10 research outputs found

    Poliextractos de plantas medicinales en bacterias asociadas a infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRAS) en pollos: Poliextratos de plantas medicinais sobre bactérias associadas a infecções respiratórias agudas em galinhas

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    Este trabalho de pesquisa teve como foco o desenvolvimento da formulação de um xarope à base de extratos vegetais de buganvília, canela, calêndula, eucalipto e ítamo para inibir o crescimento de S. aureus e S. pyogenes, bactérias associadas a infecções respiratórias. Determinar os metabólitos secundários nos extratos metanólicos de cada espécie, bem como avaliar a atividade antibacteriana dos extratos em xaropes, e sua capacidade antioxidante. Verificou-se que o extrato de eucalipto é o melhor para inibir as bactérias, assim como na forma de xarope, e o extrato de canela é o melhor antioxidante

    Biorational and conventional insecticides efficacy to control thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Perg.) on strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) at Morelos state, Mexico: Spanish

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    Strawberry cultivation presents multiple phytosanitary limitations among which the “western flower thrips” stands out. Adults and nymphs of F. occidentalis produce severe damage to flowers and fruits, reducing the yield and quality of the product. In Mexico, thrips control is based on the use of synthetic chemical insecticides. The objective of this research was to evaluate the insecticidal effectiveness of biorational and conventional products as control alternatives and their phytotoxic effects in strawberry cultivation. The study was carried out in strawberry cv. Camino Real in flowering stage - fruiting established in open ground. A completely randomized design with seven treatments and four replications was used. Significant differences between treatments could be identified; Imidacloprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin and Bifenthrin caused the highest mortality of thrips with an efficiency of 92 and 93% respectively. Spinosad obtained good results, ranking as the second best option with 90% control efficiencies; neem extract stood out as an excellent biorational pest management alternative with 77% control efficacy in the last evaluation. No phytotoxic effects were observed from any of the treatments on the crop.Objective: To evaluate the insecticidal effectiveness of biorational and conventional products as alternatives to control thrips and their phytotoxic effects in strawberry cultivation. Design / methodology / approach: The research was carried out in strawberry cv. Camino Real during its flowering stage - fruiting established in open ground; A completely randomized experimental design with seven treatments and four replications was used. The treatments evaluated were: T1: neem oil extract, T2: paraffin oil, T3: garlic extract + hot chili pepper + cinnamon, T4: spinosad, T5: imidacloprid + lambda cyhalothrin, T6: bifenthrin, and T7: control. Applications were made weekly and the mortality evaluation was carried out by counting the number of live thrips per flower. With the obtained data, an analysis of variances and a mean comparison test (Tukey, p ≤ 0.05) were performed. Results: Significant differences between treatments could be identified (p ≤ 0.05); imidacloprid + lambda cyhalothrin and bifenthrin caused the highest mortality of thrips with 92 and 93 % efficacy, respectively. Spinosad obtained good results, ranking as the second-best option with 90 % control efficiencies; neem extract stood out as an excellent biorational pest management alternative with 77 % control efficacy in its last evaluation. No phytotoxic effects were observed from any of the treatments on the crop. Limitations on study / implications: It is important to continue the study in the laboratory to obtain the LD50 and LD90 of the management alternatives, as well as an MRL analysis of the molecules used. Findings / conclusions: The proposed protocol evidenced the efficacy of biorational and ecological thrips control treatments in intensive horticultural systems

    Morphological and molecular characterization of Podosphaera xanthii, causal agent of powdery mildew in husk tomato and watermelon

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    Objective: To determine the causal agent of powdery mildew in husk tomato and watermelon, as well as its morphological and molecular characterization. Design/methodology/approach: In Iguala, Guerrero, in 2018, leaves with powdery mildew symptoms from husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were collected. From two isolates (Phyxa1 and Phyxa2) of husk tomato and two of watermelon (Citrus1 and Citrus2), the morphological characterization was carried out by assembling morphological structures and visualizing them under an optical microscope. For molecular characterization, the ITS region was amplified with the use of primers ITS1 and ITS4, PCR was performed and the products obtained were sequenced in the company Macrogen®. A phylogenetic analysis was performed with the resulting sequences and they were compared with other sequences available in GenBank. Results: It was determined that there is morphological and genetic variability between isolates from husk tomato and watermelon. The largest sizes of conidiophores and conidia were from Phyxa1 and Phyxa2 isolates, the smallest sizes were recorded in Citrus1 and Citrus2. The isolates presented a tendency to group according to the host, the Phyxa1 and Phyxa2 isolates were associated with Solanacea isolates, while the Citrus1 and Citrus2 isolates were grouped with isolates of the Cucurbitaceae family. Findings/conclusions: Podosphaera xanthii was shown to be the agent associated with powdery mildew in husk tomato and watermelon. Morphological and genetic variability of P. xanthii was determined, which was associated with the host of origin.Objective: To determine the causal agent of powdery mildew in husk tomato and watermelon, as well as its morphological and molecular characterization. Design/methodology/approach: Leaves with powdery mildew symptoms were collected from husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico in 2018. From two isolates (Phyxa1 and Phyxa2) of husk tomato and two of watermelon (Citrus1 and Citrus2), the morphological characterization was carried out by assembling morphological structures and visualizing them under an optical microscope. For molecular characterization, the ITS region was amplified with the use of primers ITS1 and ITS4, PCR was performed and the products obtained were sequenced in the company Macrogen®. A phylogenetic analysis was performed with the resulting sequences and they were compared with other sequences available in GenBank. Results: It was determined that there is morphological and genetic variability between isolates from husk tomato and watermelon. The largest sizes of conidiophores and conidia were from Phyxa1 and Phyxa2 isolates, the smallest sizes were found in Citrus1 and Citrus2. The isolates presented a tendency to group according to the host, the Phyxa1 and Phyxa2 isolates were associated with Solanacea isolates, while the Citrus1 and Citrus2 isolates were grouped with isolates of the Cucurbitaceae family. Findings/conclusions: Podosphaera xanthii was shown to be the agent associated with powdery mildew in husk tomato and watermelon. The morphological and genetic variability of P. xanthii was determined, which was associated with the host of origin

    La Poliextractos de plantas medicinales vs bacterias asociadas a infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRAS)

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    The objective of this research work was to model the preparation of a syrup formulation based on plant extracts of bougainvillea, eucalyptus, cinnamon, marigold and itamoto inhibit the growth of S. aureusand S. pyogenes, bacteria associated with respiratory infections. The presence of secondary metabolites in the methanolic extracts of each species was determined by chromatography, as well as the antibacterial activity of the extracts and syrups and their antioxidant capacity were evaluated. Eucalyptus extract was found,to be the best at inhibiting bacteria, just like its syrup form, and cinnamon extract is the best antioxidant.El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo el modelaje para la elaboración de la formulación de un jarabe a base de extractos vegetales de bugambilia, eucalipto, canela, caléndula e ítamo para inhbir el crecimientio de S. aureus y S. pyogenes, bacterias asociadas con las infecciones respiratorias. Se determinó por cromatografía la presencia los metabolitos secundarios en los extractos metanólicos de cada especie, así como también se evalúo la actividad antibacteriana de los extractos y de los jarabes y su capacidad antioxidante. Se encontró que el extracto de eucalipto es el mejor para inhibir a las bacterias, al igual que en su forma de jarabe y el extracto de canela es el mejor antioxidante

    Calidad y clasificación de usos del agua en la cuenca baja del río Papagayo, Guerrero, México

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    Abstract: Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were analyzed during dry and rainy season to verify the water quality of the lower Papagayo river basin and its tributaries. The analyzed parameters were compared with the Ecological Water Quality Criteria and Mexican Official Standards. Some values of the physico-chemical and microbiological analyses were outside of the maximum permissible levels in the rainy season (fecal coliforms, sedimentary solids, total suspended solids and turbidity), and which were significantly different with respect to dry season, whose values of the total hardness and dissolved oxygen increased in some sampling sites during this season. Metal concentrations showed values according to the official regulations, as well as the fats and oils. Physico-chemical and water quality of the Papagayo river basin show that Omitlán river was the station with the highest contamination level. Despite the considerable contributions of pollutants into the principal stream of the Papagayo river, in the two sampling stations located in the lower portion of the basin, termed Bellavista Papagayo and Lomas de Chapultepec, it is appreciated that the river has a good capacity of autopurification, even when in these localities there is an important contribution of pollutants. Based on the results obtained and the application of those rules, it was determined that the water in the downstream basin of the Papagayo river should not be used directly as a source of drinking water for the population centers. This is because they contain dangerous pollutants that cause adverse effects to humans.Resumen: Se realizaron análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos durante la temporada de secas y lluvias para conocer la calidad del agua de la cuenca baja del río Papagayo y sus afluentes. Los parámetros analizados se compararon con los criterios ecológicos de calidad del agua y las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas. Algunos valores de los análisis físico-químicos y microbiológicos se encuentran fuera de los límites máximos permisibles en la época de lluvias (coliformes fecales, sólidos sedimentables, sólidos suspendidos totales y turbiedad), los cuales difieren de forma significativa con respecto a la época de secas, la dureza total y el oxígeno disuelto aumentaron en algunos sitios de mu est reo. La concentración de metales, grasas y aceites presenta valores permitidos en las normas oficiales. La calidad fisicoquímica y microbiològica del agua de la cuenca del río Papagayo muestra que la estación con mayor grado de contaminación es la del río Omitlán. A pesar de los aportes considerables de materia contaminante al cauce principal del río Papagayo, en las estaciones de mu est reo Bellavista Papagayo y Lomas de Chapultepec, se aprecia que tiene capacidad de autopurificación, aun cuando en dichos puntos hay contribuciones importantes de contaminantes. Los resultados revelan que la cuenca baja del río Papagayo presenta contaminantes que causan efectos nocivos al ser humano, como la mayoría de los ríos en México, no puede considerarse como fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable


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    The complex interactions that exist between plants and animals that visit its flowers have always attracted interest. A a better understanding of the relationship between bees and flowers may be obtained by palynological work based on the recognition of each morpholocal type of pollen in honey samples and the load of pollen collected by bees. Thus the present research work was carried out to recognize flora of beekeeping interest and feeding habits of Apis mellifera L. based on the melisopalinological analysis of honey collection in four municipalities in the state of Guerrero: Teloloapan, Arcelia, Pedro Asencio Alquisiras and General Canuto A. Neri. We identified 14 families, 40 genera and 46 plant species. Botanical families with a greater diversity of species were Asteraceae, Leguminosae and Convolvulaceae. A total of 35 samples were collected in seven apiaries: The Bridge, The Cedars, brushes, Pochote, Curve, Large and Alcholoa Amates. Honey was classified based on their botanical origin, two samples were monofloral: "Brushes” and “Alcholoa", the remaining were classified as multifloral

    Rendimiento de maíces cultivados en la región Tierra Caliente, Guerrero, México

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    Corn (Zea mays L., Poaceae) from the region of Tierra Caliente in Guerrero, Mexico, grows under irrigation and dry season conditions. In the 2015 Spring-Summer, 111 corn farmers were visited, one by locality with the objective of to know yield performance of corn planted in Tierra Caliente. Farmer plots were monitored until yield estimation. Hybrids of several companies, a synthetic variety, and seven native populations of corn were detected, indicating variation in the genetic potential cultivated. In the region of Tierra Caliente, different materials of corn are cultivated, and there is native germplasm with good genetic potential, helpful for future research to improve agronomic characteristics and components of yield.La región Tierra Caliente del estado de Guerrero, se siembra maíz bajo condiciones de riego y temporal. En el ciclo Primavera- Verano de 2015 se visitaron 111 agricultores de maíz, uno por localidad con el objetivo de realizar un diagnóstico para conocer el rendimiento de maíces cultivados en la Región Tierra Caliente, Guerrero. Las parcelas de los agricultores se les dio seguimiento hasta la estimación de rendimiento de grano de maíz. Se detectaron maíces híbridos de diversas empresas, una variedad sintética y siete poblaciones nativas del agricultor, variación en el potencial genético de los diversos maíces. En la región Tierra Caliente, se siembran diversos materiales de maíz y existe germoplasma nativo con buen potencial genético, útil para realizar futuros trabajos de investigación para mejorar características agronómicas y componentes de rendimiento

    Aptitud combinatoria general y específica de maíces normales y de alta calidad de proteína

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    Los caracteres agronómicos y sus componentes genéticos son indicadores de la calidad de semillas; además, son factores importantes para estudiar las características del germoplasma en un programa de mejoramiento. Se analizaron los efectos de aptitud combinatoria general (ACG) y específica (ACE) y el tipo de acción génica de caracteres agronómicos de la semilla de maíz (Zea mays L.) normal y de alta calidad de proteína. El material genético consistió de 10 líneas endogámicas de maíz: cuatro de grano normal y seis de alta calidad de proteína. Se analizaron las variables: días a floración masculina y femenina, altura de planta y mazorca, calificación de planta y mazorca, y rendimiento de grano. Los resultados mostraron variación significativa entre genotipos (p= 0.01) en los efectos de ACG y ACE para todas las variables agronómicas. Se identificaron líneas como: T-44, B-41, LT-155, T-45 y CML-144 C, con valores mayores de ACG, siendo 0.6379, 0.4592, 0.3286, 0.2945 y 0.3382 t ha-1, respectivamente, para rendimiento de grano. Además, se identificaron materiales sobresalientes con base a su ACE las cruzas 4 * 8 (B-41 * CML-144), 1 * 5 (T-45 * CLQ-6203), y 2 * 7 (T-44 * CML-142), con valores estimados de ACE para rendimiento de grano de 1.0875, 0.9544 y 0.7591 t ha-1, respectivamente. El tipo de acción génica aditiva fue la que predominó en los caracteres agronómicos.Agronomic traits and genetic components are indicators of quality; additional factors are important to study the traits of germplasm in a breeding program. The effects of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining adequacy and the type of gene action for agronomic traits of regular maize (Zea mays L.) seeds and high-quality protein were analysed. The genetic material consisted of 10 maize inbred lines: four of regular grain and six high-quality protein. The variables analysed were: days to male and female flowering, plant and ear height, plant and ear score, and grain yield. The results showed significant variation among genotypes (p= 0.01) on the effects of GCA and SCA for all agronomic variables. Lines were identified as: T-44, B-41, LT-155, T-45 and CML-144 C, with higher values of GCA, being 0.6379, 0.4592, 0.3286, 0.2945 and 0.3382 t ha-1, respectively, for grain yield. Furthermore, outstanding materials based on its identified SCA crosses 4 * 8 (B-41 * CML-144), 1 * 5 (T-45 * CLQ-6203), and 2 *7 (T-44 * CML- 142), with SCA estimated values for grain yield of 1.0875, 0.9544 and 0.7591 t ha-1, respectively. The type of additive gene action was the predominant in agronomic characters

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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