin component aligned with the orbital momentum to be χ < 0.7 for mass ratios Q < 6, with weaker constraints for more compact NSs. © 2020. The American Astronomical Society

    A Large Fraction of Hydrogen-rich Supernova Progenitors Experience Elevated Mass Loss Shortly Prior to Explosion

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    Spectroscopic detection of narrow emission lines traces the presence of circumstellar mass distributions around massive stars exploding as core-collapse supernovae. Transient emission lines disappearing shortly after the supernova explosion suggest that the material spatial extent is compact and implies an increased mass loss shortly prior to explosion. Here, we present a systematic survey for such transient emission lines (Flash Spectroscopy) among Type II supernovae detected in the first year of the Zwicky Transient Facility survey. We find that at least six out of ten events for which a spectrum was obtained within two days of the estimated explosion time show evidence for such transient flash lines. Our measured flash event fraction (>30% at 95% confidence level) indicates that elevated mass loss is a common process occurring in massive stars that are about to explode as supernovae

    Optical follow-up of the neutron star-black hole mergers S200105ae and S200115j

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    LIGO and Virgo’s third observing run revealed the first neutron star–black hole (NSBH) merger candidates in gravitational waves. These events are predicted to synthesize r-process elements1,2 creating optical/near-infrared ‘kilonova’ emission. The joint gravitational wave and electromagnetic detection of an NSBH merger could be used to constrain the equation of state of dense nuclear matter3, and independently measure the local expansion rate of the Universe4. Here, we present the optical follow-up and analysis of two of the only three high-significance NSBH merger candidates detected to date, S200105ae and S200115j, with the Zwicky Transient Facility5. The Zwicky Transient Facility observed ~48% of S200105ae and ~22% of S200115j’s localization probabilities, with observations sensitive to kilonovae brighter than −17.5 mag fading at 0.5 mag d−1 in the g- and r-bands; extensive searches and systematic follow-up of candidates did not yield a viable counterpart. We present state-of-the-art kilonova models tailored to NSBH systems that place constraints on the ejecta properties of these NSBH mergers. We show that with observed depths of apparent magnitude ~22 mag, attainable in metre-class, wide-field-of-view survey instruments, strong constraints on ejecta mass are possible, with the potential to rule out low mass ratios, high black hole spins and large neutron star radii