4,368 research outputs found

    Synthesis of 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5- trinitrobenzene

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    The 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TATB) is perhaps the most thermostable and insensitive explosive known. Its low sensibility to shock makes it suitable for military and civil applications. TATB application is done either alone or in combination with another high energetic material. This study aimed at reporting the review about many processes to produce TATB and the problems associated with them, as well as suggest techniques like Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), which can be useful in the characterization of this energetic compound

    From negro to african-american: a study of misrepresentation in the U.S. Press

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente.Este trabalho de pesquisa analisa criticamente aspectos do papel que a imprensa americana desempenha na reprodução de estereótipos que sustentam desigualdades raciais e sociais nos Estados Unidos. Partindo da afirmativa de Van Dijk(1988) que as minorias são sempre associadas na mídia à violência e ao crime, realizo uma análise crítica do discurso (Fairclough,1992)de vinte reportagens sobre três crimes supostamente causados por questões raciais. As reportagens são retiradas de seis jornais brancos e quatro jornais afro-americanos. As escolhas lexicais mais recorrentes bem como o sistema de transitividade predominante(Halliday, 1985) são examinados tanto em termos quantitativos quanto qualitativos. Embora o racismo contemporâneo seja muito sutil quando comparado ao 'racismo ultrapassado'(Van Dijk,1988), os resultados sugerem que existe uma representação distorcida dos afro-americanos na imprensa dos Estados Unidos da América. Este estudo visa contribuir para a conscientização de leitores e escritores do papel que a imprensa desempenha na reprodução do racismo

    A discursive investigation of the representation of brazilian public school education in a World Bank Report

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura CorrespondenteEste estudo parte do pressuposto que um discurso economicista vem colonizando várias ordens do discurso através de relacionamentos simbióticos que, quando ocorrem em uma rede de práticas sociais e discursivas, contribui para a legitimização e materialização de uma visão econômicoadministrativa da educação. Neste contexto social, o principal interesse deste estudo de natureza qualitativa é investigar como as práticas discursivas construídas sob ideologias neoliberais representam o ensino e os professores da escola pública no Brasil. Para tanto, este estudo examina o Executive Summary (ES) do Relatório de 2001 do Banco Mundial chamado Teachers Development and incentives: A strategic framework (WBR) à luz da Análise Crítica do Discurso (Fairclough, 1992; 2004; Chouliaraki e Fairclough, 1999) e da lingüística sistêmica funcional (Halliday, 1994; Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004). Na perspective semântica, são empregadas como ferramentas analíticas a categorização de atores sociais de Van Leuween (1996) e a visão de condensação de Lemke (1995) para analisar as escolhas léxicas que os especialistas do Banco Mundial (BM) empregam quando se referem aos principais personagens sociais analisados neste estudo, a saber, os Professores, o Governo, o Sistema de Ensino e o BM. As principais descobertas indicam que estes atores sociais são mostrados ou revelados através de nominalizações condensadas (NC). Estas NCs, que potencialmente isentam o Governo e o BM de responsabilidade em casos de medidas administrativas não populares estão centradas na metáfora das mudanças que a educação brasileira deve sofrer para conformar-se aos padrões de qualidade internacionais e neoliberais. Quando analisada a partir da perspectiva sistêmico-funcional, os padrões de transitividade empregados no ES apontam para os Professores e o Sistema Educacional como o centro das mudanças propostas, o que explica suas altas freqüências como Goal e comoPhenomenon, e do Governo como Ator. Como esperado, os resultados indicam que os especialistas do BM são em sua maioria retratados como Sensers and Sayers, o que contrasta significativamente com a representação dos Professores. Destes, como o Fenômeno mais freqüente do BM, não se espera reflexão ou expressão de opiniões ou crenças sobre seu papel profissional nas escolas públicas brasileiras. O estudo conclui que o BM favorece a necessidade construída de que Professores e Sistema Educacional devam conformar-se a padrões de qualidade neoliberais voltados ao desempenho e associados a valores e habilidades orientadas pelo mercado visando a empregabilidade, sugerido como tópico de futuras pesquisas sobre o impacto na identidade e a formação de professores. This study takes for granted that economicist discourses have been colonizing several orders of discourses by means of a symbiotic relationship that, when occurring in a web of social and discursive practices, contributes to both legitimize and materialize an economic-managerial view of education. Within this problematic social context, the main interest of the present study, which is qualitative in character, is to investigate how discursive practices construed under neo-liberal ideologies represent Brazilian public school education and its teachers. In order to pursue this purpose, this study examines the Executive Summary (ES) of the 2001 World Bank Report entitled Teachers Development and incentives: A strategic framework (WBR) in the light of critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992; 2004; Chouliaraki and Fairclough, 1999) and systemic functional linguistics (Halliday, 1994; Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004). Within a socio-semantic perspective, Van Leuween #s (1996) categorization for social actors and Lemke#s view of condensation are employed as analytical tools for scrutinizing the lexical choices World Bank (WB) experts employ to refer to the main social characters analysed in this study, namely, Teachers, the Government, the Educational System, and the WB. At this level, the principal findings obtained indicate that these social actors are either backgrounded or depicted by means of condensed nominalizations (CNs). These CNs, which have the potential to exempt the Government and the WB from the responsibility for unpopular managerial measures, are centred on the metaphor of the changes which Brazilian public school education must undergo to conform to international and neoliberal standards of quality. When analysed in a functional-systemic perspective, the transitivity patterns employed in the ES point to Teachers and the Educational System as the very core of the proposed changes, which explain their high frequencies as Goal and as Phenomenon of the Government as Actor. As expected, results indicate that WB experts are mostly depicted as Sensers and Sayers, which contrasts sharply with the representation of Teachers, who as the most frequent Phenomenon of the WB, are neither expected to reflect nor to express viewpoint and beliefs about their professional role in Brazilian public schools. The study concludes that the WB favours the construed necessity for teachers and the educational system to comply with performance-oriented patterns of quality associated with neo-liberal values and market-driven skills for employability. This last point is a topic for further research regarding its impact on teachers# identities and education

    Duelo, de Guimarães Rosa: moira em interface com a violência do sertão

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    Este ensaio tem o objetivo de refletir sobre a moira, destino ligado à matriz grega, em interface com as viagens e com a violência do sertão a partir do conto “Duelo”, quarta narrativa do livro Sagarana, de Guimarães Rosa. Trata-se de uma espécie de aclimatação do destino antigo à vivência do sujeito sertanejo, sobretudo no espaço de perseguição, de morte e de instabilidade nos gerais. Assim, esta reflexão em torno do conto do autor mineiro faz-se na leitura que instala a paisagem do sertão ao plano universalista da tradição grega: o destino.This essay reflects upon the concept of moira as referred as destiny - following the Ancient Greek Mythology - while interfacing the excursions and the backcountry’s violence presented in “Duelo”, the fourth short story of the book Sagarana, by Guimarães Rosa. The article presents a sort of analogy between the ancient destiny and the experience of the inhabitants of the hinterlands, in its atmosphere of persecution, death and instability. Thus, the reflection upon the author’s tale is made from the reading of the backcountry’s landscape over a universal plan of the Greek tradition: destiny

    Palomar 5 and its tidal tails: a search for new members in the tidal stream

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    In this paper, we present the results of a search for members of the globular cluster Palomar 5 and its associated tidal tails. The analysis has been performed using intermediate and low-resolution spectroscopy with the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Based on kinematics, line strength and photometric information, we identify 39 new red giant branch stars along ∼20° of the tails, a larger angular extent than has been previously studied. We also recover eight previously known tidal tail members. Within the cluster, we find seven new red giant and one blue horizontal branch members and confirm a further 12 known red giant members. In total, we provide velocity data for 67 stars in the cluster and the tidal tails. Using a maximum likelihood technique, we derive a radial velocity for Pal 5 of −57.4 ± 0.3 km s−1 and a velocity dispersion of 1.2 ± 0.3 km s−1. We confirm and extend the linear velocity gradient along the tails of 1.0 ± 0.1 km s−1 deg−1, with an associated intrinsic velocity dispersion of 2.1 ± 0.4 km s−1. Neither the velocity gradient nor the dispersion change in any significant way with angular distance from the cluster, although there is some indication that the gradient may be smaller at greater angular distances in the trailing tail. Our results verify the tails as kinematically cold structures and will allow further constraints to be placed on the orbit of Pal 5, ultimately permitting a greater understanding of the shape and extent of the Galaxy's dark matter halo

    Hunting the parent of the orphan stream: Identifying stream members from low-resolution spectroscopy

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    We present candidate K-giant members in the Orphan Stream that have been identified from low-resolution data taken with the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. From modest signal-to-noise spectra and independent cuts in photometry, kinematics, gravity, and metallicity we yield self-consistent, highly probable stream members. We find a revised stream distance of 22.5 ± 2.0 kpc near the celestial equator and our kinematic signature peaks at V GSR = 82.1 ± 1.4 km s-1. The observed velocity dispersion of our most probable members is consistent with arising from the velocity uncertainties alone. This indicates that at least along this line of sight, the Orphan Stream is kinematically cold. Our data indicate an overall stream metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.63 ± 0.19 dex which is more metal-rich than previously found and unbiased by spectral type. Furthermore, the significant metallicity dispersion displayed by our most probable members, σ([Fe/H]) = 0.56 dex, suggests that the unidentified Orphan Stream parent is a dSph satellite. We highlight likely members for high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up


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    Clusters industriais e sistemas de inovação: o caso da Marinha Grande

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    Mestrado em EconomiaO presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a importância dos clusters para a economia portuguesa como sistema que incentiva as relações de complementaridade e interdependência entre os agentes económicos e as instituições que o constituem, promovendo um forte ambiente competitivo. Com base nos vários estudos desenvolvidos na literatura económica em redor do conceito de clusters, este trabalho analisa o caso específico da Marinha Grande, evidenciando os sectores do vidro, moldes e plástico. Para a realização do estudo recorre-se a uma análise qualitativa sustentada em revisão bibliográfica, que possibilita o desenvolvimento de um referencial teórico para o estudo da importância crescente do conceito de cluster, que assume a região como centro de desenvolvimento, inovação e diversificação, e da influência dos sistemas de inovação como factor impulsionador do seu crescimento. Com base no estudo de indicadores que constituem medidas de concentração geográfica pretende-se analisar se existe na Marinha Grande um potencial cluster regional e através de uma análise shift-share investigar as dinâmicas sectoriais e as especificidades regionais no desenvolvimento económico regional. Os resultados obtidos através dos referidos indicadores apresentam a evidência de um potencial cluster regional na Marinha Grande. No que concerne aos resultados da análise shift-share verifica-se a existência de uma componente sectorial positiva para todos os sectores na Marinha Grande e de uma componente regional positiva apenas para o sector de plásticos, para os anos de 2002 a 2009. Agregando os sectores do vidro, moldes e plástico realiza-se uma nova análise shift-share, de forma a analisar o comportamento da componente regional para os períodos de 2002 a 2008 e de 2002 a 2009. Para o primeiro período, a componente regional apresenta valores positivos, contrastando com o segundo período em que a mesma componente exibe um comportamento negativo. Assim, conclui-se que, a Marinha Grande no período de 2002 a 2008 é uma região especializada em sectores dinâmicos, apresentando vantagens competitivas em relação ao comportamento médio observado a nível nacional.The present study aims to analyse the importance of clusters for the Portuguese economy as a system that promotes the relations of complementarity and interdependence among economic actors and institutions that constitutes it, promoting a strong competitive environment. Based on several studies in economic literature around the concept of clusters, this work examines the specific case of Marinha Grande, standing out the sectors of glass, molds and plastic. The study relied on qualitative analysis supported on literature review, which enables the development of a theoretical framework for the study of the increasing relevance of cluster concept, which assumes the region as centre of development, innovation and diversity and the influence of innovation systems as a key driver of growth of clusters. Based on indicators that constitute geographical concentration measures is intended to analyse if there is, in Marinha Grande, a potential regional cluster and through a shift-share analysis investigate the sectorial dynamics and the regional specifies in the economic regional development. The obtained results through the above mentioned indicators show the evidence of a potential regional cluster in Marinha Grande. In what concerns to shift-share results analysis there is a positive sectorial component for all Marinha Grande sectors and positive regional component only for plastic sector, for 2002 to 2009 period. Aggregating sectors of glass, molds and plastic a new shift-share analysis is carried out in order to analyse the behaviour of the regional component for the periods 2002 to 2008 and 2002 to 2009. For the first period, the regional component presents positive values, however in the second period the same component shows a negative behaviour. Thus, the general conclusion is that Marinha Grande is, between 2002 and 2008, a specialized region on dynamic sectors, presenting competitive advantages relative to the average behaviour observed at a national level

    Documentation for Economics 210 and 330

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    For my internship project for the M.S. degree in Economics, I propose to teach the courses Economics 210 and Economics 330 at Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio, during the Winter Quarter, 1992. As it is necessary for Dr. Peter Iwomi, Acting Chairperson for the Department of Economics, to be away from the campus during the first four weeks of the quarter, I have been hired to teach those two Economics courses in his absence. Upon Dr. Iwomi\u27s return, I shall continue teaching the Economics 210, Microeconomics course, but will assist with the Economics 330, Intermediate Microeconomics course, as necessary