15 research outputs found

    PF-7 Pre Slaughter Stunning of Ruminant Slaughter Based on MUI HAS 23103 2012, MS 1500 2009 and SNI 99003 2018

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    The debate about the use of pre slaughter stunning (PSS) in halal slaughter is still an interesting topic to discuss due to the difficulties to determine the stunned animal are unconscious or dead. Indonesia and Malaysia as a country with majority Muslim population have recognized non-penetrative PSS (NPPSS) as a method in halal slaughter. Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) issued the Halal Assurance System (HAS 23103 2012)[1] as guidelines for animal slaughter process, while Department of Standard  Malaysia issued  Malaysian Standard (MS) 1500 2009[2], which regulate Halal Food-Production, preparation Handling and Storage-General Guidelines. Recently, the Indonesian National Standardization Body issued Indonesia's National Standard for ruminant halal slaughter (SNI 99003 2018) [3]. This article will discuss mechanical NPPSS based on these three guidelines in animal welfare and halal perspective

    AH-04 Anatomical Characteristic of the Pelvic and Thigh Region Muscles of Javan Pangolin, Manis javanica

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    Anatomical Characteristic of the Pelvic and Thigh Region Muscles  of Javan Pangolin, Manis javanic

    AH-03 Anatomical Characteristic of Forelimb Skeleton of Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)

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    Anatomical Characteristic of Forelimb Skeleton of Sumatran Rhino        (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis


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    The study aimed to analyze the dynamics of the development of cortical and medullary cells of adrenal gland in the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) during pre- and postnatal period. The samples of adrenal glands were taken from 5 fetuses aged 70, 85, 100, 120, and 150 days of gestation, a newborn aged 10, and an infant aged 105 days old. The samples of the adrenal glands were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome (Goldner’s modification). The results showed that the fetal adrenal cortex consisted of a definitive and fetal zones, but in the late gestation (fetus aged 150 days of gestation), the transitional zone appeared between both zones. At the postnatal period, the definitive zone changed to glomerulosa zone, while the outer cells of the transitional zone changed to fasciculata zone which radially arranged. The results indicated that the fetal zone was present until birth and it will disappear gradually after birth. The medullary cells were found at the fetal stages as an irregular structure of small islands of chromaffin cells in the fetal zone. This structure migrated slowly to the center of the adrenal glands. The characteristics of mature chromaffin cells were found in the adrenal glands at postnatal period. In conclusion, the cortex adrenal of the newborn of long-tailed macaque consisted of zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona transitional, and the remaining fetal zone that has dissapeared gradually after birth

    PF-30 Anatomical Characteristic of Hindlimb Skeleton of Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)

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    Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is an endangered animal in Indonesia. Currently, Sumatran rhino only found on Sumatera and Kalimantan in very small populations. These herbivorous animals are classified into the order of Perissodactyla (odd-toed animals) and family Rhinocerotidae [1]. Sumatran rhino is one of the largest living land mammals, reaching 1000 kg [1], although this species has the smallest body weight among all extant rhinos. This animal has a round and long body shape, relatively short legs with three digits on each leg. These body structures correspond to their habitat in the highlands, so the Sumatran rhino has an excellent ability to pass steep terrain [2]. For this reason, a strong hind limb structure is needed to push the body when walking, running and climbing the steep slopes. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to analyze the correlation between the Sumatran rhino’s hind limb skeleton and its functional roles

    Morfofisiologi dan Profil Biokimia Darah Kalong Kapauk (Pteropus vampyrus) dari Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Garut

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    Aktivitas terbang pada kelelawar membutuhkan energi paling banyak dibandingkan dengan aktivitas lokomosi lainnya. Morfofisiologi dan profil biokimia darah diduga memiliki peranan penting terhadap kemampuan terbang hewan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfofisiologi eritrosit dan profil biokimia darah P. vampyrus. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 ekor kelelawar dewasa dengan bobot badan antara 669,7 g sampai 1211,5 g (x̄ = 957,51 ± 177,52 g). Sampel darah diambil secara langsung melalui ventrikel kiri jantung. Pengamatan dan pengukuran terhadap preparat ulas darah menunjukkan bahwa morfologi eritrosit P. vampyrus mirip dengan mamalia secara umum dan mempunyai diameter rata-rata 7,15 ± 0,45 µm. Koefisien variasi ukuran eritrosit (RDWc) hewan ini sebesar 18,11 ± 1,16%.  Pemeriksaan hematologi yang dilakukan menggunakan automated counter menunjukkan bahwa total eritrosit (8,89 ± 1,36 106/µl),  konsentrasi hemoglobin (14,33 ± 2,38 g/dl), dan nilai hematokrit (42,13 ± 6,49%) P. vampyrus relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mamalia pada umumnya. Neutrofil dan limfosit merupakan komponen yang mendominasi jumlah leukosit. Adapun persentase jumlah neutrofil lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jumlah limfosit. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi dasar yang dapat mendukung penelitian terkait dengan kemampuan terbang dari P. vampyrus

    Karakteristik Morfologi Hati Ayam Cemani (Gallus gallus domesticus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari morfologi hati ayam cemani (Gallus gallus domesticus) secara makroanatomi dan mikroanatomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan organ hati dari tiga ekor ayam cemani betina. Pengamatan makroanatomi untuk mempelajari morfometri yang meliputi panjang, lebar, tebal, dan berat organ hati. Pengamatan mikroanatomi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pewarnaan Haematoxylin-Eosin, untuk mengamati morfologi sel hati. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dari pengamatan makroanatomi menunjukkan warna hati adalah merah kecoklatan dengan rata – rata bobot hati sebesar 19.3±2.5 gram. Pengamatan mikroanatomi menunjukkan hati diselaputi oleh jaringan ikat longgar pada permukaannya, kemudian terdapat kapsula Glisson. Di setiap lobulus hati terdapat vena centralis, cabang dari vena porta hepatica, cabang dari arteri hepatica, dan ductus choledochus. Parenkim hati terdiri dari hepatosit dan sinusoid. Sel – sel non parenkim yang terdapat di hati adalah sel Kupffer dan sel endotel. Sel pigmen melanin pada parenkim hati ditemukan dalam jumlah yang sedikit, sebagian besar pigmen melanin terdapat di sekitar vena porta, arteri hepatica, dan ductus choledochus


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    Orangutan is a great ape that has anatomical and physiological aspects similar to those of gorillas and chimpanzees, although orangutan is more arboreal than other great apes. This research aims to study the morphofunctional characteristics of the lower hindlimb and foot muscles of Bornean orangutan and its relation to the type of locomotion and daily behavior. This research was conducted on the right leg of a male orangutan by observing the morphology of the lower hindlimb and foot muscles and observing the behavior of the Bornean orangutan through video observations. The results showed that digital flexor muscles are more developed than plantar flexor muscles as an adaptation towards arboreal activities that require finger flexor movements such as gripping tree branches. Orangutans have rudimentary hallux, which is related by the less developed intrinsic muscle and indicated by the way orangutan grips tree branches dominantly using digits II-V. At a certain time, male Bornean orangutans are active on terrestrial that causes the digital extensor muscles to have more developed as an adaptation to terrestrial activity. It can be concluded the morphology of the lower hindlimb and foot muscles is in accordance to its function and behavior adaptation in arboreal and terrestrial

    The Success Rate of Non-Penetrative Pre-Slaughter Stunning on Australian Brahman Cross Cattle Slaughter in Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the success rate of non-penetrative pre slaughter stunning (NPPSS) and the factors that influence it in 460 Australian Brahman cross cattle. Observations were made on the handling of cattle, the implementation of NPPSS, the slaughtering process until the animal was declared dead. The results showed that the stunning success rate of NPPSS (SSR) was 74.35%. Ordinal regression analysis of the six observed parameters, three parameters have a significant influence on SSR: shooting placement area (ASP), shooting placement distance (DSP), and the presence of frontal and nuchal eminence (FE, NE). The ASP at the point of the cross line between two lines from the center of the dorsal eye to the center of the contralateral horn base, DSP at a low position (DSP<3 cm), and presence of FE gave a relatively low of SSR. Thus, it can be concluded that the SSR of the use of NPPSS in Indonesia is relatively low and is influenced by ASP, DSP, and the presence of FE and NE.This study was conducted to evaluate the success rate of non-penetrative pre slaughter stunning (NPPSS) and the factors that influence it in 460 Australian Brahman cross cattle. Observations were made on the handling of cattle, the implementation of NPPSS, the slaughtering process until the animal was declared dead. The results showed that the stunning success rate of NPPSS (SSR) was 74.35%. Ordinal regression analysis of the six observed parameters, three parameters have a significant influence on SSR: shooting placement area (ASP), shooting placement distance (DSP), and the presence of frontal and nuchal eminence (FE, NE). The ASP at the point of the cross line between two lines from the center of the dorsal eye to the center of the contralateral horn base, DSP at a low position (DSP<3 cm), and presence of FE gave a relatively low of SSR. Thus, it can be concluded that the SSR of the use of NPPSS in Indonesia is relatively low and is influenced by ASP, DSP, and the presence of FE and NE