23 research outputs found

    Biogeochemical and microbial variation across 5500 km of Antarctic surface sediment implicates organic matter as a driver of Benthic Community Structure.

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record.Western Antarctica, one of the fastest warming locations on Earth, is a unique environment that is underexplored with regards to biodiversity. Although pelagic microbial communities in the Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctic waters have been well-studied, there are fewer investigations of benthic communities and most have a focused geographic range. We sampled surface sediment from 24 sites across a 5500 km region of Western Antarctica (covering the Ross Sea to the Weddell Sea) to examine relationships between microbial communities and sediment geochemistry. Sequencing of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes showed microbial communities in sediments from the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) and Western Antarctica (WA), including the Ross, Amundsen, and Bellingshausen Seas, could be distinguished by correlations with organic matter concentrations and stable isotope fractionation (total organic carbon; TOC, total nitrogen; TN, and δ(13)C). Overall, samples from the AP were higher in nutrient content (TOC, TN, and NH4 (+)) and communities in these samples had higher relative abundances of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) classified as the diatom, Chaetoceros, a marine cercozoan, and four OTUs classified as Flammeovirgaceae or Flavobacteria. As these OTUs were strongly correlated with TOC, the data suggests the diatoms could be a source of organic matter and the Bacteroidetes and cercozoan are grazers that consume the organic matter. Additionally, samples from WA have lower nutrients and were dominated by Thaumarchaeota, which could be related to their known ability to thrive as lithotrophs. This study documents the largest analysis of benthic microbial communities to date in the Southern Ocean, representing almost half the continental shoreline of Antarctica, and documents trophic interactions and coupling of pelagic and benthic communities. Our results indicate potential modifications in carbon sequestration processes related to change in community composition, identifying a prospective mechanism that links climate change to carbon availability.Funds through NSF Antarctic Program: AM (CMU: Award Number 1043670), KH, and SS (AU Award Number: 1043745) and from Central Michigan University Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors (FRCE) Committee and College of Science and Technolog

    The luxS mutation causes loosely-bound biofilms in Shewanella oneidensis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>luxS </it>gene in <it>Shewanella oneidensis </it>was shown to encode an autoinducer-2 (AI-2)-like molecule, the postulated universal bacterial signal, but the impaired biofilm growth of a <it>luxS </it>deficient mutant could not be restored by AI-2, indicating it might not have a signalling role in this organism.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Here, we provide further evidence regarding the metabolic role of a <it>luxS </it>mutation in <it>S. oneidensis</it>. We constructed a <it>luxS </it>mutant and compared its phenotype to a wild type control with respect to its ability to remove AI-2 from the medium, expression of secreted proteins and biofilm formation. We show that <it>S. oneidensis </it>has a cell-dependent mechanism by which AI-2 is depleted from the medium by uptake or degradation at the end of the exponential growth phase. As AI-2 depletion is equally active in the <it>luxS </it>mutant and thus does not require AI-2 as an inducer, it appears to be an unspecific mechanism suggesting that AI-2 for <it>S. oneidensis </it>is a metabolite which is imported under nutrient limitation. Secreted proteins were studied by iTraq labelling and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) detection. Differences between wild type and mutant were small. Proteins related to flagellar and twitching motility were slightly up-regulated in the <it>luxS </it>mutant, in accordance with its loose biofilm structure. An enzyme related to cysteine metabolism was also up-regulated, probably compensating for the lack of the LuxS enzyme. The <it>luxS </it>mutant developed an undifferentiated, loosely-connected biofilm which covered the glass surface more homogenously than the wild type control, which formed compact aggregates with large voids in between.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data confirm the role of the LuxS enzyme for biofilm growth in <it>S. oneidensis </it>and make it unlikely that AI-2 has a signalling role in this organism.</p

    High concentrations of bioavailable heavy metals impact freshwater sediment microbial communities

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    Heavy metal concentrations within freshwater systems can increase as a result of anthropogenic inputs, which in turn can influence microbial community composition and community function. In this study, lake sediments collected from two historically heavy metal impacted geographical regions [Poyang Lake, People's Republic of China (PRC), and sites adjacent to the Muskegon Watershed, MI (USA)] were analyzed for total and available heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn), as well as microbial community structure using high-throughput sequencing technology. In PRC tributaries leading into Poyang Lake, Zn was found to be the most available metal species. In USA sites, available Cd was higher in Mona Lake sites than alternate USA sites. In both regions, results indicate a weak influence of metals on microbial alpha and beta diversity, but strong positive and negative correlations of available heavy metals with specific taxonomic groups of bacteria and archaea. Further, individual metal species impacted microbial groups and operational taxonomic units differently, suggesting that individual metal species are important in determining which microbial groups and species prevail under heavy metal stress, particularly in the case of bioavailable metals. In PRC, several taxonomic groups were correlated positively with Zn, including Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. Geobacter and Pedosphaerales were both correlated positively to Cr in the same sites, while other correlations with microbial groups were negative. In sites from the USA, Deltaproteobacteria were correlated positively with Cd, while Betaproteobacteria were negatively correlated, suggesting that Cd resistance may differ at the level of Class within Proteobacteria. This study highlights the importance of analyzing available metals when examining the impact of this disturbance on microbial community structure within aquatic sediments

    Microbe–microbe interactions trigger Mn(II)-oxidizing gene expression

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    Manganese (Mn) is an important metal in geochemical cycles. Some microorganisms can oxidize Mn(II) to Mn oxides, which can, in turn, affect the global cycles of other elements by strong sorption and oxidation effects. Microbe-microbe interactions have important roles in a number of biological processes. However, how microbial interactions affect Mn(II) oxidation still remains unknown. Here, we investigated the interactions between two bacteria (Arthrobacter sp. and Sphingopyxis sp.) in a co-culture, which exhibited Mn(II)-oxidizing activity, although neither were able to oxidize Mn(II) in isolation. We demonstrated that the Mn(II)-oxidizing activity in co-culture was most likely induced via contact-dependent interactions. The expressed Mn(II)-oxidizing protein in the co-culture was purified and identified as a bilirubin oxidase belonging to strain Arthrobacter. Full sequencing of the bilirubin oxidase-encoding gene (boxA) was performed. The Mn(II)-oxidizing protein and the transcripts of boxA were detected in the co-culture, but not in either of the isolated cultures. This indicate that boxA was silent in Arthrobacter monoculture, and was activated in response to presence of Sphingopyxis in the co-culture. Further, transcriptomic analysis by RNA-Seq, extracellular superoxide detection and cell density quantification by flow cytometry indicate induction of boxA gene expression in Arthrobacter was co-incident with a stress response triggered by co-cultivation with Sphingopyxis. Our findings suggest the potential roles of microbial physiological responses to stress induced by other microbes in Mn(II) oxidation and extracellular superoxide production