46 research outputs found

    Editorial Special Issue on Governance: International Journal of Film and Media Arts

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    In 2017, the Rome Declaration signaled the EU pledge to work towards a ‘Union where young people receive the best education and training and can study and find jobs across the continent. In that same year the Commission set out the vision of the European Education Area (EEA) as a genuine common space for quality education and lifelong learning across borders for all. Further acknowledgment of the key role higher education plays in the future of Europe occurred with the publication of the “Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030)” in February 2021 (2021/C 66/01). In order to attain this European Education Area and the related European Space for Higher Education, many actions have since then been designed and implemented, of which one of the most important is the “European Strategy for Universities” that aims to support the higher education sector in adapting to changing conditions and strengthen cooperation across borders. One of the key initiatives of this European Strategy for Universities is the “European Universities” initiative. Since 2020, this initiative has been supporting 44 Alliances of European Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in which approximately 340 HEIs take part, in reaching higher levels of cooperation and integration


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    Mapping Artistic Research in Film (Ed.)

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    The idea for this special issue came out of the recognition that an association such as GEECT must react to this state of affairs and should contribute to its member schools’ ability to offer learning and teaching programmes that are built on state-of-the-art knowledge in the field. We envision this special issue as a show case of the research being conducted in different schools and also as a statement in favour of the relevance of artistic practice based research. The articles here included are all examples of how artistic research is undertaken in film and media arts, and achieves its results both within those disciplines, as well as often in a transdisciplinary setting, combining artistic methods with methods from other research traditions. In a context where film schools have been increasingly driven to conduct artistic research, we believe the development of the research environment is essential. This objective is just as important as the research outputs and their impact, and this has become a high strategic priority for GEECT that we also try to materialize via this special issue


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    In the context of ever greater circulation of televisual content of all genres and formats, this paper focuses on the intersections between the global and the local to understand how a specific genre – soap opera – was localised in a specific cultural and geographical setting giving origin to a production model that gained local prominence and nowadays faces a number of new challenges. Our general argument draws on the empirical findings of original research on the molding of this specific televisual genre and format called “telenovela”, and the specific production mode associated with it, and reflects on its historical emergence and the contingencies of such a process. Our goal is to identify the variables that allowed this genre to gain local dominance and later achieve international circulation. Following the results of quantitative and qualitative research, we argue that the structure of the local production and distribution settings and the dominant ideology of the associated production culture promoted the emergence of an original local production culture and sustains it until today

    Plano de negócios da urbanização/Loteamento “Horta da Ribeira”

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisEste projeto tem como objetivos o desenvolvimento de um plano de negócios para a construção de 22 lotes destinados a 21 habitações 1 loja de comércio, melhorar a qualidade e o número de habitações na Região de Évora e alcançar um prazo recuperação até 2 anos após o investimento inicial. Na revisão de literatura é abordado o papel do plano de negócios, a sua importância no desenvolvimento de um projeto e outros fatores relevantes para o mesmo. Por fim é abordado o tema imobiliário e formas de estimar o seu valor. Em relação à metodologia foi escolhia a metodologia de Harvard (2007) para o desenvolvimento do projeto. Esta escolha deve-se ao facto de ter as diversas áreas de estudo mais pormenorizadas e mais completas de modo a fazer a melhor análise possível do projeto. Para além disto, foi acrescentada uma análise de sensibilidade de modo a enriquecer mais o plano de negócio. O investimento do projeto é rentável uma vez que o VAL(2026) acumulado será de 1 664 393? e a Taxa Interna de Rentabilidade (TIR) de 56,84%. O projeto irá atingir o Payback period (em 2 anos). Em relação ao estudo de mercado foi feito um questionário de modo a perceber qual era o segmento alvo de mercado em que as habitações estavam inseridas. No final do projeto, é possível concluir que é rentável e será uma mais valia para cidade, uma vez que, vem aumentar a oferta de habitações na região de Évora.This project aims to develop a business plan for the construction of 22 lots for 21 dwellings 1 commercial store, improve the quality and the number of dwellings in the Évora Region and achieve a recovery period of up to 2 years after the investment initial. In the literature review, the role of the business plan, its importance in the development of a project and other relevant factors are addressed. Finally, the topic of real estate and ways of estimating its value are discussed. Regarding the methodology, the Harvard methodology (2007) was chosen for the development of the project. This choice is due to the fact that the various areas of study are more detailed and more complete in order to make the best possible analysis of the project. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was added in order to further enrich the business plan. The investment of the project is profitable since the accumulated VAL (2026) will be 1 664 393? and the Internal Rate of Return (TIR) of 56.84%. The project will reach the Payback period (in 2 years). Regarding the market study, a questionnaire was made in order to understand which was the target market segment in which the houses were inserted. At the end of the project, it is possible to conclude that it is profitable and will be an asset for the city, since it increases the supply of housing in the Évora region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patterns of European youngsters’ daily use of media

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    The mediatisation of young people daily lives constitutes a significant subject due to the expressive use of media in their daily routines. In this article, we resort to a representative sample of 3609 online respondents aged between 14 and 30 years old from nine European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Poland and Portugal), in order to perceive the impact new (and “old”) media have in these youngsters daily media consumption activities. The results of this online survey show complementary uses between networked and traditional media, but also highlight a gradual substitution of “old” by “new” networked individualized media when leisure and news-related activities are at stake.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio